WoW needs to modernize its gameplay too, not just the classes and UI

Despite the clear absurdity of that stance verbatim, there’s at least a little reason to it.

Ultimately it comes down to respecting other people’s time and matching eachother’s expectations. Most people don’t expect perfection, but they do expect some reasonable amount of investment from those they play with. There are groups and places to learn, and there are groups and places to perfect / execute what you have learned. Issues tend to arise when players fail to communicate their expectations with eachother.

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I knew I liked you for a reason. Based take. I do the same thing sometimes to stick up for others especially when the toxic one is the one who isn’t showing up on my interrupt meter hah

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We have to make sure to report these. The mroe type of people like this banned out of the game, the better.

Even the playerbase in favor of this is incapable of giving an amount lol. Amazin!

I still have hope that one day we will see changes like this!

Wasting someones time is like murdering them, a little at a time.

Time. The one thing you can’t get more of.

So yeah I think that your little opinion is just that… Yours.

Was this on Area 52?

My god that day was horrible.

You think death threats is okay in any video game situation?

Okay that is def an opinion.

Interesting How so many people in this game have either just begun or have been playing since vanilla or 20 years.
You have not
Please stop doing things like that

I had complained so many years as a melee about the inconsistent circle vs hit box. Its terrible and as always shows the developers lack of game play.

I would actually loosen the moderation system. Right now, people are genuinely afraid to say anything extra in general chats because, regardless of whether you break the game rules or not, everything depends on the mass reports against you. If 60% of a group (3 out of 5 players) reports you, you are guaranteed to at least receive a warning, and that’s not right.

On my home server, people were banned for talking about ice cream in the group finder during the Love is in the Air event.

What we really need is to make sure that one harmless part of the community stops living in fear of the perpetually complaining Grinches.

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Tauren were never better than orcs at any point in WoW’s history, unless you wanted a minor amount of HP over needing less hit to hit high level targets.

Agreed. Sadly I’ve seen those stories many times over the years as well.

Frustrations happen yes at times we all lose patience and are thinking “can we clear this boss sometime tonight?”

But when folks threaten harm to people that’s a bridge to far . It’s a game winning against a timer getting world first isn’t solving time travel curing cancer making a starving family magically feel full etc.

It’s of course largely the whole anonymous thing to being online. The classic “I can talk tough because these people can not physically punch me in the face” symptom.

My feeling is that this is an automatic chat suspension if reported.

I tank and heal a whole lot of leveling dungeons. It’s surprising to me how many new players there are in them who really have no clue. And unfortunately, a lot of them who do have an idea have the wrong idea. If I tell a group to follow me, some people get this “You’re not my dad” attitude and decide to run into the place I was trying to avoid and pull lots of mobs that are minding their own business. They simply have no idea that it’s a good idea to follow a player who knows where they’re going if they’re in a dungeon that is new to them.

I think there should be a very basic dungeon tutorial where the player is taught to do things like watch what the tank is doing and do that. Like noticing when the tank walks along the side of the path rather than down the middle. Like not standing in purple swirlies or sidestepping conals.

Another big issue I see is that with ubiquitous mythic+ design, there are multiple possible routes in most dungeons. But a lot of players don’t get this at all. They were in this dungeon once before and they killed those mobs over there, so they’re going to run over there and pull all those mobs now, even though the group has moved on. Or the tank is going a different way than they did before, so they’re going to take that other route (which from my experience is harder).

Every single thing you mention has nothing to do with “old game mechanics”. Let’s start with number 1.

All classes require a skills range. This is true of every MMO. It would make 0 sense for a warrior to be bashing skulls from 30 yards away as much as it would make sense a spinning crane kick should be within melee range. Can you imagine if this didn’t exist and how op all melee classes would be in every single situation. This isn’t an old game mechanic. This is a common sense mechanic.

Visuals and skills are updated all of the time. The original version of every single class is much different then it was way back in vanilla. Not really sure why this matters though.

This is just going back to point number 1. This is obvious common sense mechanics of classes hitting things within their reach as the same mechanic a boss should follow.

There’s already a brief description when choosing a character. I guess they could list all of the skills but you’d have a short essay listed on the screen when choosing a character. Again I feel like this isn’t needed but not really sure why it would make a difference. If you choose to play a warrior you can prolly guess it isn’t going to have healing spells or frost spells. Same with any class. I’d imagine most people with an ounce of common sense would understand the general spells of any class would have when choosing a character to play.

This is the only thing I can agree with. It’s far too annoying to have as many spells on GCD that we do. This doesn’t only apply to defensive CDs but spells like bear form, feral spirits, etc …

You are right. Wow has the most toxic community of any MMO out there. I’ve played quite a few. That being said there is already punishments handed out for toxicity including the most recent one that involves banning players for leaving mythic keys. Blizzard is constantly enforcing rules against toxic players so I think the point, while correct assuming players are toxic, is also null and void when asking blizzard to do something when they clearly already are.

I disagree with this take. The hit box of a boss is not standardized. Sometimes it’s not enough to be standing in the hit box and I have to be much closer. Players should not have to learn which ones are visually correct, and which are intentionally deceptive. I shouldn’t be standing in the hit box of ANY boss and get an “out of range” warning.

They already work this way? Obviously there are exceptions.

Remove Frenzied Regeneration from the global CD.

Taurens are stronger than Orcs.

In vanilla wow Taurens had 25 str and Orcs 23.


Are you defending people telling others to unalive themselves…after complaining it was done to your girlfriend?