Adding World of Warcraft to the Microsoft game pass could bring in many new and old players. Since this is a sub based game maybe you could get a discount on a monthly sub if you have Game Pass. There are already other Blizzard games on Game Pass so it only makes sense. I hope this is a matter of when and not if, lets just hope that Mircrosoft tries it out.
I don’t see why they would cannibalize their own business. I don’t see it happening, unless it includes an increase.
It would save me from paying 2 subs, which is why it will probably never happen.
Probably never, since WoW would still be based on a subscription base, and adding it to the game pass will turn away from the subscription base.
Yeah, I am in the same boat.
We don’t have the numbers to know exactly, but the logical way to think about it, is:
If WoW has, I don’t know, 5 million players, and out of those 5 million, they detect that approximately 4 million don’t have a Game Pass subscription (via ID, email, or any registration they can check), then putting the subscription on Game Pass would bring 4 million people to Game Pass, and maybe potentially attract people who don’t have either Game Pass or the WoW subscription.
Now, if out of 5 million players, 3-4 million also have Game Pass, it’s not worth it.
It’s about playing the odds in this case, thinking that new players would come to Game Pass if WoW were there, players who didn’t have either of the two subscriptions.
The motivation for them to do that would be to boost the game pass numbers and potentially get more players into wow. You have to think the long game, assuming the game pass is the same price or more pricey than the monthly sub cost they don’t really lose anything. You get a crazy value from the game pass last I looked but I don’t use it but if it included wow it would be silly not to.
If they do they do, if they don’t they don’t.
If they do, keep it optional to either pay subs via how we are now and have the option to still pay subs outside of game pass.
Personally I hope they don’t.
If you are paying for let’s say the 12 month sub you’re already saving $25 and some change for taxes.
Gamepass is crashing and burning, lol. They aren’t going to do any such thing. I have absolutely zero interest in it anyway.
They won’t want people to only pay for one subscription when they could be paying for two.
Are there any sub-based MMORPGs on Game Pass? I feel like last time I asked, it was a no. The only way I can see it happening is if Game Pass covers the cost of the expansion(s) but not the sub, which might be awkward for existing Game Pass customers.
They’ll probably just keep it separate.
Ff14 is on gamepass, from what the news reports say microsoft requires players to have a microsoft subscription along with SE’s subscription.
So… how would that be earning them money…?
Unless you’re saying I’d have to pay for both, why on earth would I do that?
Well to be fair, FF14 has a very good model for non-subscribers.
WoWs is what, free to level 20 or something like that?
Level 20 is a good gauge of how non-endgame content works in WoW tbh, especially with how it works now with Chromie Time and everything. You have access to a lot of stuff at level 20 even if getting to 20 doesn’t take very long.
I think if they ever increase it, 30 would be good. It’d allow F2P players to have a Raiding ecosystem (even if it’d just be for content and not gear since WoD is always gonna be king unless they get rid of Warforging), since 30 unlocks Vanilla → WotLK Raids.
Not going to happen. Why would Microsoft / Xbox cut out all the profits they see?
However, knowing the state of the Xbox brand these days, maybe they will cut into their profits and add WoW to gp.
It’s easy to make things up.
They just paid billions for ActiBlizz and it looks like they’re trying for Valve too. Doubt they’ll just write off revenue.
They’d have to change the monetization model to have it on there and being that they took ESO off of there, I have my doubts about WoW ever being on there.
There are no sub based games on Gamepass, including first party.
It is not.
There’s about a 0.001% chance of it happening.