WOW needs more diversity

You didn’t do the centuar quest line… its kind of alarming all of them are in relationships and it looks like they will be extinct in a generation

I did. I’m not terribly worried about them.

The amount of them that got killed in their civil war probably did more damage to their population than the two(?) gay couples we interacted with.

So despite the troll necro, this has just picked up to people loudly complaining that gay and black people exist in the game yea?


I thought it was four… could be wrong and you do have a point.

I figured it was a troll necro once I saw the OP’s date…

Who raised it?

All I can think of is the couple that’s bad at figuring proposals and the one that’s super into dryads which, y’know, fair.

I recall another but that might be the dryad one they all kind if blur into one big blob of " isn’t your whole tribe dying as we do this".

Im not really for or against but a relationship quest line should be short or at least with non background characters in my book.

Well, this’ll go a direction…

While Dragon Age 3 did that very well it is also a single player game. I just really don’t see how WoW is going to be able to do that. It is not so much me disregarding it because it is wrong but that I feel it would not work in in WoW. I would love for WoW to work this way.

I also think the dislike or Tyrande/ Malfurion or Thrall comes from a different place than the dislike for same sex couples. This is not the case for everyone but it is the case for a lot of people.

I don’t buy this with WoW. I would if it was a 100% medieval fantasy but it is not. Not with steampunk gnomes and rifle carrying dwarfs, even the humans are using guns, crossbows and katanas. Then when you go Horde side it is almost all non-European cultures.
Even in the medieval European age there where black and gay people. Just a look at history and art shows that but people do love to hold to the 100% white and straight all the time fantasy.

So yes, I agree with setting (I could point to many a double standard on that) in the case of WoW that setting does have room for “DEI” characters.

I would encourage Blizzard to stay far far away from DEI. Everything that has embraced it is starting to sink financially because of boycotts.


I can agree with you to some extent as wow is an extremely fantastical setting but I will never see DEI as anything but hypocrisy.

Taking characters that have existed and changing their race/sexuality/ etc is pandering and gross.

It’s disrespectful and is literally everything DEI claims to “fix”.


Humans in WoW are robots that evolved to have skin.

Any attempt to say “bUt tHeY sHoUlD bE wHiTe bCuZ eUrOpE” is thinly veiled racism.

Very thin.