Wow popup book

Here is a pop up Silmarillion!

And this page is a PoP Up of when Daddy Hurin is locked up in Morgoth’s tower, and he watches his children, Turin and Nienor …


I will own the pop-up book, and I already own A Good War & Elegy (thank you eBay, since I didn’t want the rest of that collector’s edition), so I already have plenty of literature that covers said genocide.

I was thinking of Shelob attacking Frodo or Smaug destroying Laketown in a fiery apocalypse, but you…

You showed me it could be so much worse…


I’m glad they’re making it, mainly because it looks super duper pretty! I love papercraft-style stuff, and the promotional images they’ve released look great. It’ll look beautiful opened up on a shelf with some lighting, and when I want a different look, I can just flip the page xD

Age doesn’t really matter with this kind of stuff, especially these days. Nerd stuff and kid stuff is accepted at all ages! That’s what I love about the Internet – all kinds of little corners with dedicated fans doing amazing, creative things with their interests ^.^


Can I still get the physical copy of Elegy/A Good War?
I liked those novelas but I really want to see their pictures.
The very few I’ve seen look gorgeous.

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I truly don’t know what’s worse. Being an adult and getting mad at the terrible story in this video game, or being an adult and liking the terrible story in this video game.


I think so. I see some BfA Collector’s Editions still available on Amazon. And can probably find preowned copies even cheaper nowadays.

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Because I’ve already given up on Blizzard I’m suddenly finding this horrors funny. Guess it’s healthier to laugh about it instead of getting angry over something that will clearly never get better.

Is there a specific pic that references these things?

Not that I’ve been able to find.

Even the person who said this on reddit edited to say that it might not be true:

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Even if its not true, isnt that literally the situation, the humans in fact given there own home to shelter the nelf non combatants


I’m more curious about the hunting Blood Elves part.


Yeah, it’s Anduin’s fault you live on the opposite side of the planet from your allies, where they can’t help you.

And it’s Anduin’s fault you got tricked into sending your fleet to Silithus.

****ing gross dude.


    The young king looked at them each in turn. “The decision has been made. Sylvanas is siding with Saurfang over her champion. He’ll be on the march soon. From all that your spies have told us, Shaw, Nathanos has been protesting this. According to him, it’s a waste of resources. Were those not the words you used?”

    “They were,” Shaw confirmed.

    “This was likely the final straw, then. The Horde’s troops will be heading to Silithus.”

    “This sudden urgency,” Velen said, frowning. “It does not make sense. Magni informed all of us—Horde and Alliance alike—about Azerite and its true nature some time ago. Why move now? What does Saurfang know that we do not?”

    “It could be as simple as an old warrior looking for a fight,” Greymane said.

    “No,” Tyrande said. “Saurfang is no fool, nor would he waste resources and soldiers merely to satisfy his ego. If he is pushing this hard, there is a reason.”

    “I’ll bet they’ve found a way to make weapons out of Azerite,” Greymane said.

    “I would not bet against you, King Greymane.” Tyrande turned her glowing gaze to Anduin. “You are right, King Anduin. Things are escalating. When I received your last missive, I sent orders to General Feathermoon to be prepared to receive soldiers. If we are all in agreement on this, I stand ready to dispatch them immediately. They can reach Silithus before the Horde does.”


Sounds to me like Tyrande was volunteering. But I suppose he agreed to it at the very least.

Given it was Tyrande’s mistake of trusting Shaw’s spies, however those spies were still operating under Anduin’s plan to flood Orgrimmar that Saurfang took advantage of to trick the Night Elves to sending their fleet to Silithus.


Fair enough.


So this means that the alliance is now a faction made up of a rag tag munch of surviours bound together by the need to survice in a hostile world?


You could’ve just said ‘belf poster’. They’re so numerous that nothing sets them apart.

Here is how I saw the plan. Sylvanas would know if there was even one spy in her city/she would be paranoid enough to believe it is crawling with spies. So make a show of the entire thing and make Sylvanas think she couldnt do anything without being discovered. Potentially forcing her not to act/be intimidated enough not to act.

Also, as I recall it the entire city was crawling with spies from all the races of the Alliance.

As far as I’m concern lore is lore. My feeling when I first learned Shattrath was destroyed by the Horde(many of whom are still member of the current one) is still as heartbreaking as me seeing Tedrassil burn. The Horde has tried to say they are different from the Horde, but really I think they didnt change as much as they claimed/need to change even more.