WOW needs more diversity

Oh no I lost the game :frowning:


Did you just assume the players tolerance level.


Oh look it’s this thread again… How’s about we stop forcing diversity and make good story/characters. I’m so tired of seeing this brought up time and time again. Make a good character that happens to be gay,bi or whatever instead of “making gay characters” just for the sake of it


Well that’s rather presumptuous of you


this doesnt alter gameplay in the slightest doesnt give you a decision to make or anything to do with it, it simply makes a statement that this character is LGBT and thats the end of it


Bless you!


Theres a female Night Elf in Wrath (Stars Rest, Dragonblight) (Sentinel Sweetspring) who has the hots for one of the female night elf vendors (Sentinel Amberline). If you stand there and watch them for a bit this emote pops up in the chat dialogue.

Sentinel Sweetspring “grins at Sentinel Amberline across the camp, waggling her long eyebrows suggestively.”

I don’t think Sentinel Amberline is impressed by it.she responds with this emote:

Sentinel Amberline huffs with annoyance, glaring briefly at Sentinel Sweetspring before turning away with her nose in the air.

Sentinel Sweetspring

Sentinel Amberline


8/8 Gr8 b8 m8

It’s not even Sunday.


WTH is wrong with you? lmaooo


Guaranteed Replies: The Thread.


what does someones sexuality have to do with a existential threat to azeroth or reason why we travel to a new world, spoiler alert nothing its just shoehorning your values into the game to make you feel better inside.


I have not read any replies yet. I’m replying directly to this post before I look at any of them.

I do not paritcularly feel like we ‘need’ to push LGBTQ+ stuff into various games, etc. I do wish it was just normalized so it happened organically but I also recognize a bit of ‘forcing’ is sometimes needed to get that ball rolling.

Having not read any of the comments below, I’m gonna go ahead and say “I’m so sorry you had to read that” cause I’m sure theres some vitriolic BS below your post.

Also, I would LOVE to see some pride themed charity gear/pets. Donate to a proper cause for pride month and offer up some rainbow and if you’re feelin frisky, some other pride color themed stuff, but at the very least some rainbow action.


As a LGBT person myself, I was listening to you until you posted the above. Making assumptions about a persons intentions when there is no clear evidence, turns off a lot of people.

Also, it doesn’t bother me that we are not represented ingame…it’s a game…I’m more concerned how we are represented in the real world rather than a silly game. :dancer:


What “rampant homophobia”? I’ve never seen any homophobia in my 13 years of playing his game.

Not wanting what you do behind closed doors thrown in my face doesn’t make me “homophobic”. My mother was a lesbian. My best friend is a gay man. My son is questioning. I have many friends and family members who are part of the LBGT community.

I don’t want anyone’s sex life thrown in my face, I don’t care who they are boinking behind closed doors.

You’re seriously reaching.


Yeah cause we have seen his wife so many times and shes been an integral part of the story hasn’t she. its irrelevant lore that most people have forgotten about…

He’s saying, rather poorly, that it doesn’t add any gameplay–which is entirely accurate.

There are a handful of examples of lgbt characters already ingame, which is good. That being said, they shouldn’t shoehorn them in to meet some quota, rather what they should do is write meaningful characters with proper backstories and what-not that just so happen to be lgbt.

It’s no more a defining character trait than being straight is and should be handled as such. There are many characters in many games where being lgbt is their defining trait… which is silly. There’s a lot more to people than that.

In short: yes, there should be more lgbt characters added but it should be handled with tact. ESO handles it pretty well, I would agree.


Isn’t he like… 2 or 3? Ships with him always give me the heebeejeebees.

But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s actually IN the lore

your point? they haven’t been wasting time on developing the character because ITS MORE IMPORTANT TO DEVELOP THE GAME ITSELF


Because they have writers working on gameplay systems. lol