WOW needs more diversity

We can all tell you are lying. And if you believe anything you are saying you are obviously delusional.

a programmer? you travel? Sounds like you are crafting the life you wish you had.


You dont exist as others do though. You do not produce children, instead you stop them from coming into being through your action. Like it or not, you contribute to the downfall of our nation (or the nation you belong to) and more importantly, to us as a species.

I am confused about this statement. If you are referring to islamic law, the law actually says you are to be “crushed”, because that was the punishment that sodom (and ghemorah) were sentenced with.

The highest building is not a position in islamic law, more accurately, it is the highest point in sight, and it is one of two positions (and the weaker of the two), the other being stoning.

Also by islamic law, you are not stoned, or crushed (ie by falling from extreme heights) for being gay, you are done so for breaking the law (ie having sex with someone that is not the opposite sex with you, and married to you)

Islamically speaking, sexual immorality is murder. Having sex with the same person is an act equal to taking a life. This is a very serious topic, and with the act a very serious punishment.



Having sex with the same sex (ie male with male)

JonTron is hilarious.

By this logic, infertile people also do not deserve to exist and contribute to the fall of nations.

Cite what you want, but I will speak reality. People are being executed just for being LGBT+. That is a fact, not some conspiracy theory.

And thus you endorse it? You see no issue with what that is? None whatsoever?


aaaaaaaaaaand now the joke is ruined if you like it

islamically speaking, you are still insane.


This is about in line with that madness, sadly.

Stop trying to jump to others problems, to solve your own.

Infertile people can procreate (with the help of technology), and they also do not advocate everyone go out taking some life choice to not have kids. to the opposite, most of them want kids.


I support islamic law, 110%. It is the best law, and it will lead us into a golden age as a species.

let me be extremely clear about this. I support it unconditionally, in the absolute, with no doubt that it is the best way of life for us as a species. This includes death for illegal sexual intercourse upon those who will not give it up.

No, I see great wisdom in it, and i fear such wisdom escapes you because of your thinking being clouded by your physical desires and the need to fulfill them in a way that is not healthy (physically, or spiritually).

oh gosh…

Actually, here:

that’s my diagnosis… I’m a doctor. A real one; not a “programer”, like you.

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Speaking of funny videos,
do you know there is one that has every type of diagnoses on webMD as “cat flu”.

it would be an interesting case study to see how your mind works.

“Interesting” is a good word for “pitying”. If not “mortifying”.

I’m actually rather fascinated with the fact that I was just asked to present evidence of LGBT+ people being executed in the modern era. As if that wasn’t already common knowledge with examples aplenty. Time wasting tactic, or…?


They cannot produce it, and in this point of sustaining a culture, have no chance.

generally speaking, people with schizotypal features don’t accept reality even when given overwhelming evidence of it. So, yes, it’s kind of a waste of time.

Even in therapy, what you’d normally do is teach grounding techniques so they themselves can separate what is real from what isn’t. However, prognosis is moderate for schizophrenic patients if they don’t take medication to help with the therapy (due to the organic nature of the condition); and delusional patients have very poor prognosis, as medication has minimal effect on belief systems.

EDIT: sorry, that got very technical.

And yet, here we are. Despite the fact that there are examples of homosexuality all throughout history. Could it be that you’re wrong?


Because the enemy has been walking the earth from the time before we existed as a species.

Isis is not an example of shariah law, actually they are opposite. Where is these evidences?

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