Favorite Battle Pet?

Have a treant pet that is always on fire. Named him Darnassus because the game wouldn’t let me name him Teldrassil


Thank YOU <3! ^^


He is adorable

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I don’t really have a favorite but most of my alts use a specific one, or even a specific one per spec or even per mog. Like Peppermint here almost always uses the Festival Lantern.

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Crimson Whelpling is my favorite, for RP reasons.

For pet battles, one of the falcosaurs. I forget what it’s actually called, it’s the green one with orange feathers. I call him Boss, because he owns the battlefield. He’s my lil’ buddy.

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He is!

You also reminded me of this gem because of him:

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Oh geez :roll_eyes: lol

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He is! I wanted him sooo bad, but I made myself wait until I had flying.

Ethereal Soul Trader. He’s the size of a Belf, which is awesome, and he’s also part of RP for me.


All my Frost DKs MUST use Boneshard or they are cursed to fail.

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Probably my Sprite Darter Hatchling. She looks cool, she’s my go-to pet against any flyer, and she’s no longer available (except as a trade or purchase from someone else).

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Iron Starlette. That little bugger can kill about anything.

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I have my Sprite from way back, but I notice on warcraft pets it shows it is still available as a very rare drop in Feralas. And Wowhead doesn’t list it as unavailable. Mine, if I remember correctly, came from killing the sprites themselves but the ones I got mine from aren’t targetable anymore.

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It used to be from an alliance only quest chain, with the starting quest tucked away in an easy to miss corner of Feralas. Later to equalize it a drop was added to alliance friendly sprite darter mobs that the horde could kill.

After the changes of Cataclysm the quest was removed and it became a rare zone wide drop for both factions. It can still drop but it’s pretty rare.

Disgusting Oozeling, because it reflects how I feel irl.


Sprite Darter Hatchling is still available. Hints from 6.0:

farm the Sprite Darters (North West of Camp Mojache) and the Frayfeathers (west of The Ruins Of Isildien) Each of these have a .03% chance to drop the Sprite Darter Eggbut they are spaced very far apart

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i just got mine off the BMAH this weekend, and for alot cheaper than i thought it would go! come pet week he is for sure going to be the first leveled.

That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Still, that can’t take away from the sentimental value of having done the quest chain back in vanilla. :slight_smile:


Oh I agree. I RP’d through that questline.

I like my mechanical yeti, because he is so cute and tranquil.

Plus I used to make lots and lots of those back in the day to sell on the AH. Good earner back then.

/moo :cow:

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