I don’t think LGBT characters should be in your face. Characters who have their entire personality wrapped up in their sexuality are quite boring. It’s like the stereotypical gay best friend in every highschool movie from the past few years.
That’s not representation. That’s just feeding upon a stereotype.
Most LGBT folks I know and interact with don’t get entangled in their sexuality 100% of the time. They have personalities. Like I don’t talk to my gay friend about him being gay all the time. That’d make for a rather boring conversation.
World of Warcraft has LGBT representation. You have to look for it, sure. But if I get on the bus, would I know if there are any gay people on it? Maybe if I use stereotypes, but most likely not. Gay people aren’t rainbow-colored and stand out. The same goes for WoW. There are LGBT characters.
Night Elves as an entire race are very open about their sexuality. In lore and in-game there are instances of quest givers clearly showing their attraction or love for a member of the same sex.
Nightborne are the same and even go as far as to have one of their in game /flirt for the female is clearly a lesbian comment stating how attractive Tyrande Whisperwind looks and if she is seeing anyone. No straight female would make a comment inquiring about dating Tyrande.
So you have an entire playable race, which through their /flirt line, openly suggests they are lesbian or bisexual.
Could WoW do a better job? Absolutely. But do not force representation onto your characters for representation’s sake or to check off boxes. That leads to poor storytelling. If a writer is unenthusiastic about LGBT characters, they shouldn’t be writing them. Writers need to be excited about their characters so the audience will be as well.
I’ll use the example of Tracer who is openly gay which is seen through the comics. In game do you know she is gay? No, I don’t think so. Why? Because her sexuality is no relevant for that. Tracer being gay has zero to do with her ability to fight robots.
We can say the same for Anduin, who I know many like to suggest is gay or questioning. There have been very little situations where I feel Anduin bringing up he’s gay would have been relevant to the story. Like do you think Anduin should have told his soldiers who were storming Lordaeron, in that moment, “Hey guys, before we go to battle, just wanted to let you know I’m gay”. That wouldn’t fit at all.
Please don’t sacrifice story for the sake of checking boxes. That not only does injustice toward folks who are seeking representation, but also ruins the story.