That’s really the best thing right? The people who bring out “raid or die” are the same ones who are quick to forget raiding has been here since Vanilla and the best gear has always been from raiding.
Arena in WoTLK? If you didn’t have Shadowmourne or Heroic Bryntoll have fun as any melee dps.
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I really wonder how thick the rose tinted glasses must be on some people. Don’t get me wrong I loved tbc and wrath when I first played but I’m under no illusion that they would not hold up to live in terms of entertainment for me these days which is why I don’t play classic. The modern game has so much more warts and all
I said causal Mythic Raiders.
Considering I am currently in a casual Mythic Raiding guild and you aren’t… no shot homie, try again.
You have 1 kill on Eye and The Nine what 6 weeks into the tier? Really stretching the concept of being a mythic raiding guild in any capacity there.
(I was raid leader of a 2 night guild in all of WoD)
(aka casual raider)
You’re making my point for me bub. Ask a world quest Andy or Arena PvPer if killing Mythic raid bosses makes a Mythic raider and they’d say yes. The most hardcore Mythic Raiders are sweaty and detached from the rest of the game and don’t even know how the rest of the player-base feels about the game, including even more laid-back Mythic Raiders.
I gotta say, this forum is almost too easy. You’re not actually good at thinking through the implications of what you say. Making rebuttals that literally play right into the overall point I’ve made. Lol.
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WoW was at it’s Zenith around Wrath when 10 man raiding was extremely viable and it got away from the 25 man and 40 man raids. It has only went down since it canned that small group philosophy and added all the other systems employed to prop up the large group raid scene.
Like I said above, WoW is becoming a niche lobby game with raiding being the only well developed interesting content. It’s cratering.
Just because raiders aren’t happy doesn’t mean the whole game isn’t designed with them in mind.
No it doesn’t.
A lot actually.
Having to carry multiple gear sets was awful in BFA. I had to carry about 5 gear set ups in BFA as a warlock. Good for is what hybrids had to carry.
Having to start at the bottom just because you did x content first and now want to do y content.
Penalizes players who play the full game
Just to start.
I understand your idea and still confirm it’s a terrible idea.
No it wouldn’t. You say that because you lack the understanding of this game.
Mmos in general are a niche lobby because the younger generation wants instant gratification and entitlement to the game is real.
I have played the game since January 2005 on and off, mostly on, I have done everything in the game from server first raiding to mage tower to arenas to bgs to just questing to getting the Proven Assailant title. I have done it all. I am 50 years old now… so just knock off this “younger generation” bs.
“The full game” as in, what I just described?
But nothing they said was incorrect. The “younger generations” on the whole have shorter attention spans and prefer instant rewards etc. None of that is incorrect.
If classic launched today as its own game without the history it has I highly doubt many hichschool kids would be faking sick to stay home and grind xp from mobs for hours to get from 30 to 31 which they absolutely did do in the mid 2000s
If you oldsters keeping telling these kids to “get off your lawn” you will have no one to play with.
I’m clearly not…
I just think it’s funny that people seem to say wow has changed to become “raid or die” when it is actually the opposite.
There is a bigger range of end game content now than at any point in the games history
Gonna have to agree here. Just leveled to 70 in tbc with my girlfriend. The vast majority of both classic and tbc is boring and rudimentary. Would not pass for a modern game. It was nostalgia and revisiting the world that made it tolerable.
But as far as gameplay goes, vanilla and bc are vastly overrated.
You do realize that just because you played the game doesn’t mean you have an actual
Understanding of the game right?
You could play since vanilla and have 71 talents and one tree but that doesn’t mean you understand the game.
What’s your mains name then? Because all of that is worthless claims without any proof to back it up.
Do you want a cookie? Just because you’re in your 50s doesn’t mean you’re not entitled.
People who play all aspects of the game at one time should absolutely have a gear advantage over people that don’t.
And no nothing close to what you described. Like I said before, you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
That’s because they just want bis gear for doing world quests even if they won’t admit it.
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There’s a difference between content and meaningful content that provides a sense of challenge but is not downright frustrating. Outside of instances, especially raiding, WoW doesn’t offer that.
I agree that the most meaningful content is in instances. My question though is when had it ever not been? And given that, perhaps people are looking for something in a game that just isn’t and never has been designed for it.
Eg I wouldn’t play call of duty for a melee combat game even though it had a knife.
The only thing I can think of is leveling in tbc (when I started) felt like an adventure but they did just change leveling to try and address that. I haven’t leveled anything since personally so can’t comment as to its success or failure. But like I said the leveling that was so exciting then would not be acceptable by today’s gaming standards
This litteraly isn’t the case. Raiders have written essays on what they want and gotten none of it. So have pvpers. The issue is Blizzard thinks they know best for everyone, including casuals.
So stop putting blame and weir stuff. It has nothing to do with their game design for a specific content. It has to do with their game design and chosing to ignore ANY AND ALL feedback.
Not sure if I am part of that “they” you are referring to but my ideas that you just dunked on (with no reasoning mind you), go 100% against the ideas of “best in slot” because there is no such thing as “best in slot” in the traditional sense. That’s a dated concept. You are tilting at windmills here.
Got half the hardcore raiders above saying WoW has always been about raiding so just get used to it and the other saying raiders are the red headed step child of WoW.
Can y’all get in a room together and decide which story ya want to tell?
Getting whiplash here.