lol bro lost ark is botted out the asssssssss and requires a bank loan to do current content
nah wow needs a design change
needs to focus on entertaining players and avoiding player burnout rather than chasing grind as a metric because it serves the cash shop
current wow team has burnt wow’s reputation to the ground
P2P is the only thing keeping some decency in the playerbase.
pay-to-earn however…
Yeah I wouldn’t be using lost ark as a comparison. That game is like 50% bots now. It puts the bots in wow to shame.
Lost Ark is new to most people in the English-speaking world, WoW isn’t.
A few months ago you would’ve been one of the people saying New World was the new king of MMOs and WoW is totally doomed, now New World only has slightly more players than Skyrim, a game that came out during Cataclysm (a couple weeks before Dragon Soul)
Blizzard will never get another red cent out off me or will I buy my Grandkids game Blizzard name is attacted too either.
I played Lost Ark from the first day of headstart until a little over a month ago. Those numbers you linked from Steam are that high because a massive percentage of those numbers are bots. It’s honestly horrible. And no, I’m not just saying that to bash the game, because I really liked Lost Ark. But the bots? I haven’t ever saw anything like it in any game I have ever played.
I quit the game due to it being infested with bots. I haven’t ever saw a game so covered in them. They have taken over that game. Everywhere you look there are tons of bots. It’s a rare occurrence to see another actual legitimate player. And no, I’m not exaggerating, I wish I was. But I refused to play a game that had more bots running around than legitimate players.
WoW doesn’t need to go free to play and you must have used the absolute worst example of a free to play game you could have used due to the bot issue Lost Ark has. I would much rather pay a price to buy the game and a monthly sub as opposed to WoW being free to play and being overrun by bots everywhere.
More than likely many people are going to see your post and think you are exaggerating, but seeing it personally myself after playing for around 2 months, I know you aren’t exaggerating.
Your 70% estimate is probably pretty accurate. They just did a recent banwave and the numbers drastically dipped for a day or so until the bots figured out how to circumvent measures they put into place. The numbers went from a little over 500k down to around 150k or so. That’s a huge amount. According to the forums, the bots are back in full swing.
As I said in my above post, when I played it was just a sea of bots everywhere. Since I really liked the game, I really tried to ignore all the bots. But when it got to the point that they were just all over and I hardly ever saw another legitimate player, I was done. I might give the game a try at some point in the future if they get the horrible bot problem under control.
Either the OP was trolling, or very oblivious to the massive amount of bots in Lost Ark. And not just bots, the hacking. It’s unreal. A free to play game having little restrictions in place hasn’t worked out very well.
If the end result is the same, so is the description.
Why would they go F2P when they can charge a sub & put in F2P timegated content at the same time?
You’re not thinking like a shareholder.
I think its ok to still be a subscription and dont like free to play games
LA bots are probably 50% of concurrent players, but keep in mind they are logged in 24/7 while actual players are only going to play a few hours a day.
LA isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
i prefer paying the sub fee to keep f2p crowd at the gates lol
I enjoyed lost ark a lot though.
I will pay the fees and better is subjective. I’m fortunate enough to where the $15 a month is crazy cheap for the amount I use and enjoy it. I’m happy with the product and I want to continue to use it so I’m fine paying for it.
No, I would rather pay a sub than be nickled and dimed to death with a cash shop like in most FTP games. Kids just whined that a sub was too expensive, but were too bad at math to figure out that FTP is actually way more expensive if you want to get the most out of the game.
Lost Ark is a garbage MMO. That’s why you are playing WoW right now not that garbage Lost Ark garbage.
I have seen sub games go F2P and honestly its not usually a terrible thing. Everquest/Everquest 2 are F2P now but they still have a subscription. When your FTP you can’t do alot of things as where the people subscribed still have the same benefits they had pre FTP. Another words you don’t have to drop cash to stay geared, useful, etc.
I make roughly 10% of what I type in bold and italics, just like this
Big difference from OP