WoW needs to cut down the button bloat

I like having my buttons back, so kindly cram it.


Not a solution when the passives are far worse.

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They could just make another version of the game that has less buttons, less mechanics, less complex everything basically. Also, no M+ . Call it WoW lite or something.


The talent trees are set up that encourage button bloat as the passives are severely worse.

Or in the case like Warlock you’re giving a ton of actives in your tree that you must take to progress the tree.

What happened to the good old days of Left mouse = attack and right mouse = nothing. I miss playing a game with click to move and absolutely no need for a keyboard or left hand.

That’s on you.

No one is suggesting that.

However, it isn’t hard to swamped with abilities. Especially when actives are way better in talent trees and many talents require you get them.

No class should ever need around 20 buttons to press to be optimal.

No pruning. Never again. Pruning was the worst thing that ever happened to WoW class-design wise, and bringing back everything that was once pruned one of the best. Just say no to pruning.

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I absolutely detest what blizz did to outlaw. Turned a chill spec into spinning plates while juggling for procs.
It’s a convoluted complicated mess.
Sure, i can make a spec i actually enjoy out of the new trees, its about 20K less dps than the meta. Why bother with the trees in the first place if the disparities are so large in ‘doing it wrong’?
lots of utility buttons =) I love utility bloat
lots of rotation buttons =( I hate rotation bloat

in a different thread, someone said to me. “Don’t marry your spec”, good advice. But i think its too late for me.

Blizzard might have ended their war on addons for raiding, but that philosophy did not make it to specs, i need more weak auras than ever to play it now.

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Well, as a new player you don’t know what to just ignore.

Destro Warlock is pretty basic: Immolate, Conflagerate, Chaos Bolt, incinerate, Summon Infernal when someone pops off Hero.

Rain of Fire for AoE, which it either rare, or “all the time”.

If you spec Cataclysm, add that in as an opener. I do, but I have it on a mouse button (my two “action” buttons on my mouse are Cataclysm and Healthstone).

For me, let’s see.

1 is auto attack – I have no idea why either.
Shift 1 is my mount
2 is immolate
3 is Conflagerate
Shift 3 is Unending Resolve
4 is Chaos Bolt
5 is Incinerate
6 is Burning rush
7 is Death Coil
8 is Focus Fear macro
9 is Rain of Fire
0 is Health Funnel
Shift 0 is Drain Life

Cataclysm on one mouse button, Healthstone on another.

Summon infernal is not hot keyed. Summon demons is not hot keyed. Neither are the gateways, the teleports, the summon things. Just random places on the toolbar.

There other stuff keybound that I just don’t use.

Compared to a lot of classes, Warlocks are really easy.

As a pianist, it would be fun to have my midi keyboard be a controller lol.

dont let your dreams be memes

It depends on the role you play too. If you’re a tank for example on top of your normal damaging rotation you have 2-3 CC abilities, a half dozen mitigation type abilities, and possibly some dps cooldowns as well. vDH being pretty simple, but prot paladin being very bloated. I’m filling most of 3 hotbars on prot paladin with some spillover once I include cancelaura macros.

Healers have similar levels of bloat but I think most of this is the style of healers we have in this game. Instead of something like damaging abilities that also heal we have mostly heals then some dps abilities on the majority of healers. Monk is probably the worst offender and the monk class in general has a lot of weird bloat to it where you’ve got 2-3 finishers and similar numbers of builders.

Lastly, in the more demanding roles (e.g., not dps) you likely have target markers and world markers bound or at least in an opie menu. Add in mount/travel abilities, consumables, demon boogers, food, phials, and battle potions to round out the piano experience. It is absolutely excessive once the full picture has been painted.

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No they are not because once again
Just because you have the abilities picked doesn’t mean you have to actually key bind them
They can be picked just to get to a keybind ability you will use or to get to passives that help with the other abilities you decide to key bind.

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They tried then players complained so they gave more and some still complain about there’s not enough keys to hit.

There’s a reason players like games without the button bloat and with DF they sure added way too many.

Button bloat is pretty out of control these days. Some specs escape the issue, but you’d have to be blind to not see it is a general issue. If you’ve already got the benefit of many years of playing, it’s manageable. Lots of modifiers, extra mouse buttons, heal-harm macros, etc.

I can’t imagine being attracted to WoW’s gameplay though as a newcomer. And the extra buttons, while being manageable for long-time players, doesn’t seem like it’s resulted in more “fun” with the classes to people.


I actually leveled a warlock not long ago so this is easy.

You start with almost no buttons and slowly add on more. You’re never overwhelmed because the game drip feeds you new abilities. It’s actually incredibly easy and if anything for the first 40 or so levels you feel like you don’t have enough to press.

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Most characters have 3 full action bars for abilities, and it’s horrible.

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What 3 abilities do the exact same thing?

I’ll wait

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This is really where I’m at. It’s just not fun to have so many timers, procs, and cds that I’m basically constantly staring at weakauras rather than, you know, enjoying the game. Especially with the added complexity of certain fights that require a lot of movement and situational awareness. I get some people like it but it just feels exhausting/unfun for me currently.

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Yup, completely agree with this. Last time I played rogue was in Legion and loved outlaw back then. Picked rogue up again as my main this expansion and learning outlaw (alongside mythic+ things) has been absolutely miserable.

With how outlaw plays it’s pretty akin to beating on your keyboard as you almost always have stuff you can do with the rotation changing on the fly depending on a lot of different things. Trying to not only learn when I’m supposed to keep the buffs from roll the bones or reroll them, alongside making sure I don’t overcap combo points which depends on if I have Broadside buff from RtB/Opportunity proc up, to (somewhat) managing energy usage and trying to line up blade rush with blade flurry as much as possible especially when adrenaline rush is active and ideally I have vanish or shadow dance up so I can spam ambush, etc etc.

And then take all that, and now throw in the amount of utility a rogue has in M+. I’ve been practicing in low M+ keys with PuGs just because of the amount of things I need to know that mobs are capable of - essentially I need to know exactly what each mob does in each dungeon.

  • Do they have an enrage effect I need to get rid of with Soothe?
  • Is there a specific mob I need to sap to either allow us to skip a pack or just to remove a problem mob for a bit?
  • How does Blind / Gouge / Cheap shot interact with that specific mob and that specific ability? If a mob is channeling a spell for example does it immediately recast the channel when it becomes un-CC’ed or does it remove that entirely? What mobs can be kidney shot and what mobs are immune to it? Was I supposed to kick that spell? Since there’s a channel in SBG you don’t want to interrupt initially, I’m not sure of others off the top of my head since I’ve only learned a few dungeons. What spells can be cloaked off with cloak of shadows? There’s some things like Fenryr’s DoT that you would think would be a magical effect but are actually a physical effect so you can’t cloak those off.
  • Why aren’t you shrouding us past this pack of mobs rogue? AKA I need to know all the popular pack skips with shroud and hopefully no one dies otherwise it may be hard to get back to the group without me there.
  • Are there specific mob paths I need to be able to use Distract on?

And then, with all of that, there’s also the affixes to deal with as well as mechanics and just with everything combined it’s insane the amount of information/prep work/effort you need to put in to play. Granted, I’m talking about “end-game” things, but even outside of that just the rotation alone can be a lot to learn and I genuinely don’t see how some people can do it. Like, not trying to “flex” or anything, but I’ve always been an above average player in MMO’s/games in general and this has been hard for me, I can’t imagine people who don’t sit here and pop an addy and read up on guides for hours at a time to figure out exactly how everything interacts like I’ll do sometimes even manage to do it

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