WoW: Midnight Question

Hello fellow Warcraft fans, I was wondering if there will be a revamp of the old world similar to cata. What do yall think?

we have no idea we dont work for blizzard


Definitely not the entire old world.

There will very likely be a revamp of the blood elf zones to bring them into the EK worldspace, and I feel like there’s strong hints that the Draenei islands will be updated and/or they’ll get a new floating city there or drifting somewhere else.

And Last Titan is supposed to be set in Northrend, so we may get an entire Northrend continent revamp then.


Considering the logo of war within shows the planet cracking and then you see floating pieces of Azeroth for the midnight logo I would bet it might just be.

Briselody pretty much summed it up.

Sorta off topic, but Midnight related. I’m more excited for Midnight than I am the War Within, and all we know about Midnight is that the Void is coming for the Sunwell/Quel’thalas.

I’m sure the War Within will be fun, but Midnight will be my jam.


I somehow see lor’thremar dying defending the Sunwell and we still lose

On further reflection, I wonder if we’re getting an Outlands update. It’s on the same world server as Quel’thelas/Draenei Isles, they’re technically the oldest zones in the game now, and if we assume Northrend is getting updated in TLT then that would make sense to update them in order.

With Outlands canonically dissolving they could chop off a few zones to cut the workload down lol

They seem to have been slowly working on this over the past few years… updating models for buildings and creatures. I’ve been assuming a world revamp was already underway, but the trilogy of expansions announced seems like it will not come as quickly as I thought.

I’m assuming a full EK and Kalimdor revamp will come immediately after The Last Titan.

Expansion zones like Outland or old Northrend, Pandaria etc are probably going to exist though some modernization of Chromie Time / Time Running, so they are accessible, but not in the “current” world /timeline.

This is my guess, anyway.

Hopefully they can keep things “up to date” as far as the timeline is concerned, once a revamp is implemented.

Oh and I think that’s why they bothered to make a Cata Classic and not stop at Wrath, when “classic” truly ended. This way both The Vanilla world and Cata revamp world are accessible in some format, after a world revamp.

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A new Silvermoon City hopefully

I imagine Quelthalas might be made flyable and interfaced with the rest of Eastern Kingdoms.

They should release it at Midnight, that’d be epic.

Too bad if you have to work tomorrow, muahah.

On-topic, yeah, what others have said, mostly the “TBC” zones, idk about Outland revamp itself, but the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones are actually part of the “Outland” map lol. (RIP Hayven :heart:)

Hence why you’ve gotta go through portals/boats to reach them.

They are likely de-coupling those and revamping the areas off Kalimdor and upper EK.

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I would assume that any world revamp that may come in the future will probably come with the Zidormi treatment. They won’t make the mistake of removing that content entirely again, Classic servers or not.


I don’t imagine they would do that unless they had a reason for us to go back during the saga.

I wouldn’t mind going back

Outlands location in the Twisting Nether might make it a good entry point / staging ground for a Void attack. Remember that a Void Lord has been partially summoned there before. Also the Quel’thelas zones aren’t big enough to justify a full expansion’s worth of content, so they’re gonna have to do something else.

I’ve been wondering if they planned on making portals to chunks of K’aresh or some other void-related place, but updated Outland zones might be an easier and more relatable option.

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I don’t think it is any more. Blizzard seems to be wishy washy on if thats happening or not. You’d think the Draenei would just be evacuating their population on Outland to Azeroth if that were the case.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around how they’d do this. Because they’re not going to delete starter zones.

My though process is the portal stays there for the old zones for the Belf starting experience. And if you don’t take the portal, it’s new Quel’thalas in the space that’s behind/beside Strat on the map.

But I can’t see them having two versions of Silvermoon.

I think they should just rebuild Dalaran in new Quel’thalas and use that for new Quel’thalas zones. That makes it easier for both factions, as well.

That is an option, but it would get messy with a full EK and Kalimdor revamp. Messy in that needing to turn on/off the timeline in each zone individually isn’t the most elegant thing to have.

I picture the whole world revamped, EK and Kalimdor, all new quests and zone flow etc, and then going to Chromie or whomever and accessing the entire Cataclysm Era version of the world as a whole.

The “New world” would be EK, Kalimdor, and I suppose Northrend after the Last Titan, at least initially.

They would then add new zones to the game as new expansions come out, though I hope they can keep updating the world as we go, rather than “finding” new continents all the time.

They might have to make something up to make that make more sense.

Is the dark portal to outland even canonically open after it was opened to alternate Draenor?

Off to wowpedia I go

Use their new site. Wowpedia was retired.

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My guess is any world revamp or major game reset will happen after The Last Titan.

It’s possible :dracthyr_shrug:

Especially if they fully rebuild SMC for the new expansion hub, they’re gonna want to leave the version that people have grown up with accessible somewhere.

Yeah, I could see them co-opting Chromie Time from purely a leveling experience to a full “switch timelines” toggle, especially if they keep on revamping zones like this.

They’re gonna have to make stuff up regardless lol. I think that with Outlands history of being a sort of cosmic waystation after Ner’zhul ripped apart the planet with a couple dozen portals, and with the strong Ethereal presence there (when they’re sure to be strongly linked to the void plot) it has a good chance of being revisited in Midnight.

I believe so, Saurfang uses it to get to Outland in BfA to recruit Thrall.

I think it reconnected after we lost connection with alt Draenor.