WoW on Game Pass, when?

They must’ve removed it. Either way, it was up there for a spell.

Edit: No, I’m thinking of something else. Nevermind.

None are subscription based games.

But what is the benefit Microsoft is getting?

All I see is 1 million lost in subscription sales. About 15 million dollars a month. Microsoft would have to believe they are going to make more than 15 million a month by combining.

Haha, great idea. I only hope it can compete with the typical Game Pass bangers “Walking To The Store” and “UE5 Asset Kickflip”. They’ll have to shut down Blizzard because they aren’t performing.

How would one pay their sub with gold/tokens if the sub was tied to the Game Pass? Would we be able to pay for the game pass with gold? If they remove the ability to play with token time, would that destroy tokens, ultimately bringing back in the necessity for gold sellers?

Pay up or shut up

Whatever this has in regards to the topic, yes, of course.

I don’t see this working towards retail but letting em play all other content like classic or sod sounds like a good deal

I have said it before:

Microsoft will not allow two ways to play WoW for free.

You can easily sub to game pass in a month by doing the MS Rewards religiously, and then you almost double those rewards if you get GP Ultimate. I bought a Xbox One in 2017, and literally did not pay for a single second of GP for 4 years.

MS would never allow you to have to ways to play for free. They would either cut MS rewards or remove the WoW token.

I could see them using GamePass as a way to promote World of Warcraft occasionally. Maybe they throw it on there, no extra sub fee required, for one month half way through an expansion to reel in some new folks or entice someone to return for a couple of weeks - and then hope they’ll keep paying the sub after their 1 month all-inclusive trial is over.

Who cares? :roll_eyes:

It’s not like Activision hasn’t been chasing trends to make money anyways, I mean for god sakes, we had WoW Warzone recently. And if CoD ever gets on there, i don’t see why can’t WoW be on there.

Maybe instead of thinking what Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard-King (A Corporation) wants, you think what you want? :man_shrugging:

You’re right the starter edition was only availible for a limited time, my mistake. Microsoft just requires gamepass to be able to play.

Ultimate cost more than a WoW sub(not sure if this was mentioned)

Microsoft would earn more if they offered a GP option for paying for WoW. However, my only concern is if Blizzard decided to make GP the only option for paying for WoW, which I doubt they would, but as long as GP is just another way for players to pay for their favorite game, I’m 100% for it.

Don’t they rotate out games after a month or two. Would we always be able to access wow 24/7 365? Under that platform

That’s not a bad idea that could work both ways. WoW players getting an introductory discount on a game pass, and game pass users getting an extended free trial of WoW (like 60 days).

Why mess with a guaranteed revenue stream?

If you can encourage crossover play, you can have two larger revenue streams.

Only if I can still sub to wow without having to get game pass. No thanks.

Microsoft canned a couple of studios, one that made Hi-Fi Rush which was “successful” in their eyes and the other Redfall which when they cook not-live service games have all sold very sell and was promised to not can them over the rough bit.

Then there’s rumors that Microsoft are looking to can even more studios. All this headache, came from a combination of buying out Blizzard for a fortune and Game Pass sucking up game scales and not going up in sales count to make up said fortune.

World’s never coming to Game Pass. That is, assuming Microsoft learned their lesson in not putting all the hot new releases on it and compete with themselves. That is how they are in this mess to begin with. If anything Microsoft related is going to happen, Microsoft might push for a console port of World of Warcraft. The team still has to fix the UI to make it not be terrible to navigate when using a controller though. That’s an untapped market FF14 has been enjoying for years now.

Gamers shouldn’t care about that imo. That’s something corperations should worry about.

What gamers should care is how much fun this idea provides. $15 for 400 games. :slight_smile:

…Would you really want to play WoW on a console outside of the novelty of it tho?

More likely we’ll get some exclusive mogs/mounts from GamePass rewards than an actual sub. Maybe we’ll get free access to playing until max level of the previous expansion. That feels like a very Microsoft move imho, but definitely has some T&M costs so probably not super soon.