wtf did I just read there… And I thought ive seen some absurd things before, this might just take the cake… And im leaving now, bye…
What is funny is I see this reason, that Blizzard does add them to keep getting money as more valid than the other reasons. Which are the same reasons when any type of “diversity” is asked for.
- Tokenism is bad
- This is not real life
- It will ruin my immersion
- Well as long as it is well written and makes sense for the story
- Keep politics out of my game
- What does “xyz” do to improve the state of the game
Granted WoW does have couples with ambiguous relationships. Just remove the ambiguity, let them out the WoW closet.
That tired old “I’m not homophobic 'cause I have gay (insert relation here)” rhetoric after saying something homophobic is akin to saying “I’m not racist, I have black friends”
How this vomit of ignorance hasn’t been locked yet is beyond me.
wrong but keep thinking this can we let this thread die.
No. This thread is fun. Did you read the latest few post about gay bombs? Can we continue the conversation with that please?
Hardest thing about being Christian is that you start to see certain things as wrong as God thinks it’s wrong but at same point you have to be forgiving to others and yourself when you slip up.
I mean I will be honest a lot of male trans I know seem to prefer women I don’t know too many that are gay as anything I’m sure such gay men exist though. But I try not to judge other people and supporting being inclusive is good but how do you draw the line between tolerance and indoctrination
How about no and we let the game stay normal.
Where do they get a statistic like that?
Does the person killing them say, “Yes, only for that reason.”
Or is it just assumed that was the reason?
Actually, in doing some research, I just found out what you said is completely not true. If you actually look it up, it lists 26 such people and “possibly as many as 40.” Also, virtually none of them actually say they were killed over their “gender identity.” I’m actually trying to find a single one, where that was the reason, having great difficulty in doing so.
Ah, I actually did find ONE (confirmed to be “trans panic” as the reason for the murder; This being where the perp says they did not know the person was “trans”, then freaks out upon finding it out.))
In researching this, I found some that were killed by a “boyfriend” or such, who certainly knew that they were “trans.” At least one was when the person broke up with the boyfriend (so being “trans” was not the problem, obviously, instead quite the opposite (regular domestic break up, leading to violence.) )
Many others seem possibly random (as with any other murder.) There are some where acquaintances of theirs, having no actual idea, say that they “thought” it was due to their gender identity.
Then, of course, you have around the 14,000 or so killed by gun violence (non-suicide, if suicide is included the number is MUCH higher) who were NOT trans.
I think you misunderstood my question. Based on what I know, you CAN indoctrinate someone to become a Christian, but I never heard of people learning about LGBT stuff and all of them become LGBT just because they heard about it.
I mean, did you magically became gay after hearing that word? I think not. There’s no such thing as gay agenda, you are the best prove.
You say you haven’t heard, but that’s not at all true. It’s not difficult to make a child think they’re LGBT by raising them in the same way that you would a religiously indoctrinated child. If you tell them they are something and they never know differently, they’re going to believe they’re that thing.
Plus there are a number of people in the LGBT community that are pushing to try and get LGBT among very young children (way too young to make a decision) more commonly accepted.
It’s exactly the same thing with any dogma. It’s why nationalism is a problem, too. Nationalism, racism, ideologies, etc are all taught and not inborn.
I didn’t knew someone’s sexual attraction and biology can be brainwashed… Let me read up on something regarding this topic.
It can be. Far more commonly and in history, people are brainwashed into trying to conform - as in an LGBT individual being forced into being straight and, “normal”. Which was one of the chief motivations for the LGBT movement in the first place.
Want to get LGBTQ people in WoW? Then come to Goldshire, Moonglade! Be sure to bring over 10k gold because doing things will cost ya! If you don’t like that well too bad!
That’s more like pretend to be straight, they didn’t become straight because deep down they know that they’re gay.
They didn’t just become straight, hence why there’s so many stories of wife catching their husband having affairs with other men. Sexual orientation is not a switch you can just change it like that, if it were, there won’t be any gay people left in extreme muslim countries at all because nobody would choose to suffer their whole life and get hunted by their government and their neighbors.
You have no idea what these people thought. There are many that said on record they fully believed they were straight, and were in denial. They were taught that being gay was wrong and they grew up fully believing in it and so many could not come to terms with their actual sexuality, if they ever questioned.
This is a lot of random, completely unrelated babble. I never said people could switch their sexuality. I said people were indoctrinated into believing they were straight.
Is that all? I thought you meant that someone actual sexuality can be changed through indoctrination.
And those people that were in denial knew something is different about them hence the need of denial, they’re not just trying to fool others but they’re fooling themselves as well, so I think using the word ‘pretend’ here is not inappropriate.
way to completely destroy what little credibility you had to begin with.
Not really. They can believe they’ve changed, but they can still have issues with it. That’s why aversion therapy was not only cruel and immoral - but wasn’t very effective.
They may not know that their struggles aren’t normal, and they may also mistake that for a crisis of faith. As homophobia is largely contributed to religious dogma.
This is all unrelated, as the original topic was indoctrination into the LGBT community and that is absolutely possible.
Quite the opposite, I was replying to Elae because she was talking about LGBT representation being a line away to indoctrination to straight people.
Or is that… Sorry my brain is fried after a long and hectic day, I better stop replying.