Gold sink, BMAH, repairs, cosmetic stuff from vendors… It can be anything that doesnt come from other players.
Whats the point of a gold-sink if inflation doesn’t matter because gold has no value relative to other players?
You could still buy wow tokens for gold and for subs.
Meh. There’s very little you need Gold for these days and doing Korthia, Callings and the Mission Board easily nets enough Gold and mats to cover consummable needs.
We just need Blizz to clamp down on Boosting ads in chat and in the Group Finder.
So you want a barter economy?
I mean I see how it could work I just don’t agree it would be better. Forced Complicated systems of trade are more likely to push people away. Now if people do WTT posts like they did before in trade chat then go ahead nobody is stopping it.
Take a game like Path of Exile as one of the best modern examples of a barter system. There is no exact currency and you can ask for anything or trade anything for anything else (if the player will accept it). Even then, you just bartered with the vendors by trading different things. Even in PoE though standards developed, Chaos became essentially the standard with Exalts a step up. There are of course other currencies, but for most things Chaos or Exalts are the main currency.
In summary, even if WoW did do a full on barter system, a currency standard would develop.
“Hello, boosting store? Yes, I would like to buy one Boost for 100k gold.”
“Hello, boosting store? Yes, I would like to buy one Boost for 500 Chungus Feet.”
Eliminate gold as a trading medium and players will just use something else. Like in Diablo, using duped SOJs as a currency. You already see this is Path of Exile - there will always be a currency people use for trading.
Except there are very much currency exchanges on console based around one specific token being the core unit of value and other currencies being relative to that currency. I think they banned the currency exchanges on PC but they absolutely exist on console to facilitate trade.
Im not familiar with PoE, but in diablo multiple items could be used as currency, gems/runes/rare items.
In a changing game like wow, hopefully the currency changes with expansion.
This has to be one of the most idiotic ideas I’ve ever seen.
The entire point of gold existing is so that it can be used to purchase items and services. Look, the simple reality is that you will never get rid of boosting. There’s a market for it, and as long as that market exists, the supply will exist. The only way to mitigate it is to restrict how it can be advertised, and Blizzard is doing what they can to address this, with the most recent change being restricting group creations to level 60 players only.
Will that fix the problem? Probably not, but it will put a dent in it. No more level 1 spam characters making groups anymore.
You read my mind about gold being bound on account and i am full of gold and I don’t play the AH
Gold in WoW and the market in general functions pretty much exactly like a real economy functions. Someone could write a thesis on it. I could lay it all out in a really long post but no one would read it lol.
My only gripe with gold is the leggo base items costing 200-500k on medium and small pop servers. They are still trying to get WoD and Legion gold out of the game, but I’m not biting.
Sadly, I think the developers don’t care and are going to keep WoW pay-to-win including boosting. I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard offers their own boosting service in the future since people selling boosts are making so much money (real money) doing it. Every person that defends boosting is either buying, selling, or benefitting from it in some way. Belluar had a great video talking about this and in the discussion it was revealed that there’s so much money people are making that it’s ridiculous, the kind of money whereby you could quit your full-time job and make more money boosting. Blizzard devs probably designed the game this way on purpose so they could enrich themselves doing this. Truly, this game isn’t a game anymore, it’s one big shopping mall of buying and selling products and services for real life cash.
you can remove gold completely and it wouldnt change a thing. People will always find something and make that the “currency”. If you ever traded in D2 or POE you would know this to be true.
The only way that’d get WoD/Legion gold out of the game is if it was an actual gold-sink to begin with. It’s not, it’s price is just inflated since it’s just “craft a rank 4 with a couple extra mats and 40 Korthite Crystals!”.
The gold that you spend to craft/buy a r6 doesn’t leave the economy, it just transfers to someone else.
(toddles in with coffee in hand and thinking about cookies and my day job as an accountant and looks around… and… nope, no doing it)
(walks back out of thread)
Reminds me of that woman that traded sex for an epic flying mount back in BC.
People will always find something else to trade.
This is mainly Blizz’s fault. Blizzard tried to make the basic mats cost a lot of gold as a faucet to balance the economy, like simpliest mat costing 9g. This obviously backfired as people who spent tons of gold crafting something wanted a good return.
If I craft an item for 1k and sell it for 2k, I will be very happy but if I craft something for 10k but sell it for 12k I will not be as happy.
This idea won’t happen in this game. The token and boosts that the author hates are the primary source of revenue for Blizzard. They aren’t going to give that up.
The playerbase isn’t going to grow because of this change.
No. It’s quite literally the people boosting who is at fault.
But it’s way less fun than just shoveling the blame to evilcorp.
That’s true I guess. I see it a lot of places though like the frogs and AH mount in BFA. The huge cost of the vendor items needed to craft SL stuff.
Boosting does not matter to me. I am a crafter and AH Goblin. I have to sell my crafts with a profit, otherwise I won’t be bothered. If I have to spend 100k to craft a rank 6 lego, you can be sure that i will not sell it for 50k.