Wow Pet Breaking Policy on Religion / Greatly Offensive

Hey all.

I’ve been a wow veteran since 2006, thats 12 years. Its no secret that I am a Christian and I am very openly so and I have friends of all backgrounds and LOVE them ALL. For the first time in all of my time playing i’ve been uncomfortable with logging online due to an NPC I discovered.

As some background i’ve played diablo series , seen diablo pets , and have no issues with them as they are creatively and artistically inspired ( not real).

Yesterday I came across an NPC called Baa’l and could not believe my eyes.

For those who dont know , they think oh this is just an another cool dark themed pet I can get to add to my collection so they would go on with their day and never think twice about it.

Whoever placed this item in game knew intentionally what statement he/she was making because there is alot of historical context Biblically and Non-Biblically about the name Baal.

Im not going to go into the specifics but basically this is the name of a demon , in the form of a Goat , that actual civilizations used to worship , and sacrifice new born babies on its altar. This is real stuff. This is a symbol of Satanism and its found its way into wow.

If you look at this items description its ability is : Murder the Innocent referencing the children that was sacrificed.

A simple google search of the name baal will show you all the proof you need to know about why this symbol is greatly offensive in game.

How this made it into game ? No one really knows about this unless you study the Bible.

Is there an approval process of NPC’s/items added to game? Did this pass through a team or was this the work of a individual creative worker?

I would like for this item to be removed as it is a GREATLY offensive symbol regarding religion that’s made its way in game.

[This thread has been locked before conversation could devolve even further. - Forum Moderator]


You leave my Satan goat alone. He is adorable and I love him.


I’d be glad if it gets removed completely , but for those who share your sentiment i’d be “ok” ( and thats a long shot) with a rename.


Anyone that finds the name offensive can rename their copy of the pet. The only thing offensive is someone trying to force their religious beliefs on others in this game. That is what you’re asking Blizzard to do here.


First reply nails it.


Forcing religious beliefs on others is Christian 101.


I would like Death Knights to be removed, as well as the imagery of skulls and bones because it goes against my religious values.

Please bring Chinese WoW to the Americas. Bread corpses are better than the disrespectful desecration of the dead.


Hail Satin!


The original Baal actually predates the Hebrews, let alone anything of Christian origin. The idea of Ba’al being a super baddie demon is actually fairly recent (1600’s or so). This polygon creature in a video game certainly has nothing to do with the original Canaanite or the Puritan view of Baal or Ba’al.

You’re actually getting Baal and Moloch confused. I suggest doing a bit more research on this before you allow yourself to be too offended.


Pookie… it’s only Wednesday.

(must not laugh)

(rolls on floor laughing)

:cookie: :popcorn:


Agreed with the rest. There is absolutely no reason to force your religion into the game to sway the removal of a collectible. He’s an adorable creature for the game and I need to get it as soon as possible.

Besides, there are way worst names usually chosen by players. Go after those first, leave cute goat alone.


This is a game full of murder, sacrifice and the occult. Your religious beliefs are yours to deal with, not something to force on everyone else.
Also, Baal has been featured in multiple Diablo games, so you’re a bit late to the party.


If you’re offended, skip the pet or rename it, but don’t demand it be removed from game to appease your religious convictions, which we don’t all share.


Congratulations OP. You have convinced me that I need this pet.


Ba’al is a generic term meaning ‘lord’ or ‘master’. As such it has been used to describe just about every god under the sun, and quite a few sun gods too, and also your god. The specific god you’re referring to would likely be ‘Baal Hammon’ which the Romans made claims of child sacrifice about (not that they were ones to talk…). The judeo christian reference to Ba’al is likely Baalshamin which was a renaming and refacing of Zeus/Jupiter and does not have any such darkness around them. Please don’t try to push your values on others it is not appreciated. Furthermore, please do a little research first next time.


Lol im not your typical forum junkie who gets offended by trolling , like i said i’ve been playing wow for a real … real long time lol .

I dont care if the skin exists , the name needs to go.


Soo… you’re okay with the Baal in D3, but not WoW? I legit cannot understand how you can be okay with D3 but not this thing in WoW. This has got to be a troll post.


we dont have any Pets named Jesu’s or Alla’h or Budda’h … for obvious reasons , and I know you guys are intelligent enough to understand why.


Guess you don’t play Diablo.


I stopped playing Diablo after second D2