WOW needs more diversity

And do you really think Blizzard adding a homosexual couple into the game will change this?

Or should I say more openly homosexual couples.

I didn’t know reading 11 words was beyond your ability. I apologize and will attempt to make things clear for you… get ready, this may take all of your brain cells to process.

Why? What will an openly non-cis sexuality character add?

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I didn’t know explaining yourself properly was beyond your ability. I’m sorry, I know some people are atypical. You may be one of them.

Everything in this game, or any other, is ultimately “pandering”. The other relationships I’ve mentioned that have already been in this game do nothing to add to the gameplay, yet the writers saw fit to put them in there. Who are those pandering to? For what purpose? What does it add?

Again, there is no good reason NOT to include LGBTA characters when the writers choose to make personal relationships so prevalent in the game (despite their complete inability to write it well).

The characters wouldn’t have to only resonate with LGBTA players, either. That’s a self-inflicted barrier on the part of some folks here, for reasons I still really don’t get.

(How did Overwatch supposedly “mess up” Soldier 76 and Tracer, again? They were just people in relationships. Handled way more naturally than “GOEL!!!11” and “TYRANDE WHERE ARE YOU, I NEEEED YOU”, imo.)


Do you realize that a lesbian couple are already in game?

Shoved into the background and left to interpretation which is stupid


Let me guess, Sentinel Sweetspring in Stars’ Rest. Can you give me one that has been given as much attention–and voice acting–as Thrall/Aggra, Jaina/Arthas/Kalec, Alleria/Turalyon, Malfurion/Tyrande, Sylvanas/Nathanos “I’m a blatant self-insert even though FaNtAsY gAmE” Blightcaller, ad nauseum? Even Ra-Den macking on MOTHER got more than that.


So it isn’t that you want them In game… it’s that you want them as a main character.

Do you really need me to say it twice?

No, I want them to be a DEVELOPED character. Main characters have development, but they are not the only type of developed character.

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Change my real life? Of course not.

I’m just saying, people who are against it because they had it in real life so they don’t need it in a fantasy world, well guess what, place where gay people can freely be gay and not get exterminated doesn’t exist in where I’m from, it’s a fantasy to me.


No e of those. It was in Legion. Enchantress Ilanya and Priestess Driana

But thanks for proving my point. It isn’t enough for them to be inngame… theybhave to be main characters. “To count”.

Ah, the sidequest if you took Enchanting. I’m a little confused as to why you think it’s a “gotcha” to want developed LGBTA characters that aren’t profession-locked, but whatever makes you happy, you sure got me there, honest.


Lol nice bite m8.

Lorewalker cho has impact on the main storyline but I don’t think he’s a main character? If he counts as a main character then I can’t imagine how many thousands of main characters there are in wow.

That’s not really in-game for most people; you have to go out of your way to see it AND interpret it. However, everyone who played Legion had to endure Malfurion crying out for Tyrande for an entire zone’s worth of quests.

So, yes, that’s why it has to be a developed character to count. If it’s there for straight relationships, it should be there for LGBT.

Very basic logic and common sense, you should try it.

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I don’t think LGBT characters should be in your face. Characters who have their entire personality wrapped up in their sexuality are quite boring. It’s like the stereotypical gay best friend in every highschool movie from the past few years.

That’s not representation. That’s just feeding upon a stereotype.

Most LGBT folks I know and interact with don’t get entangled in their sexuality 100% of the time. They have personalities. Like I don’t talk to my gay friend about him being gay all the time. That’d make for a rather boring conversation.

World of Warcraft has LGBT representation. You have to look for it, sure. But if I get on the bus, would I know if there are any gay people on it? Maybe if I use stereotypes, but most likely not. Gay people aren’t rainbow-colored and stand out. The same goes for WoW. There are LGBT characters.

Night Elves as an entire race are very open about their sexuality. In lore and in-game there are instances of quest givers clearly showing their attraction or love for a member of the same sex.

Nightborne are the same and even go as far as to have one of their in game /flirt for the female is clearly a lesbian comment stating how attractive Tyrande Whisperwind looks and if she is seeing anyone. No straight female would make a comment inquiring about dating Tyrande.

So you have an entire playable race, which through their /flirt line, openly suggests they are lesbian or bisexual.

Could WoW do a better job? Absolutely. But do not force representation onto your characters for representation’s sake or to check off boxes. That leads to poor storytelling. If a writer is unenthusiastic about LGBT characters, they shouldn’t be writing them. Writers need to be excited about their characters so the audience will be as well.

I’ll use the example of Tracer who is openly gay which is seen through the comics. In game do you know she is gay? No, I don’t think so. Why? Because her sexuality is no relevant for that. Tracer being gay has zero to do with her ability to fight robots.

We can say the same for Anduin, who I know many like to suggest is gay or questioning. There have been very little situations where I feel Anduin bringing up he’s gay would have been relevant to the story. Like do you think Anduin should have told his soldiers who were storming Lordaeron, in that moment, “Hey guys, before we go to battle, just wanted to let you know I’m gay”. That wouldn’t fit at all.

Please don’t sacrifice story for the sake of checking boxes. That not only does injustice toward folks who are seeking representation, but also ruins the story.


I’m asking what the details of a characters sexuality will add the the Warcraft story as a whole?

And the only answer I have gotten has been “I feel ignored”… which makes me worry about that person irl more then the diversity in game.

I’ve always felt that in a world where Old Gods, shattered worlds, corruption and visions, and multiple world ending events… that “who you sleep with” ranks right next to “what you had for breakfast” to the people of Azeroth.

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And everyone made fun of those two.

Is that what you really want for your precious LGBT character?

To me, I would rather have an interesting character… who may happen to be non binary. Because their sexuality isn’t their story.

Character sexuality is important, why? Because Azeroth is a diverse place as is. You have different races falling in love. So yes, you of course you have same sex relationships.

I agree with you, it isn’t as important as fighting the Old Gods. But when you’re walking through Stormwind. Would it be nice to see a same sex couple? Sure. That would make for a more immersive world. Same as a human/night elf couple.


This isn’t real life, it’s a fantasy game. We play it to escape real life or did you miss that part?


And LGBT people play it to escape real life too, or did you miss that part?

LGBT people getting killed for existing in Muslim countries; at least in a fantasy world, they wouldn’t be prosecuted.