As much as F2P WoW would be fun, no subscription fee, the game is making Blizzard way too much money, to go F2P anytime soon. Just my honest opinion.
If the game goes F2P then the WoW is dead/dying threads will finally be accurate.
It is free to play, haven’t paid for my subscription in months. Been paying for my subscription with in game gold. Since I know how to make gold (which isn’t even hard or complicated) it’s technically already free to play.
the game is alredy P2W
i fully support wow being f2p, i want it to enter pop culture again.
you thought a lot of people came back for classic? imagine if it went f2p lol
wow is already p2w in almost every aspect, especially player power, want your druid fully raid geared? buy a raid full of druids. want high end achievements and cosmetics? buy a carry in the respective mode. most everything can be bought for gold if you get creative.
I’m torn on this. While it would be amazing for growth at the same time Blizzard is incredibly greedy and I don’t trust them to not make the game more P2W than it already is.
So, yoiu look at a snapshot of your server, and think that’s enought data to make such a radical change to the game? Methinks you need to speak with a developer, off of the record, to see all of the data, just saying.
Also, anyone can play the game for no cost up to level 20.
If nothing else, Lost Ark has proven that F2P has some serious issues in regards to bots. With no cost or financial repercussions in losing bot accounts, that game has become a total cesspool. I enjoy the actual gameplay, but when almost every other “player” you encounter is a bot (especially in the T1-T2 zones), it is discouraging.
New World was fun, particularly the gathering system. The insane class imbalance, literal game crashing exploitable mechanics in PvP, item dupes that ruined the economy early, and the fact that all dungeons are locked behind consumable keystones (which aren’t exactly easy to make) - that’s what killed it for me at least.
WoW doesn’t need to go F2P - doing so really would finish it off. They need to stop focusing on eSports and get back to what an MMORPG is meant to be.
No, but thanks for asking!
And that’s not even counting store items, tokens, and services…which produces more and more revenue every quarter
Blizzard is making a ridiculous amount of money and they have no reason to change their business model
Could you show your source of how many subs that WoW has, to prove this statement please.
lmaoooooo making WOW F2P wouldn’t make WOW this new big game like before like LOL is now, F2P is overrated af for MMOs.
it would litteraly kill the game .
if you think making WOW F2P would bring millions of players , you are totaly wrong lol
there are plenty of others F2P MMO and nobody play them because nobody care , WOW still have more players
Then go play it.
We’re in 2022 and a sh** ton of people are paying so IDK what the f*** you’re talking about.
this guy is just trolling and baiting people
You can’t be sure of that. Some websites calculate 4 or 5 million WoW subs. Stop with your inflammatory posting.
it doesnt need to go f2p
shoo and go away back to lost ark.
Or just do what ESO does and Guild Wars 2 and make it pay to play and you get to keep playing the game forever and won’t have to worry about paying a 15 dollar sub fee.
wow is doing well it doesnt need to blizzard is selling enough wow tokens so players can p2w and not having to go f2p.
blizzard makes a killing off of wow token,server transfers and faction changes not to worry about low subs.