By Character Stable, I mean we should look at our entire list of toons on our login screens as a single group, rather than individuals.
All their gold, reputation, unlocked features, items, etc… Should all be account-shared -per server/per-faction.
Alot of stuff is already. Stuff like the Honor System leveling is shared. Pathfinder is shared once a character unlocks it.
But we need to go all-in. Make all reputation between characters on the same server in the same faction be shared. All account-bound items instead of soul bound items. Shared renown. Shared anima. Shared everything.
Give us more freedom to play alts without holding back the rest of our toons. Our stable of characters should be looked at as a team working for the same purpose.
So instead of a bunch of characters with individual histories and experiences…we would have one character that is a shapeshifter and can change race and skills at will?
This will never happen. They’ve gated rep grinds purposefully. There’s no way they would let you grind basically endlessly based on how many characters you have.