WoW needs to modernize its gameplay too, not just the classes and UI

I’m a veteran WoW and other MMO player. I’m good with most of the things I’m going to talk about here, but I’ve invited so many friends to play WoW with me and almost no one stayed because of one or more of these “old” game mechanics.

1 - Starting with the radius of your skills’ range X the “practical” effect of this radius. An example of this is the monk’s spinning kick on small classes like vulpera or goblin. The animation of the kick is small and inconsistent with the range. The skill description says it’s X meters, but that’s the animation we’re seeing in combat.

2 - And following this line of visual effect of the radius, I think the best update for new players would be a more prominent visual effect on ALL frontals and area skills, debuffs, important mechanics and essential interrupts. M+ is already a mess with pulls, thousands of HP plates of mobs on the screen, things to interrupt. This would reduce the number of addons you need to have to start playing. I think the less pressure you put on new players to install certain addons, the greater the chances they’ll stay. And gameplay needs to be attractive (something Blizzard is already doing by reworking classes) and it needs to be as transparent as possible. Highlighting the cast bar that would also be on you or important kick spells would be interesting for better use of CDs and CCs. This already exists in addons, but I think it would be important in the base game. These changes would help with the learning curve of new players, and in my opinion, it would increase the number of players reaching the higher keys.

3 - Another thing that needs to change is the “target ring” (I don’t know what it’s called) of BOSSes and enemies. Until now, in many BOSSes, it’s a parameter of the range at which you can attack them, but in other cases it’s a total mess. Queen Ansurek’s target ring is small compared to the stage she’s in, and the range at which we can attack is not compatible with her “ring”. This makes melee gameplay too inconsistent.

4 - List all talent effects in the skill description.
I don’t know why this isn’t already in the game. In Diablo 4, when you look at the skill description, you already have a full idea of ​​all the modifiers (talents) you have equipped for that skill. I think this would be essential for new players to understand their rotation more quickly.

5 - Something I’ve always found interesting is to remove defensive CDs from the global CD. The gameplay would be more intuitive, instead of punishing you because your character is doing an attack animation and this animation needs to wait for the global CD so you can defend yourself. This would reduce the pressure on healers, because each player would be a little more responsible (more than they already are) for their survival.

6 - Doing something about toxicity would also be good. Punishing the player more quickly by banning the chat would avoid a lot of headaches. The game already has a PING to facilitate communication. A PING for kicking would also be interesting. A punishment for those who leave the DG group frequently would also be a good idea.

I could mention more things, but I think the issue of transparency is one of the most important, and one that the game is lacking at the moment. It seems like it’s a mechanic in WoW Classic to hide certain information to make the game more difficult. And this is reflected in the addons that the community creates to reveal this information that the company hides. I think this is an old philosophy, and it drives many players away from an MMO that is changing with each exp, but still wants to keep certain things hidden.


My GF quit cus the WoW community pushed her out. Keep getting told to kill herself in low Mythic and when I would take her to raid normals with me as the main tank, people would cry about her DPS and ask her to be kicked.

There’s no stop gap for new players. That’s why most new players play Classic.


That’s rough mate.

I can get mad at people doing subpar.

Maybe complain about it in whispers and offer help.

But wishing someone bodily harm because of it? Some people needs to get admitted into a psych ward.


I’ve been playing WoW for 20 years I’m familiar with some of the more toxic stuff that goes on, rn I don’t think it’s ever really been this mad though. Hard to recommend WoW retail as an MMORPG for new players when MMORPGs are only good when they have thriving communities. WoW has a ton of players, but very little sense of community these days.


Doing something about toxicity would also be good. And sorry about your GF.


TBH it should be smaller. They’re small creatures.
Orcs should be stronger than humans, and Taurens stronger than both.

But we “killed” this to make it more ~ balanced ~


I’m very sorry that she endured that type of treatment, I really am. I wish I could just say “report them” but she’d get back a reply of “We see you’re having a problem with your WoW account, please see these links to WoWhead beepboop

Blizzard’s poor stance on weaponized/frivolous kicking is laughed at by every other game community.


I honestly enjoy wow only because I play with a group of friends and raid with a guild.

It’s gotten to the point that if you find someone that claims they are guild less and has no friends is with reasons.

Pugs are pugging because they are incapable of maintaining a facade of humanity when in groups or guild voice

Yeah there are people who claim they have no time to play organized content but seriously. This can’t be more than a fringe group.


Sounds like y’all need a regular guild to raid with.

Pug prog or clear groups aren’t really the place to learn, nobody wants to waste their time carrying people if the group is wiping. I think you may have guided her incorrectly.

Pug is fine if you join a group that says it’s for learning or ‘chill’ specifically.

I’m in a chill guild that accepts everyone for raiding, if y’all ever wanted to try again.


This occured in a “learning” pug.

Personally I do find raiding in retail, her and her brother just play Classic instead now.

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Have we really gotten as bad as the LoL community? Thats awful if people did that, hope you reported them and they got perma banned.


good luck finding one

Sadly WoW refused to modernize, I blame Kotick and the Financial department; moderation and world class customer service like they USED to have shortly before and after Activision?, innovations for modern avatar customization, 3D graphic updates to old world zones and mogs? That costs MONEY.

Ah yes the lovely Classic where trade chat on the fresh servers had someone looking for a trans friendly guild and that sparked someone to comment that trans people should “take advantage of the rope sale at home depot”. I never got a notification about the report I made for that one being actioned…


I’m just saying when you’re running Wailing Caverns for the first time and let people know that and they get excited for you being there and start giving you tips for abilities and builds in dungeon it provides a better experience than being told to kill yourself or getting kicked constantly.

There’s plenty of alt right people on retail and my country just majority voted against trans people so that’s a conversation for a different forum.


This is technically a bug.
Oh, and don’t pug, find a guild worth being in.

I won’t ever PUG anything higher than LFR/Timewalking, maybe an occasional Normal Raid if I am really feeling frisky.

But anything beyond that, if I can’t do it with my Guild, then I just won’t do it.

I’m too old now to deal with random people’s toxic nonsense.


I just don’t deal with it. If things get toxic over something dumb I’m out. If that bricks a key or leaves people waiting to find a healer in a raid then so be it. Doesn’t just apply to toxicity aimed at me either. If the group is abusive of others I’m not going to continue to give them my efforts.

Leaving a group is the only immediate recourse to and defense against a toxic group. We already have enough punishments in place (deserter in queued, suspensions for griefing by leaving in pugs). So I would be against punishing people for leaving more than they already can be.


People cried about the social contract. They would flip thier lid on this. Good though cause maybe they can self reflect.

Anyway, I personally think restricted words should be expanded and more added to the list.

There have always been corners of the WoW community that were that bad. They’ve just stopped hiding in the corners so much with support for their behavior finding its way into group content.

The new “not being perfect is the real toxicity” perspective seems to be aiding that.