WoW Pay to Win situation

Yes hello I would like one large order Infinite stars with a side of gushing wounds pls

card swiping intensifies


Lets go back to the important part, whats the link where i can swap my credit card to stop being bad at wow??


Right. I want 470+ purp gear. I’d say, what, 10 bucks USD per piece seems fair. Where’s that option. Also, Can I just buy flying and these Allied races? Cause, I’m not saying no Blizz. Call me.

Demon Hunter 120 boost

Or destro lock boost

How do you know how many BoEs I bought in order to get to that 477ilvl (481 in bags)? I didn’t, I put a lot of work instead. It doesn’t mean I like the idea that someone could buy this with a credit card (or have a shortcut). Honestly, it’s not that bad yet, but if it stays this way or gets worse I will try to find a better game. Playing FF14 atm, enjoying it so far.

Pay to win implies your using actual currency and not virtual currency. Many of the wow players(myself included) are sitting on mountains of gold and there really isn’t anything in Wow besides longboy to sink that gold into.

This is a very good idea however it should be moderated by Blizzard. Many MMOs have these websites and they are totally legit and pay to win however it’s pay to win with virtual currency.

Your still using the wow currency, thus your not really paying for anything. Why because actual money isn’t involved.

You mean converting $ to in-game tokens and converting in-game tokens to gold doesn’t exist?

Can I have your gold early then?
I need to buy some gear.

Atm I have 13k gold. Go buy your gold with $$$ its legal

no it doesn’t. Look at all the phone games. You can get all what the higher people have but it will takes years to get it all playing free. If you don’t think that is p2w
 oh boy.

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Ok, keep playing ffxiv the. Don’t come here complaining when you’re playing another game. Oh and by the way, ffxiv? Very pay to skip aswell!

A couple of good BOEs drop and stat-obsessed metachasing try-hards give up heaps of gold they made selling carries to scrubs is gonna break the game is it? Oh noooooooo

Seriously means nothing at all to anyone. They’re the only people that will ever want something so badly they pay that much for it. They make it selling boosts, not buying tokens. Only very serious raiders/bullyio chasers would ever pay millions of gold for BOEs and they are the people who make their gold FROM the token-buyers who cough up for boosts.

Fact of the matter is that WoW IS pay2win. It’s just very expensive and not very fun. However, the fact that WoW allows you to buy gold with irl money, and that gold can be used for carries or BOEs, makes it pay2win.

Yes, there were farmers who hosted websites selling gold before the tokens existed, but at the time buying WoW gold was considered cheating. Now it’s a feature. So it’s fair to categorize the game as p2w.

I agree with this.

However, they do sell story-skip tokens for FFXIV, and having a very long, mandatory story as well as a paid way to skip it, brings into question why the story is required, is it money or design philosophy? Probably both.

Asmongold followers and parts of General Discussion dont understand the PAY to win part of PAY to win.