WOW on PS5

I believe, like with the PS4, the PS5 has USB ports; so you’d just plug the Mouse and Keyboard in to the console if you don’t want to use a controller.

FFXIV has crossplay. Mind you, I don’t think WoW will go console anytime soon (or potentially ever), but Sony does allow crossplay in some instances.


It supports bog standard bluetooth KBs/mice as well if you don’t want cables strewn across the living room.

People do it for final fantasy.

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FF14 says otherwise.

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Yeah it’s ironic but Windows for ARM might finally take off now thanks to Apple’s push with the architecture.

It’s not the subs that’s the problem. It’s maintaining two separate clients and then ontop of working with a rather unfamiliar architecture.

You can’t just copy/paste WoW into a PS5 and turn down some settings. It takes a massive effort usually involving a completely separate team.

I can relate to that. Don’t tell my boss.

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I probably could get ahold of one if I wanted one at this point… but then I look at the 12-inch high stack of unplayed PS4 games sitting in my game room and I think… why?

I mean, I know that a PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 but I already own a perfectly good PS4 along with tons of unused software that’s all gathering dust thanks to WoW, so why spend the money?

Maybe in a year or so.

Porting to/from consoles is a lot less of an ordeal than it used to be. The past 2 generations of PS/Xbox have been single-purpose x86 PCs running a different OS, and even that last difference is dissolving in the case of the Xbox (increasingly, titles for Xbox run on PC and vice versa).

As far as I can tell, for PS5 specifically the primary challenge is the graphics API.

I play my PS5 more than I play WoW currently.

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Tons of games on PS4/5 allow cross-play including Activision’s own MW/Warzone. Stop spreading misinformation.

Okay rephrase on my part here; It can be done. Like The Sims 4 and Cities Skylines. You turn on your console and it’s exactly like the PC game, but running at worse visuals and performence, no mods and designed with a controller.

With that said, i don’t know how something like WoW (And Cities Skyline and The Sims 4 tbh) can be on consoles to be considered a valid way to play WoW that is past being a novelty, considering there is already a way to essentially play it like a console game but with all the benefits of the PC and not the disadvantages of a console. Personally speaking, i feel like people take PC for granted way too many times as this “high priced, desktop only, have to constantly upgrade, complex and hard to use” thing. :confused: But i digress.

Now that i cleared that up (and by the by, i know you don’t care, but i’m going to tell you anyways, i had to go to work in a few minutes 5-6 hours ago, so that’s why i’m sort of rushing it with my last reply and then respond 5-6 hours later.) … Let’s get on to this part here.

… How something like WoW can be on mobile? I mean that point, it’s not even a matter of visuals and performance (Yes, i see that phones are getting much better now. :slight_smile: ) , but more of the method of input being the major problem here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

WoW still have a level of complexity that requires at least a controller, because if you press a button and that button is connected to the action you want, you wouldn’t have to worry about accidentally hitting another button or make some odd gesture you didn’t mean to like you can on phones. Not to mention, this still simpify the game even further, more then it is already if they want to make the game work for the controls given. Honestly, i think they are much better off making a Warcraft spinoff on Mobile, like one of those RTS games.

Yes, some games allow you to play with keyboard and mice.

But what about all the games? Or even most of the games? Is there a list that shows the games that are compatible with? Because i did tried to find one and i only get the ones that are popular, or like 20 of them. Until i’m proven otherwise, i’m going under the impression that consoles still have limited Mouse and Keyboard support.

Huh, that actually sounds nice. :thinking:

Yeah, to support mobile devices.

I’ve been trying to get a freakin Xbox series x for the past, what, 3 months.

I’ve decided they just don’t exist…

WoW doesn’t have the graphic quality to make it worth getting on the PS5.

Same. I legit built my pc only for WoW. Most other games I play on my Xbox. Most internet adult stuff or entertainment stuff I do on my phone.

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No, no. He’s got a point.

Speak for yourself.

Because it’s a PC game.