Oh you never forget your first wandering elite monster!
Was just thinking of this raid the other day actually. Gonna have to go get a few mogs. Especially Blackhands hamma!
I didn’t get to experience Kara in it’s OG form. Never liked it when I went backwards to get tier out of it either >.<
Never cared much for BC stuff, but I did enjoy this as well
Well this is neat! I want to participate!
My favorite encounter had to be with Mannorath. I had always watched the cinematics of Warcraft/WoW (i could never tell them apart), and with Thrall and Hellscream going against Mannorath and taking him down was one of my favorites.
Then being able to take him on in Legion! Heck yeah!
Murlocks ftw!
My favorite encounter isn’t an encounter it’s riding on Fiona’s caravan reading all the interactions between the npc’s. It really helps make the world feel alive for me.
- Heart
- Steamscale
- Toy
Ah that’s going old school! I like it!
Love these kind of posts who give a place for people to post life events, and for people to hear what other’s have been through. Prize or not, we all win being able to see what each other has been through xD
Aww haha, poor PvPer. Don’t hurt him like that Maybe it was his hardest encounter xD
Lol i just dont like pvp myself. Nothing against those that do
I started playing in Legion. I was an angsty edgy boy and I loved the little RP in Vault of the Wardens before fighting Tirathon. Brings back good memories when I was a little nooby.
“Crimes? Our crime was to sacrifice everything to save this world.”
“I will serve MY people, the exiled and the reviled.”
Was a good expansion to start in IMO
I never cared for the RP that was Demon Hunters.
Edginess isn’t for everyone but I gotta say I’ve loved it since I saw this guy when I was like 4, lol.
Everyone’s childhood has a little FF in it lol
I would have to say it was Blackhand.
The fight itself is just epic. The phases are announced by a giant flaming boulder making you drop levels until you end in an epic showdown on top of molten ore!
And I want the Heart of the Aspects.
My favorite encounter was a random mob in Hillsbrad foothills, back before Burning Crusade, while leveling this character (Nanette). I was just doing quests and had my succubus out (newb). I sent her in to attack. What happened next had me rolling so hard I couldn’t even play. I had to get up and laugh it off. My succubus and the mob kept trading blows, then repositioning for the next attack, and ended up doing this strange little waltz off into the distance. At least until they despawned. I was like, “okay then… bye…”
Heart of the Aspects. Otherwise, your choice.
Yeah it’s been 2x so far in this thread for that guy.
And people say blizzard can’t make engaging encounters!
Lol working as intended i guess?
After playing Warcraft 2/3 as a child - coming to WoW, My favourite encounter of all time was when I first started playing in 2007 and I got a quest in the cleft of shadows on my orc warrior to talk to THRALL. THE MF WARCHIEF, THE OG FROM WARCRAFT THE THIRD
my god I was hyped. Dude was so cool
Never did play 1 and 2. I did watch my father play them (i think it was those ones) - I was a StarCraft baby. I did buy WCIII Reforged in full honest expectation to play it, and never fired it up. Maybe i’ll do that towards the end of summer
And which one would you like? 1 2 3?
My favorite encounters have been here on the boards, whether it being the battle against salty Doom and Gloomers , or trying to tame the blinded-by-love Knights of the White. Its a never ending stream of bad ideas, hot takes that have been parroted so many times they are now luke warm at best , and the infuriating buzzwords that live for 3 weeks until the next… But then there are the laughs, the silliness and the enthusiasm that blooms from some posters that is just a joy to experience. GD is something else.
Such a shrill post
(did i do it right!?)
I cant keep up.