Wow popup book

That was exactly the plan. And exactly Anduin’s fault for thinking that plan was foolproof. Quite the opposite, as it unfortunately turned out.

Yet neither Shattrath nor Stormwind get pull tabs to light them on fire like Teldrassil. Which in case you missed it:


Everyone still believed it. The point is it was a clever enough displace on Sylvanas end to actual fool people. The whole thing was also very “Anduin” like. He was even at the very last moment, trying to preserve peace/at least prevent all out war.

Lastly, plans fails, people dont always succeed in defending their homes. That doesnt mean you should blame someone who failed but was trying his best to keep everyone alive, the ultimate blame still lies with the one who attacked you.

No, but Capital City is still an undead ruin. The night elves are not the only race who has ever experienced loss. I’d also point out in term of spotlight they probably got a good chunk more than say the draenei and blood elves in the book, who both only seem to get a blurb about their respective races.

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Which I have acknowledged:

They shouldn’t have trusted Anduin’s plan. That was their mistake. But it was still Anduin’s mistake in thinking his plan would work in the first lace.

Anduin doesn’t agree with you:

    Anduin Wrynn: You put the torch to Teldrassil. But I failed those who burned.

With any luck the Undercity will get a pull tab flooding it with blight.

They’re not. Stormwind’s loss is a blurb in the corner of their page:

    [The] capital of Stromwind is a testament to [tenaci]ty and strength. Decades ago, Stormwind [burned t]o ashes, but its citizens endured, rebuilt [] their land. It has become the largest [] nation and the military seat of power for the entire Alliance.

But once again, in the context of this pop-up book, Stormwind does not have a pull tab showing its destruction. Teldrassil does.

Which is why I’m wondering if that blurb is really going to be about Night Elves hunting Blood Elves down.


Lol theres no tab it opens up like that


Oh are you a real nelf, maybe you should protest blizzard campus for being racist

Like are “Nelf fans” gonna complain when blizzard makes new books or chronicles vol 5 the bfa one that theres art of the burning? is that nelf fans now? Are we gonna be offend everytime the burning is put in a book or a character says it in the game?

Are you that upset at not knowing how a pull tab works?


it talks about stormwind you know, and what your upset it doesnt talk about how nelves recovered? Well I know why it doesnt, cause well that hasnt happened yet, like the story is still going, the war is barely ending on tuesday, and guess what even when it does end, we are gonna have to wait till the next patch to get more of the story, and then the next xpac, for even more.

Well hey, I bought the collector’s edition of the pop-up book, and if they make a sequel with the Night Elves’ next capital as recovered as Stormwind then I’ll probably buy that one, too.

So Blizzard reinforce what the Night Elves were doing in the Ghostlands.

And people wonder why Blood Elves don’t seem to care about Teldrassil ingame,


Says the blood elf fan?

Well, I don’t. We had entire pre-expac event about them being mindlessly evil monsters, along with all the rest.

At this point, the most shocking twist BfA could pull would be showing a Horde character with even the tiniest sliver of a mote of something vaguely resembling a conscience (barring a one-of character, who is themself a reference to another game franchise).


No, Blizzard reinforced the original retcon they did to handfist Belves into the Horde. WC3 showed us how well both NE and BE treated each other. To go from Tyrande sacrificing herself for them and Maiev keeping them safe even if for selfish reasons to now get a Pop Up Book saying how the mean murderous NE were hunting BE is just too much.


I wonder if they’re just going to completely cut those missions from Reforged.


I think they will make lots of changes. I remember they said something about “adjusting” things to better match current lore.

Hey man, I wake up every morning hoping the Alliance will come wipe out my people.

So that we can all be raised as Darkfallen(and become REAL “Blood” Elves) and go live in the World Stump.

Blizzard forgot that the Night Elves were there at all:

Also no one has yet to be able to give what that supposed passage of hunting down Blood Elves even is. If someone from the Discord who knows how this came up would explain it that would be most helpful.

But for now, I doubt that’s actually a passage in the pop-up book.


I am interested to see how Blizz rationalizes the Night Elves hunting Blood Elves meanwhile Shandris is fighting along side them in the Troll Wars and Tyrande is okay with Martyring herself for them in WC3… Blizz can’t seem to figure out the level of antagonism between the Night Elves and Blood Elves.


Probably because the level of antagonism differs depending on the Night Elf in question.

For example, Lorthemar doesn’t seem to hate the NEs nearly as much as, say, Lorash does. It’s probably the same going the other way. Some NEs hate the BEs, others don’t. Simple as that.

Attacks could simply be the work of one overzealous NE commander who’s family was killed by arcane magic users thousands of years ago.

If Maiev was ok and agreed without complains to help Blood Elves then I find it hard to believe others would get mad at them. Maiev was actually polite when interacting to Kael and his group.
As Amadis said before, Blizz prolly forgot about it.