WOW needs more diversity

Well im sorry to hear that surely theres a place somewhere to get help. Clearly not for free. Because nothing in life is free.

I certainly don’t expect to know your private info its not my business. Best of luck.

I paid for my medical by getting permanently disabled while serving in the USMC in 1990. Since the only money I have is my Disability pension through the VA and my only Medical is the VA, and because my profession has made it clear that they wont hire me anymore now that I’m a woman, it rather limits my options on this. My only hope is for a Liberal President and to have Trumps executive orders that allow Federal Discrimination of the LGBT+ to be reversed. Hopefully this can be worked out in the next year so it doesn’t become fatal.

you, and whomever liked your comment can keep your ‘perverted’ hatred to yourself. I’d be more graphic, but… not worth it.


Eeyup. Often stuff like live from news shows too so they’re put on the spot.

Simply existing is nothing related to politics. I know I said that MANY times in this thread but it’s true.

Also it’s my game too dude

I am not perverted because you dont like that i have an opposing opinion. You dont get the right to decide that my opinion is preverted. You claim that people should respect you, respect them and their positions, or shut up.

You are a bully, and your kind are bullies, bulling not just people but companies to cave to your redicious positions, or suffer political attacks and reputational damage as a result.


Seems like they just want to make fun of them then. Yet they “push” for people to be tolerant of transgender people. Effed up.

It’s just a really creepy obsession and I don’t like it. Some of the other nurses my mom works with were just as creepy if they had trans patients.

I said MOST people. Also, yes, a VIDEO GAME, not real life. And I do understand that there are people who will really hate on you, I’m sorry for that. But also, having my preferences as well, I don’t necessarily need recognition. At the end of the day, being represented brings me no real happiness or joy, because at the end of the day, it’s just a form of entertainment.

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then you don’t get to decide if my life is perverted. Is that simple. You are the initial aggressor here. Don’t play victim.


Hypocrite much?

I cannot express how deeply i respect this position. There are people from the lg+ community that are wise like this, and there are some that have the need to force the topic on everyone, scream and throw fits like children, and then threat, attack, or abuse them in some way.

I have a DEEP hatred for those individuals, who trample on the rights of other people to have opposing (even resisting view).


In where I’m from, police can kick down your door alongside with news reporters to catch you having sex in your own house.

After they’re done public shaming you (may or may not include public canning) and all that, you’re now incarcerated for 10 years or more, after your family disown you of course.

Oh and I forgot to mention, the reason why they would target your house in the first place is because they’re monitoring your messages on your phone messaging app, which is apparently legal because they’re the law.

You do what you want with your life, really. But as you don’t want beliefs forced on you, Don’t force yours on others. I myself am latin and LGBTT+. And I don’t lose my head when people on the entertainment media don’t include LGBTT+ representation. But fine, I guess you are entitled to your opinion.

oh please, we don’t need your approval on what the right way or the wrong way to be LGBT is. I have a DEEP hatred for people like you who believe they are so compassionate, but they are far from it.

It’s not about views, you simply don’t get to decide what other people do with their lives. And if you judge others, then be ready to be judged in return.

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“I don’t really get the need for LGBT+ representation in everything. Everyone is already so accepting in this day and age, why does Azeroth need any actual examples?”

Meanwhile, in every other form of media.

LGBT+ person: Exists.

“wHy ArE yOu PeOpLe ShOvInG tHiS dOwN mY tHrOaT?!?!?!?!?!”

Entire cities were destroyed for this act. Threats from the most high have come down to mankind for people who commit this act. You should be wise and take it seriously, and if you are not a person of faith, keep your lifestyle to yourself.

Somehow i think the real issue here is not really if you are lg+, is that you have an insisting need to force your lifestyle on others, while infringing on their rights, all the while claiming to be a victim. You chose this lifestyle, keep it to yourself, we dont need to know about it, just as you dont need to know about our heterosexual relationships.

If you had shame, if anyone had shame, they would never talk about their sexual life, preference, etc in public. These are private matters, that need to be kept private.

What really really upsets me about this is not that i know you, and those like you (ie the drama queens of the lg+ community) it is that I know our species, and our species will progress more into perversion. What will be next? Children? Animals? When will we draw the line?

I draw it here. Its for others to make their choice where to draw it.

I have read the entire 1303 posts in this thread because I wanted to be educated in the conversation and not plow through with a completely obtuse, or ridiculous comment/question if I had one, and if you were really serious about this statement/question, with your attempt to be so “cool” with how you put it, you wouldn’t ask that.

I mean, I was just referring vaguely to the self-defeating argument I’d mentioned. I haven’t read through any of what you’ve said above, but if the shoe fits…

There must be someway for you to get help. My free line wasn’t me taking any sort of jab at you. Its just that theres always a cost.

As for trump. The probabilities are reasonable he’ll get a second term. lets be honest the democratic canadates have no chance and a third party canadate will never get the electoral votes.

The lefts three most likely nomanies are bad. Biden is actively demoting himself. Bernie is a communist with one foot in the grave. And warren is constantly lieing to the public.

The democrats will probably push biden and shaft bernie again like they did with hillary.

None the less i wish you the best. And thank you for your service.

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