WoW: Midnight Question

Whatever the void decides to attack, those zones will be changed.

I don’t know why a void assault would fundamentally change the landscape, however.

I more just expect that the aesthetic of the zone (music, colorization, mobs, etc etc) will be changed

We’ve seen that with Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Ulduar in BfA.

I hope that isn’t their only plan for Midnight, though, because that would be pretty boring.

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Maybe they could throw in some cataclysm-style (thinking Dragon Soul raid, or whatever that final raid was called) landscapes. That’d be toight. Like the gaping maws or whatever

I’m pretty sure there was more to Quel’thalas than just Eversong and Ghostlands. I’d rather see the rest of Quel’thalas than just “here’s the same stuff you knew prettified.”

there is one thing that does worry me about the Silvermoon update.

Modern flying changes things a lot more than people realize. It’s one thing to update the zone and make it in HD all pretty like.

It’s another thing entirely if this is a great big hub area and you get in a dragon riding mount and just zip past the whole thing because it’s too small to really work.

so if the level designers have to change the size of it, the whole thing might need to be instanced if extending the EK made it all weird and lopsided on top

Please also revamp the questing in this small way: remove the arbitrary 15 second cooldowns from the quest items!

I am expecting a complete overhaul of Quel’thalas. I don’t think the size will be a problem because I think they’ll just make it canonically bigger than it was.

If we assume 4 zones and we assume it will strictly be the current Blood Elf area that is separated from the Eastern Kingdoms, then I think we start the expansion with:

  • Eversong Forest
  • Ghostlands (or a new name for the area)
  • Zul’Aman (reimagined as an open world zone)
  • Quel’Danas (enlarged to be more like the original concept maps)

If they don’t massively change the size of the zones, then I think we’re actually looking at a partial Eastern Kingdoms revamp where we get:

  • Quel’thalas (the 4 areas I mentioned before combined into one large zone)
  • Eastweald (Plaguelands combined)
  • Tirisfal (probably combined with Silverpine and part of Alterac and/or Hillsbrad)
  • Arathi/Hinterlands combined.

And yeah, were definitely going to Karesh at some point in this trilogy - though it could be in The War Within.

No, they will have to dump the old map and rebuild from the ground up the entire old map is not on the main map. And so, they have to remake quel’thalas from scratch and make it modern with updated art assets and have the ability to fly from one zone to another zone fluently without any type of loading screen. And also reflecting all of the changes that has happened throughout the years.

So yes, silvermoon city will be getting a makeover with new art asset and actually be a city for once.