WoW & MMOs Or Pizza. Which Would You Give Up?


Speak up, friend!

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I hear you, and as I approach sixty, I’m feeling the wear myself. But the alternative doesn’t exactly look super, so what is there, except trying to limit the damage?

MMO’s are trash in comparison to pizza.

You’re lucky. Do to some confusing rules, we can’t get any pizza delivery because I live in the boondocks and depending on which side of the bridge you live on you can or cannot get delivery.

I like pizza, but I think I could give it up and be okay. There are unlimited amount of foods out there just as good.

While I wouldn’t want to artificial block my access to the entire art of MMOs

ive basically already given up on all 3… stupid beetus… WoW and MMO’s ive kinda been over for a while now… tho i guess D4 is kinda an MMO… so 2 ive given up on for sure already.


there’s always tacos


No more pizza. Easy one to answer.

Do I still get to keep tacos? I’ll take wow and tacos, please.

:no_entry_sign::pizza: more :taco::taco:’s

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Oh that boat sailed ages ago lol.


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/leans into conversation.
What was that? I didn’t hear.

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Well considering the last pizza I had (Pizza Hut Big New Yorker) was so damn terrible all but two slices have been in Ziploc bags in my fridge for two weeks and I now have a pizza PTS thing going on.

Pizza definitely loses this round.

Off you go MMOs, mama isn’t giving up pizza


Because I will always have tacos.

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I love pizza, but not that much. I would get rid of pizza.

Doctor can’t take it away if you never go to the doctor.

Hashtag big brain plays.


I don’t know you anymore…

I’d get rid of mmos in a heartbeat I will never stop eating pizza.

Pizza. MMO genre as a whole is dead.