WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

One could argue otherwise.

Dailies were gone.
LFR gear was terrible (Directly after numerous complaints about LFR gear being the same as higher difficulties)
Gear outside of raiding was made more tedious and grindy, while raiding was left alone.

I’m not necessarily swaying one way or the other right now, but there is a case to be made nevertheless.

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No you can’t, that’s literally what happened with Warlords. Of course everything is going to look like garbage when they cut off all development to move on to the next expansion.

This was quite literally in the first month, so you would be entirely incorrect here.

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It was made for raiders. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it wasn’t made to try to cater. Mythic Raiders are extremely picky. Something can be 99% perfect for them and they’ll say it was never for them (when it was) because of that 1% thing they didn’t like. Or it can be literally perfect and they just get salty because of bad RNG (cough cough Preach).

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Which had absolutely nothing to do with Mists, it was a rushed expansion that was cut off early. Hard to evaluate and alter things based on feedback when they stop development to move to something else entirely.

You’re not getting it, and I’m too tired to try and explain it again. Let’s just move on.

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The only one here not getting it is you.

Emphasis mine. I love everything you’ve written here.
No offense to all who like it, but I dislike that the game has devolved to, and revolves around, that pseudo e-sport junk. I miss campaigns building up to ten and twenty man runs.

It’s probably just me, but ever since the tail end of Legion, WoW feels as if it’s aimed solely towards players who are out for ten minutes of max entertainment and loot gathering.


Not just raiders… The lack of making things account wide has killed the game for casuals who play many alts as well. The arrogant notion that people enjoy rep grinds, enjoy playing through the content 40+ times… NO, NO ONE EVER. I am sitting at 48 chars at lvl 60 1 at lvl 51 and shadowlands is making me feel suicidal on a daily basis. Logging in just feels disgusting. Everything is locked behind rep, currency, secondary currency, quest progress, rng. This game has become disgusting as hell


It is easy to claim that Shadowlands was 100% created for Streamers. People like Towelliee, this whole expansion was created for. Who is Towelliee? A mythic plus raider. However is that true? NO! hahaha. I dunno… maybe? Still cant wait for the next expansion.

Shadowlands was created for the ralphs of the world.

I genuinely don’t understand how you can think the bulk of the systems and content have been designed in favor of raiders:

Island Expeditions

none of these things are raider-friendly or content designed around raiders, yet they all eat up the majority of the resources.

I think you’re just trying to find a scapegoat to point your disdain at. It doesn’t make any sense.

They make plenty of casual content. The problem is that for content to be considered casual-oriented, it has to be mind numbingly easy otherwise these forums and the feedback sections are filled up with people saying it’s too hard and that they can’t complete it because it’s designed for the evil min/maxers, which is why this place was also excited for this Covenant nonsense as it was supposed to wage war on those min/maxers.

You guys are just inconsistent with which casual content you “count,” whereas the content designed for raiders is extremely easy to identify: it’s the raid. We have a thing that’s easy to target towards us. The raid is the content we want to do. It’s that easy. We want to raid, and if the other content is good we’ll do it. If it isn’t, we won’t.

Everyone else, though, what you want is so extremely inconsistent that they cannot target a game mode towards you that will satisfy everyones different desires. So instead of crying that the whole thing is designed to make raiders happy, maybe just spend that time creating feedback threads of things that you actually want, not just “RAIDERS TOOK MY GEAR AWAY!!!” because that doesn’t actually tell anybody anything about what you do want to be doing.

If they attached max ilvl gear to world quests, does that make world quests all of a sudden better content? No.


I miss Ralph. He truly was the hero we needed :pensive:

Not true, the greatest reward at the start of BFA was running isles over and over. Especially with how easy it was to pull the whole island.

What in the smooth brain hell is this?


It is astonishing how long you have been crying about raiders for. Are we at 3 straight years of this? Any grievance you have with the game you find some way to put it on them.

Legitimately just weird behavior.

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There is no solo progression since Vanilla. There is catchup gear system in place. It’s called Korthia.

If you want to get better gear, it’s the same as how you gear up from previous expansions… group up and do dungeons and raid.

You are asking WoW to become something it is not. It wont have solo progression. It has been like that for 16 years since Vanilla.

And WoW is dying? It’s been dying since the first expansion in TBC. 15 years later and it is still dying.

Dungeons and raids have had the queue systems and LFG tools added to make your participation damn near anonymous and undeniable (since you can queue whenever you want); what people that say “there’s no solo gearing” don’t want to concede is that raids and dungeons are basically a solo game mode with queue systems. They just don’t want to do it, so they pretend it doesn’t exist for them.


Resorting to personal attacks because you know I’m right… I guess I’ll take the W on that one.


You’re waging a war on an entire demographic of player; the only reason you can’t call what you do a “personal” attack is because you’re aiming your whinging at hundreds of thousands of players instead of just one.

And you’ve been doing it for literal years on different characters.