WOW needs more diversity

I find it pretty difficult to attempt to indoctrinate anyone in a video game. LGBT representation in a game isn’t a bad thing, but it has to be relevant. Forcing it for the sake of diversity is a terrible way to get people to like it. There’s already some LGBT characters in game, they’re just not over the top about it and are only noticeable if you pay attention. It’s been this way since Wrath, potentially even vanilla.

Other games do it pretty well, too. But some games take it too far.

My answer to this is no. Blizzard does not need to add LGBT to this game. If anything needs to be added it’s better content and better characters.




So you are male to female that’s pure attracted to males?

Don’t answer if that’s too personal I know it’s a very nosy question

You are correct Blizzard needs to add even more new races to the game!


Yes like Shaw and Flynn is as natural as you can get hmmmmmmm

I’m still sitting here waiting for playable murlocs.


of course it’s just an assumption.

when it comes to murder, “crimes of passion” are big contributor to statistics.
…but if anyone tried playing the card that straight-folk were killed because of their gender, they’d get laughed at for saying something which sounds so completely ridiculous.

I wonder if the person you’re responding to, has the stats of how many “transpersons” have been charged with murder over the same period.
…because i doubt the number is zero, and it seems manipulative to ignore a statistic which seems highly relevant to whatever point they’re attempting to make if they’re wanting to claim any sort of bias is involved.

The music, the steady, infectious rhythm of it gradually spread to the others approaching the tent, tense shoulders moving to the beat, narrowed eyes widening with appreciation at the talented (and scantily dressed) dancers.

Only Talanji and her Zandalari contingent stood apart. The detached detachment. He wasn’t exactly surprised. While the Horde Council had welcomed her and her folk warmly, her response so far had been nothing but chilly. Zekhan had kept a close eye on her, intrigued and, admittedly, a little besotted with the beautiful queen. She had the most delicate tusks and arresting blue eyes…

If they’re gonna make me read this cringe with my eyes, they have no excuse to not do the same for LGBTA characters. I’d prefer they leave all this sort of thing out of the game, though, because heavens above, they are TERRIBLE at writing it. Don’t even get me started on MALFURION MY LOVE, that was terrible writing on top of terrible VA work. The only saving grace of Val’sharah was watching Tyrande fall for Xavius’ whiny Malf decoys every time, but I don’t think the writers MEANT it to be as painfully funny as it was.

Far as I’m concerned, every character in this game is bi unless proven otherwise. That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I am with you. Just leave the cheese at the deli counter.

That said, I think that Azeroth’s cultures probably are similar to some that have existed in our own history. In that, as long as you produce an acceptable heir either by conventional means, or by adopting someone of a suitable family line, what you do otherwise is your business.

But please, leave the romance to the Role Players. Keep it out of the story.

Other way around. I was born female but identify as male. But sexuality isn’t really related to being trans so you can still be attracted to certain genders.

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Why is it some people are so obsessed with what someone does with their genitals? Why is it so important to some of you to recognize a group of individuals because of their sexual preferences? It’s so bizarre. We tell the government to “stay out of the bedroom” but so many of you just can’t help but stick your own noses in it. Thats NOT diversity, that’s fetish.

Just let us enjoy a fantasy game without you people sticking your politics in it mkay?


having LGBT characters would be normal. LGBT people exist in real life, normally.


Simply being born is not politics. I know I keep saying it but it’s true


your argument is confusing. Which one is it: keep politics out of bedroom, or LGBT is inherently political?

I didn’t know being born was a political statement.


Which consenting adult another consenting adult chooses to fall in love with isn’t political. It’s life. There were LGBTA folks back in medieval times too, you know. And if Blizzard insists on foisting their terribad romance plots on the game, which they clearly intend to keep doing, then there’s no good reason why they shouldn’t include LGBTA characters. I’m not sure why this is riling folks up so much. You tolerate Malfurion and Tyrande, Thrall (er, excuse me, GOEL) and Aggra, maybe at this point Ra-Den and MOTHER, you’ll be just fine tolerating anything else. Won’t you?


You know what, now I’m not envy of you all anymore, I rather people rub their hatred and ignorance on my face instead of people faking their smile and be nice with me in real life but they’re a complete homophobe deep down. At least that way I’ll know who’s my friend and who isn’t.

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This is why I’m only going to buy Indie and East Asian games in the future.


that’s how I see it too; but years of it have made me develop a very keen BS meter.

I used to feel self conscious about other people not liking me; then I realized if they judge me, I can judge them too; and if they have an issue with my existence, it’s their problem, not mine.

“We need more diversity” troll thread 2: electric boogaloo

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How do you know he’s trolling? SJWs are the social norm these days