WoW morality shouldn't be based on character popularity

Wrong. I say let them share the same fate. If one gets redeemed the other does too/if oblivion/damnation for one the also for the other. At least that is my take on it.


That’s fair I guess. Far more reasonable than some of the other questionable suggestions I’ve seen concerning both characters.

I just wanna see the epilogue so we can get out of this expansion. There were a few bright spots, but the overall story is terrible. :wolf:

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Nobody forced him, correct, but coercion is still a form of manipulation. He’s not being held at gunpoint to do anything, but there’s both Frostmourne and the Jailer’s presence in his mind corrupting him, as well as characters like Mal’Ganis or Kel’thuzad literally speaking to him and manipulating him that way.


Not necessarily killed BY Mal’Ganis, but just killed by something, because Northrend is a total disaster area, between the nerubians, the Old God stuff, the corrupted Titan stuff, the wildlife, and just generally being a frozen hellscape.

Just as a comment, few souls judged by the Arbiter went directly to the Maw. Arthas did so because of Uther, and while there is no statement that says “Arthas would have gone to X without Uther’s intervention” some of the cases in Revendreth seem worse than Arthas, so, while it’s purely headcanon, I feel it’s likely he doesn’t end up in the Maw but for Uther’s choice. Arthas wasn’t “judged” to be turned into nothingness, so I’m not sure why Sylvanas would be.

Also, I’m intentionally completely sidestepping around the question of who is more culpable after zany soul splitting/stealing/siphoning/sharding/somethinging. Mostly because trying to determine morality when people are literally mucking around with their souls seems impossible when folks struggle with it without that added layer of complexity.

For me, personally, when we start entering into the realm of cosmological deities that can literally control you, and also they can screw around with your afterlife, morality becomes far more detached.

People are divided over the culling of Stratholme, where someone undertakes an action that is abhorrent but could, potentially, be for the greater good (Stratholme ends up a disaster either way, but that’s got the benefit of hindsight). It’s a difficult question and there is a relatable element to it.

Now change that story to involve split souls, improperly re-attached souls, voices in their heads from various pieces of clothing they wear, voices in their head from WoW Satan and minions, being literally completely controlled into doing actions while aware, being mostly mind controlled, being somewhat mind controlled, WoW Satan stealing someone from their afterlife to torture them in WoW Hell, and WoW Satan convincing someone to throw someone into WoW Hell.

Suddenly I lack the foundation to pass judgment on much of this.


Blackmoore took Taretha from her family and pressured her to marry him in exchange for seeing to her family. She took it upon herself to educate Thrall and assist in his escape. Blackmoore threw her severed head at Thrall in an attempt to demoralise him. It backfired badly.

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That wasn’t blackmail, it was a bribe.

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All about what happened to him after he chose to take up the blades. Just because he didn’t willingly do X doesn’t mean he didn’t willingly do Y. While he isn’t responsible for X he bears responsibility for Y and foreseeable consequences.

Arthas is just a Himbo.

Big stupid hunk who got tricked.

Good boy. Pure heart. Never escaped his edgy goth phase.

You do realize that Domination does more than just control the Body right?

It warps the Mind’s sense of self! Imagine being brainwashed into becoming a legitimate Sociopath!

Note that the last fragment of Arthas’s Soul tried to stop Arthas at the end of the Novel and perhaps you might realize that the Domination made the Body renounce the Soul Fragment preventing it from controlling the Body which was left with a Mind whose sense of self was warped!

It’s no different from how Xehanort created Heartless! Xemnas outright states that Xehanort’s experiments on creating Heartless were “attempts to control the mind, and convince it to renounce its sense of self.”

Heartless may seem to enjoy tearing out peoples’ Hearts and may seem to enjoy manipulating others like Maleficent, Jafar, Oogie Boogie and Clayton but their will has been overtaken by one of the 13 Hearts of Pure Darknesses(Wrath if Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road is to be believed)!

Using that same logic, Sylvannas can be said to have been warped by Arthas’ Domination magic. If you’re giving him an “Altered Being Pass” she gets one too. She had two components as well… the Banshee Queen and the suppressed Ranger General, the latter horrified by what the former had done…

You don’t get a model where Arthas gets a free pass and Sylvannas gets fully condemmed.


In regards to your example with Disney characters and the Heartless, Maleficent, Jafar, Oogie Boogie and Clayton were all evil before the Heartless got to them (Clayton was the least bad of the four, and Maleficent acted outright demonic). Given how evil they already were, I’m not sure how much the Heartless can be blamed for much for their actions in the game.

I was suggesting the Heartless were dominated to enjoy eating Hearts by one of the 13 Hearts of Pure Darkness.

Xehanort’s Heartless(one of the few Heartless whose corruption by the Heart of Pure Darkness didn’t fully erase his mind not that his personality was different from when his Eyes didn’t bear signs of corruption as shown by Re:Mind) claimed that the Heartless were using Maleficent(he didn’t say that he was using Maleficent but that the Heartless were).

They were already bad to the bone before being used by the Heartless but the fact that the Heartless took advantage of their evilness would normally suggest the Heartless have their own sentience and yet Kingdom Hearts Union χ and Kingdom Hearts Dark Road shows that it’s a single sentient will(the Heart of Pure Darkness of Wrath ) that’s controlling the Heartless and taking advantage of the evilness of Villains not multiple sentient wills that somehow decided to become Evil and hungry for Hearts!

I was of the opinion that the Mysterious Purple Darkness was controlling her actions and thoughts(alongside the Domination) turning the half of Soul in her Body into the Banshee Queen!

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Pelagos believes Arthas at least deserved the chance of redemption in Revendreth. And since he becomes the new Arbiter next week, I would say his opinion is valid.


From purely reading quests and descriptions it seemed like basically everyone went to Revendreth first (with very rare exceptions) but supposedly as part of Pelagos’ quest there’s a statement about no one being deserving of going straight to the Maw. I don’t know what that says about the Arbi-tron-2000 decision making, but take it for what it’s worth.

I do believe Uther’s intervention prevented Arthas from Revendreth just as Zovaal’s intervention prevented Sylvanas from going to … well it wasn’t Revendreth from the description but then again when Edge of Night was written places like Revendreth weren’t even a thought. Also when I put Revendreth I wholly acknowledge there are tons of afterlives and I have no idea where the magical mechanical sorting bot would have sent anyone.

Given who Sylvanas is named after, my guess is that she was destined for what would become either Bastion or Ardenweald. Ardenweald is the one I lean towards though.

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Revendreth is the Afterlife of atonement. Sylvannas has a sinstone waiting for her that will cause the entire domain to tilt.

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Not that severe. She’s certainly not worse than the Accuser was when she arrived. Killing a good chunk of one world, despite how attached we are to that world or the people on it, is still a lesser sin than wiping out whole populations among many worlds.

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Don’t you mean the Accuser’s Inquisitor assistant we killed while we were working for Denathrius?

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Wasn’t the Accuser the one who killed her daughter by mistake?