WoW morality shouldn't be based on character popularity

… the book literally tells you he lost his mind when he touched that sword. He didn’t regain sanity just to be personally offended by Sylvanas and then pop back to his insane mind blended persona again after.

When Arthas touched that sword he became something else. Whatever you want to blame or accuse Arthas of has to be on this new person produced by frostmourne.

Also his torment was just stabbing her with his sword. Just as he did uther, what specific part of the book makes it plain that Arthas took extra steps with Sylvanas? Give me the pages or the exact quotes please. Thank you.

Exactly so the fully frostmourne corrupted Arthas now became the dominant personality in the helmet. But this was far later during WOTLK.


Arthas took pains to make sure that Sylvannas was in full concious awareness of the things he made her do… unlike most of the people that were raised as Scourge. He even kept her body around on the off chance that he might think of a a creative way to torture her with it. That’s also from the book.

You are literally not the person you were 5 years ago. People change, Arthas just took an unconventional road in doing so.

You’re being selective in what you recall because you share that paradoxical view of wanting to give Arthas a total pass on what he did, while not giving the same courtesy to the woman he brutalised.


Literally conceded with this take and ignores in the book arthas avoided having the business a girl Preston blackmoore blackmailed. Astounding

That sentence literally can not be parsed into a coherent thought.

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No it is incapable for someone who hasn’t read the book. Wasn’t there a noble who blackmailed a girl and tried to use her against arthas I remember reading it in rise of lich king. It was with blackmoore I remember him doing something extremely vile. Found it so yeah this guy blackmoore offered a serving girl in rise of the lich king and it was implied he was blackmailing her to sleep with arthas however arthas noticed something was off. The character name is Taretha Foxton

Are you actually comparing someone aging 5 years to someone touching a mind melding magic sword???

Arthas did not have freewill.
Sylvanas had freewill.

What part of this do you not understand?

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Probably put me on ignore I’m just going to put this quote down because clearly you haven’t read rise of the lich king and don’t know the lore you are talking about.
Excerpt from chapter 4

I – tell your master thank you, although I am not hungry. And I’m wondering what he’s done with my servants."

“They have been invited to a repast with the other servants,” Taretha explained. She still didn’t look up.

“I see. Well, that’s kind of the lieutenant general; I’m sure the men appreciate it.”

She didn’t move.

“Is there anything else, Taretha?”

The pink in her cheeks deepened, and she lifted her eyes to him. They were calm, resigned. “My lord Blackmoore sent me with this offering of things to tempt you,” she repeated. “Things you might enjoy.”

Understanding burst upon him then. Understanding, and embarrassment, and irritation, and anger. He composed himself with an effort – it was hardly the girl’s fault, indeed, she was the one being ill used.

“Taretha,” he said, “I’ll take the food, with thanks. I need nothing else.”

“Your Highness, I’m afraid he will insist.”

“Tell him I said it’s fine.”

"Sir, you don’t understand. If I come back he – "

He glanced down at the hands holding the tray, at the long hair draped just so. Arthas stepped forward and lifted her trailing hair out of the way, frowning at the brownish-blue fading marks on her wrists and throat.

“I see,” he said. “Come inside, then.” Once she had entered, he closed the door and turned to her.

“Stay for as long as you feel comfortable, then go back to him. In the meantime, I can’t possibly eat all this.” He gestured for her to sit and took a chair opposite her, snagging a small pastry and grinning.

Taretha blinked at him. It took a moment for her to understand what he was saying, and then cautious relief and gratitude spread over her face as she poured the wine. After a little while, she began to respond to his questions with more than a few polite words, and they spent the next few hours talking before they agreed it was time for her to return. As she picked up the tray, she turned to him.

“Your Highness – it pleases me so much to know that the man who will be our next king has such a kind heart. The lady you choose to make your queen will be a very lucky woman.”

He smiled and closed the door behind her, leaning on it for a moment.

The lady he would choose to make his queen. He recalled his conversation with Calia; fortunately for his sister, Terenas had started to have some suspicions about Prestor – nothing that could be proven, but enough for second thoughts.

They don’t understand they think he was some big spoiled brat prince since he was born which couldn’t be further from the truth

Worse, he was a hot headed prince who refused to listen to his elders, when they told him No. He made his choices. No one forced him down the path he picked.


Lmao okay Micah the experts are talking here. I’ve already provided 4 examples of him being manipulated and you still haven’t given a lengthy detailed response giving counter evidence.

I know me and Drah are talking dear. Thanks for reminding us we’re the experts

He definitely has flaws and insecurities. He is no saint for sure but when he touched the sword the book described how his mind got warped by it.
During the entire human campaign he was being manipulated and led to that moment where he would become the perfect servant for the lichking.

Its written black on white what happened but some people persist with their biased view of the story for whatever wierd reason.


WoW morality shouldn't be based on character popularity - #154 by anon40861594 Here we go my response right there and you still haven’t responded and you know why you have nothing. You can keep spreading this false narrative no one is going to believe it I already stated you should be criticizing him for not listening to Medivh and killing the mercenaries to that I agree he was wrong

I don’t understand slyvanas did the same exact thing he did if you view it black and white and what’s worse is she regained her free will and chose to do that

Their argument is that she is a victim and so suffered trauma. And so even though she did have freewill her bad actions are not her fault.


The problem was she was a victim and had a chance arthas didn’t have slyvanas was a what if case scenario. It was to show if arthas broken free of lich king what would of happened. Clearly dansuer and afansbi curse his name both did not understand metzen vision for the character. She was a survivor list for her people not a good person but not an evil person in Warcraft 3 she was quite literally gray. But then that pig came along and decided to use her as an instrument of his women hating. Then dansuer instead of continuing saddening though it may be this story arc decides to create completely new character. You see this is why I don’t act serious on story forums when I’m on farnath. I get too worked up when I see my favorite characters like slyvanas be turned into this and the misinformation being spread.

Im sorry but if we are arguing Sylvanas morality vs Arthus (which is already splitting hairs) Sylvanas fits this bill as well with Gilneas. She was ordered not to plague but did so anyw- wait…You are playing a Worgen, you should know this.


Hats off to you. I like everything about this comment and agree with so much.

As you make some valid points, I have one thing I’d like to add. When comparing Arthas to Sylvanas, she says something that reinforces your argument comparing the two. When meeting the Dreadlords Balnazaar, Varimatharas and Detheroc she says, quote “For some reason I no longer hear the Lich King’s voice in my head. My will is my own once again.” That sounds like she broke free of the Lich King’s influence, and by extension, the Jailer’s.

And? People make bad choices in life all the time and even the worse of them ended up in Revendreth.

The issue here is y’all want to redeem arthas and condemn sylvanas.

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