Wow killer?

the dude lost his parents to ret pallies and then proceeded to nerf them to the ground shrug

let’s also accept that the reason LFR is literally faceroll mode with no mechanics and not something that literally can be used to help the bad players get gud is his fault.

The dude wasn’t a bad systems designer but i don’t think he should have ever been a lead one but at least he talked to the community on the regular

LoL is worse. Much worse. There is no sub to keep the awfulness away.

This is what wow needs more than anything.

Riot couldn’t even kill Overwatch

Nostalgia only works when the product remains as good as it used to be. If your favorite metal band from high school starts doing Mariah Carey covers, you probably are going to stop buying their albums.


Eh. I think it’s because there were a couple of threads running last week on this same topic.

I’d have to hear it first. :smile:

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Riot loves taking successful games and dumbing them down to appeal to a wider casual audience


don’t even mention the card game

Think LFR but expanded to the entire game. That will be your riot mmo

Wasn’t Age of Conans, every SW MMORPG, and every LOTR MMORPG supposed to kill WoW back in Vanilla?

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In the beginning I believed that there would be a game to dethrone WoW just as WoW had dethroned Everquest. But now more and more I believe WoW is only able to die by suicide, and it eventually will. Oh it will.

Alright let’s update the list:

Guild wars 2
Runescape 2
Archeage unleashed
New world
And now “what ever riots doing”
Ashes of Creation

Those cant possibly all fail at killing wow right?

Edit: adding more to the list that can’t possibly fail.


Aion killed WoW when there was a forums post about Aion being the next WoW killer. Where ya been?

When WoW Gets boring I go over an play Rift…lol

Have you never played LoL and looked at the community there? The toxic players of WoW hold nothing in comparison to LoL toxicity. It’s a literally new level of toxicity.

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I’d assume they would have humans, yordles, and different kinds of vastaya at least. So humans, little furry (or not furry) creatures, and furry people that are essentially human (Sett) to full on completely different (Nami as a mermaid / fish person, for example).

Might have more beyond that, just seem like the most obvious race choices to me.

It’s true. I’ve met some interesting characters on LoL. Being told to go drink an assortment of toxic chemicals is not unusual there lol.

Anyone saying no game will have as toxic a community as WoW has clearly never played LoL

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You also need to add Ashes of Creation to the list, though it’s nowhere near ready to be out yet. It’s still Alpha One I believe so it won’t be killing anything for at least a few years I’m sure.

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wowkillers wipe to the wow’boss for over a decade and a half.

I played League of Legends once. Practice match against the AI but I was grouped with players. Apparently my hero was a mid hero not a North or south one.

Instead of telling me how it works they told me to to go kill myself for not knowing before hand. We still won the match btw. I Uninstalled and never played again.

I have played wow for about 10 years now and not once has another player told me to kill myself.

The wow community can be toxic at times, especially here on gd. But you will never convince me that its worse than the LoL community.

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No, most of the people that play LoL are in Asia. Most of the people that play WoW are not