Wow killer?

New mmo confirmed by riot games and led by ghostcrawler

Maybe not wow killer but good competition hopefully


Only thing that is gonna kill WoW is itself.


I’m really looking forward to it.

Ghostcrawler is a good dev.

Riot doesn’t make bad games.


People will always play WoW. For many, the nostalgia is too deeply engrained in them. For others, I’d say it is just what they are familiar and comfortable with.

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Not a killer, but it’ll definitely be some competition.


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I get the same vibe from that new MMO as I did with RIFT.

G e n e r i c.


Be careful. I made a thread similar to this and it got deleted for “trolling”. I guess discussing a new MMO that’s being lead by past WoW developers is considered trolling now.

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WoW 2 inc? KappaFace

Depends on how you presented yourself or if it devolved into general chaos.

It’s not the first MMO to be made by past WoW developers. I like the LoL lore that I’ve seen, but I worry it’ll attract the fan base. For as bad as WoW’s community is, it doesn’t hold even a tiny candle to the rampant toxicity in LoL. That is a new layer of horrible that I don’t think many other communities come close to.

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Rift was amazing in Vanilla, did so many things so much better than other MMO’s… rewarding exploration through the artifact and rare/named systems and didn’t have the punishing, immersion breaking issue that WoW does where you’ll kill a named, then 5 seconds later you get a quest to kill that same dude. If the person was needed for a quest in vanilla Rift, they always dropped a quest item regardless of whether you had the quest or not. They did a lot of little things right to make the world feel more immersive.

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I will admit it was ok at first…

True. LoL has the absolute worst, most toxic players. Many will avoid this new MMO simply for its association with LoL. Including me.


If the MMO is F2P, I’ll try it but that’ll kill it fast.

If it’s B2P, I’ll try it and maybe hang out for a little bit to see.

If it’s subscription based, I likely will pass.

I’m not sure how I’d like it though. Most of the characters in that world are just established lore characters. If they only have playable humans, I won’t even look at the game. But if they had some interesting playable races, I might weather the toxicity to try.

Current generation grew up only playing fps type games so I doubt it.

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Have you not seen the wow community?

I don’t understand, do people not realize how toxic wow players are?

Legit one of the worst gaming communities around.

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You’re right, they make “acceptable” games.

Oh no, WoW is bad, don’t get me wrong. Blizzard games in general have a toxicity about them.

But LoL has a lot more players and the issue of being free to play. The toxicity is naturally going to be far worse, especially when someone can simply keep making new accounts so there’s no punishment if you’re an awful human being.

If they make a proper MMORPG and not some MMO-Adjacent thing like we’ve been seeing a lot lately I’ll be really interested in it. I don’t care for League at all whatsoever, but it seems like they’ve built a decent universe around it, so I’d be interested in an MMO set in it. If it’s not PvP-Focused. I don’t know anything about it yet.

That said, the term ‘WoW Killer’ itself is dead.

WoW is not anywhere near its peak anymore. Even if a new MMORPG comes out and becomes the new King, which in itself is doubtful because the entire genre is at a low point and leaning the way of the RTS, it wouldn’t be a “WoW Killer”, it would be because WoW killed itself. It’s not title-worthy to kick over the old man and sit in his chair. (Not that we’re there yet)

If we had a real WoW Killer back in the 2009-2014 era, THAT would have meant something. It would have meant something was so good or innovative that it surpassed what previously was a crazy anomaly of an MMORPG.

But we never got that.


I miss Ghostcrawler.