WoW isn't an MMORPG. its an MMOamusementpark

I certainly think less would if they considered the current lore.

Just a mess.


Lore became a complete mess in TBC.

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It’s interesting how people define what qualifies as an RPG, given all the nuances involved. For example, I personally don’t consider FF XIV an RPG because it lacks certain elements that I value, such as the ability to choose my own abilities, make my own adventure going my own path. And yet, by definition, it is still an RPG. Similarly, you might feel that WoW isn’t an RPG anymore, but it undeniably retains many core RPG elements.

Companies have been releasing good MMORPGs for the last 20 years. WoW being as old as it is is a huge competitive advantage, and it will never be toppled at this point.

Just give it time.

Way too many people have played WoW and the game is largely dated by this point in time, for there not to be a spiritual successor or at least another big MMO.

Granted it’s gonna take a ton of resources and likely some trial and error, but I have faith it will happen eventually.

WoW is 20 years old, and I’ll be very surprised if it’s still this popular by 30 or 40.

Slowly but surely, interest has been waning.

As long as the idea remains, it’ll never die.

You must not play many RPGs then. Heck, even WoW isn’t an RPG by your own definition considering 2/3rds of your list you can’t do in WoW either lol.

WoW will eventually die, but that will be because Blizzard finally stopped making xpacs or the overall MMORPG market is dead.

The closest thing to succeeding WoW is going to be Riot’s game, and they had to hit the reset button on it. It’s vaporware at this point.

I remember, and was part of, the exodus during Shadowlands.

If Blizzard fumbles repeatedly, people are just gonna leave for good, that’s all it really takes.

Folks have already permanently lost their bank content due to Blizzard’s own mishandling, and that’s already made people quit in TWW.

People have to believe their time and money aren’t being respected, to fully make the jump and leave all their sunken costs behind.

Either that or WoW dies a death from a thousand bugs and becomes unplayable at some point.

As much as I am looking forward to Riot’s MMO, the way they’ve been handling League lately makes me a bit concerned lol. Questionable decisions, mostly about heavy microtransactions, that are driving people away.

The Riot MMO will definitely be full of $90 brutosaur type-stuff, based on the way skins operate.

Expect it to get worse.

I don’t care if it results in a good game, though. And that’s a big, very large if.

League started off decent, but now easily one of the most toxic games ever- if that happens to the MMO, it’d be dead to a lot of folks too.

WoW has always been a themepark MMO.

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it’s not so much a re-writing of history but a more holistic telling of it. Sometimes, as time goes on, things don’t change as much as the resolution improves.

Rise of the Horde definitely changes the perspective of WC1 - a book that’s almost 20 years old. Do you consider that a re-write of history?

That only speaks of the formation of the Horde prior to the war.

Nothing of the carnage that took place afterwards, that would not skew the human’s perspective on the Orcs or my assumption of them being blood thirsty, at all.

However, that book shows that the orcs aren’t a monolith and that they’re not bloodthirsty without augmentation of some kind. The book adds resolution that wasn’t there or available or however we want to say during WC1.

I’d disagree, as several clans didn’t travel through the portal due to them being too violent to control.

And some didn’t exhibit violent tendencies at all either. Most have the heart of warriors, but that doesn’t immediately transfer to them being bloodthirsty. Heck, the Shadowmoon clan was pretty peaceful and mostly spiritual.


Do you think the Humans who got kicked out of Stormwind during the first war would care about that?

Idk but if you want a game with no changes or hardly any ff14 is always there.

It’s so boring

If your perspective is from that of a Stormwind human and not from a player, sure, I’m in agreement.

Blizzards writers have fallen into the Marvel Hero trap.

We only see our cultures and the depth of our factions from that limited view point.

We don’t see the struggles the Horde peoples endure on a day-to-day basis, we don’t see the struggle between fueding factions of the Alliance when it comes to sharing resources or lands.

There no existence of a cast system, nor do we get any persistent information on threats like the centaurs close to Horde cities or the Defias Brotherhood on the Alliances doorstop.

We’re just left in the dark until Blizz has a thought for another patch or expansion.

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WoW has always been this way, since the beginning. WoW is like… the theme park MMO. This ain’t new.


True. Blizzard as world builders seem limited. Conflicts are generally existential and less nuanced. But this might be simply the limitation of an MMO and an attempt to tell some kind of unified story, accessible to all players regardless of class played or race chosen.