WoW & MMOs Or Pizza. Which Would You Give Up?

considering Pizza has never irritated me…MMOs would go.

Pizza. I can’t have dairy anymore and what’s a pizza without it? There are tastier alternatives.

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The way mmo’s are today getting so horrible all about pay to win honestly I’m already finding myself not wanting to play them anymore.

Time to go make a pizza.

Never giving up pizza…

You either die the hero or live long enough to become a vegetarian.


I feel like this would be harder if you’d asked me whether I’d rather give up White Powdery Schedule II Controlled Substance™ or waffles. Or peanut butter or ladies.

MMO’s. I don’t need them, I just enjoy playing them. Pizza is my comfort food. I use alternate crusts to cut out the bad stuff. I needs me the CHEESE!!!

Okay. So would you give up WoW & MMOs or everything you just listed?

MMOs are banished from my mind palace with less than zero hesitation. Pizza is life.


You are not taking my wow and pizza!

I have pizza 3 or 4 times a year and it’s so delicious and wonderful that I would have to give up games.

Giving up pizza would suck. It is the only thing I can get delivered in my town. (no doordash, postmates, or grubhub)

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Hm. Well… I don’t actually use White Powdery Schedule II Controlled Substance. I’m getting on in years so… Waffles not so much, though it would be nice to have them once in a while. I do still like ladies. Peanut Butter? Okay now that’s just a bridge too far!

On the other hand, not being able to play WoW?

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I’ll take the pizza.

I would give up MMO’s, as World of Warcraft is the best game ever and the only game anyone ever needs.

Wow and mmos

Seeing as pizza doesn’t have a toxic entitled and elitist so-called community that never tries to attack or belittle anyone I would take the pizza.

I basically already gave up all of them I’m just left with the forums.

Pizza, I don’t actually like it that much so I wouldn’t miss it.

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Pizza :pizza:. Gaming is my only form of entertainment. :nerd_face: