WoW - Numbers don't lie - Bellular

Yeah, day in and out repetitive cycle of gloom.But hey,the did have a new critter quest! Really :persevere:

Any ballpark there is SEVERELY bad.

If itā€™s bad ballpark, WoWā€™s been toppled.

If itā€™s good ballpark, WoWā€™s got less subs than in the content drought in MoP and WoD.


Didnā€™t watch the video. Next time can you just tell us what you want us to know instead of trying to give some streamer hits?

10 Likes is a productive way for him not much productive for viewers,to be honest.

What are you on about.
Itā€™s been low for a long while.

SL just didnā€™t do it for the usual die hards so itā€™s less now.

What are people gonna do about that informationā€¦ the ones with the concrete numbers have the numbers that matterā€¦ all this is that people bicker about or Bell profits off of is just noise.


I donā€™t feel thatā€™s entirely fair. Shadowlands was absolutely worth the box price for the play through, I think. I absolutely loved the first questing experience through this.

Patch 9.1 was also a great one-time playthrough, or at least the bits I played of it. I didnā€™t like it being so gated.

Itā€™s just not a good game to replay, IMO. It has very little reason to log in often, unless youā€™re really into seeing that ilvl number climb a bit on occasion.


Pretty close to accurate though. What type of margin of error we talking here? 10% plus or minus. Iā€™d say the analytics give a pretty accurate idea of who is playing and what they are doing when they do play.


Amen to that.

Wonder how far the game would have to decline for Bellular to stop covering it once and for all. Just did a quick tally on his three channels, going back one week

3 wow related videos on his wow channel, 8 wow related videos on his news channel, and over 20 clips on his clips channel (closer to 25)

He has about 5 clips dedicated to FF14 on his clips channel, thatā€™s it. He sure is harvesting the outrage clicks hard.


There was never 12 million sub paying customers. Those numbers included Chinese players who paid hourly. None of the new sub estimates include China, so it is not a apple to apple comparision.

it is most certainty profit.

Yeah because we know how much Blizzard hates making money.

Lol, no and this is a 8 BILLION a year company.


Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s some high number, I know itā€™s lower than it could be BUT

:rofl: how would you or i or someone else not at blizz know what ā€˜accurateā€™ is to begin with.

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Didnā€™t do it for the DIEHARDS?

The literal Conduit energy was MADE FOR THEM.

Denathrius Mythic was one of the slowest-killed Mythic bosses ever! It took near a thousand attempts if Iā€™m not mistaken?

The RAIDS are the only good part about WoW, supposedly. Thereā€™s a reason they say End-Game is true WoW, dude.


Well I estimate it is between zero and the exact number of people on the Earth. Prove me wrong.


If you want fake numbers, go look at T seriesā€™s sub count.


World of Warcraft net bookings again grew a double-digit percentage year-over-year, driven by the launch of Burning Crusade Classic. Subscriber numbers and hours played were higher following the release, demonstrating the importance of Classic in enabling more ways for players to engage. World of Warcraft remains on track for much stronger engagement this year than is typical outside of a modern expansion year.

From the Q2 2021 report. WoW alone is several hundred million in revenue every quarter from subscriptions + cash shop + services. True player count is probably around 3.5-5 million if you combine both versions of the game.

Itā€™s not how many people play the game, but how much money they make. Also, the mid-expansion years usually decline in revenue. You get the big spike at expansion launch then it drops and goes up again at the next expansion.

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People are mad with some youtubers saying the game is dead?
Shadowlands was damned form the start with the covenants and the lack of content. Thatā€™s no surprise.


I donā€™t think you know how MMOā€™s work. There isnā€™t a lot of profit in them. Their cost is typically higher than the Sub to make. That is why there is a cash shop.

I really donā€™t think you understand they arenā€™t making money. They literally had nothing good to report about SL in the financial report. Nada. They had to make up stuff and mention TBC just to say something for the investors. Which Blizz is being sued by. The 2nd lawsuit of Investors suing Blizz Iā€™d say will have a bigger impact then the Sexual harassment.

Activision Stock down 18% in the last 6 months btw. Will keep going down.

I donā€™t think you understand how business works. Large companies donā€™t keep around hemorrhaging part of it that cost literally the most to maintain. WoW is one of itā€™s weakest links right now.


Conduit energy was not made for try hards, it was to break down that play style to work against it - prevent it [summing up what lawyer ion said on the reasoning]

And the denathrius thing, where did that come from lolā€¦ but depends on who you track, Limit downed M Denathrius in under 200 pulls. So a tad far from the 1k pulls. I donā€™t care how much it takes lower end guilds to kill 'em.

Again, are we having the same discussion or are you just throwing topics in and assume Iā€™m gonna understand because as far as I know, I never mentioned anything about kills, raids, etcā€¦

Fact of the matter is, anyone outside of Blizz claiming to have accurate information on numbers or even remotely close is fooling themselves.

Yes itā€™s lower than Blizz can pull in but letā€™s be real, the limelight is gone, we aint going back to Wotlk numbers. EVER.


Itā€™s been a huge financial success. Broke world record on most game copies sold and Blizzards revenue is at the highest its been ever. People are grasping at straw arguments here.

People just completely ignore that reality and want to live in an echo chamber.


Youā€™re correct. Others learned from the first.