WoW isn't an MMORPG. its an MMOamusementpark

How about you do what you want with your wallet and stop dictating what we do with ours?


I feel like I am in a local music store, back when CDs and stuff were a thing.

“No. That band isn’t punk. Its not even steampunk. It’s deiselpunk. Omg poser”

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At the end of the day we have the consumer power.

Not them.

Take it back.

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The Quests are like Episodes of a TV Show! That is good news!

The Zones are the Set Pieces of each TV Show which one can tour at one’s own leisure.

The TV Shows are on a script and thus one can’t fully immerse oneself despite being the Main Protagonist of every single TV Show with the Movies each having a distinct Protagonist:

WotLK has Tirion as Protagonist, Cataclysm has Thrall as Protagonist, MoP has Varian as Protagonist, WoD has Khadgar as Protagonist, Legion has Velen as Protagonist, BfA has Saurfang as Protagonist, Shadowlands has Anduin as Protagonist, Dragonflight has Alexstrasza as Protagonist and War Within has Alleria as Protagonist.

Each Movie also has a Prime Antagonist: WotLK has Arthas, Cataclysm has Deathwing, MoP has Garrosh, WoD has Gul’dan, Legion has Sargeras, BfA has Sylvanas, Shadowlands has the Jailer, Dragonflight has Fyrakk and War Within has Xal’atath.

The Movies also have secondary Antagonists: WotLK has Yogg-Saron, Cataclysm has Ragnaros, MoP has Lei Shen, WoD has Garrosh, Legion has Gul’dan, BfA has N’Zoth, Shadowlands has Mal’Ganis, Dragonflight has Raszageth and who knows who is the secondary Antagonist of War Within!

The Movies also have Antagonists who join our side against the others from MoP and onward: MoP has Vol’jin, WoD has Grom. Legion has Illidan, BfA has Azshara, Shadowlands has Sylvanas and Dragonflight has Vyranoth.

War Within has yet to reveal if it is going to have an Antagonist join our side.

Alas the TV Channel is only revisiting old TV Shows(Zones) rarely.

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It’s been an amusement park since it released man

You’re still assuming everyone shares or has to share your point of view. There’s a word for that.


As there is for people who sing nothing but praises for this company.

There’s options besides “sing nothing but praises” and “stop wallet.” For adults anyway.

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Optimism will only take you so far.

Are they mutually exclusive? WoW has always been a theme park, but it’s also always been an RPG.

If we’re counting the removal of the faction war, then yes.

Warcraft was built on the faction conflict, removing it makes the world more boring and sterile.

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Why are you counting that?

What does the faction war have to do with RPGs?

This is just gibberish, Ard.


MMO-abusement park :smile: :ok_hand:

Warcraft was built on the faction conflict.

Not maintaining it arguably decreases the RPG elements within this game.


not much of a MMO either, its more like a hub based match making pve game. its just they try so hard to pretend the world still matters.


They’ve destroyed everything that made it interesting anyway.

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It’s a multilayer aRPG. It’s not a true RPG because there is far, far too much reliance on player skill.

In an RPG, your character is adept at dodging attacks, detecting traps, being resistant to magic damage, and so on. In this game, the player has to dodge attacks, avoid traps, and intereupt the casts of magic users.

Autoattacking is next to pointless in this game. You don’t do anything passively. And the rate at which we do these things is once every half or third of a second.

It’s an action role playing game.

And what the player above said, a lot of the time it’s just a lobby for matches. So how much of an MMO game is it?

We did get a faction conflict in the Heartlands story. Chance it’ll seed new trouble in the future. :computer::robot: