WOW is very casual/beginner unfriendly compared to FF14 IMO

You don’t know of the beloved franchise “Fourteen”?

I’m skeptical Square Soft ever want to do another MMO though. They made 14 because 11 was a flop, but with 14 a roaring success with a 10 year plan I’m skeptical they’ll do another.

I hope 16 is good though.

Why? It’s unnecessary with the way the squish worked and the difference in stats with a few ilevels.

Your gear is sufficient enough.

Quest and dungeon with friends or a guild instead of strangers?

I’ve been playing WoW for over 15 years and I’ve only been kicked once.

Newcomer chat exists. With mentors.

Understandable, but there’s no way to change people. Pugs have been horrible since forever.

Yeah, I did, too.

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Huh? 11 wasn’t a flop at all. Da hell?

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Oh no. Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys. Read a comment I think it was youtube or reddit, I can’t recall, that said FF11 would have taken over the industry if WoW hadn’t come along. I lol’d.

Granted, to be fair, just because FF11 wasn’t one of the big three pre-WoW doesn’t mean per-say it was a flop, maybe it earned its money back, but it certainly wasn’t anything other than just another game in a crowded genre, whereas compared to its kin, the other FF titles… when the majority of the games you put out are Game of the Year contenders and you release a game that just kind of exists, that’s pretty much a flop compared to the benchmarks expected by the execs.

The new player experience highlights another problem with borrowed power systems beyond gear.

It makes the game much more technical and intimidating then it needs to be, and having a list of chores to do to actually complete your character just makes many players nope out.

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Uh, FF11 was the most profitable FF game ever until FF14 only recently surpassed it. To this day, it still has a sub fee.

What on earth are you blabbing about?


Holy crap, FFXI is still going.

I played that game briefly when I was a freshman in high school.

Have you attended elementary school?

Boy someone really doesn’t like JRPGs.

Also by JRPG standards, FF14 is pretty bad. It’s more visual novel with extremely slow story and cutscenes that loves to repeat things you already know.

I don’t know why, but when people call it the best story ever I’m just completely perplexed by it.


I felt hints of group think as I ran through the MSQ. It wasn’t amazing by any standards. If anything, it felt anime more than fantasy.

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But it wasn’t a flop.

Oh yea definitely, the game certainly has a fanbase that feels extremely cultish.

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Most JRPGs have terrible core gameplay. This isn’t anything new. Dunkey has been saying the same thing for a decade. It’s why people have their mind blown when a JRPG has actual good combat. Like Final Fantasy Tactics for instance (which sort of cheats by not even being a “proper” JRPG).

I think this is sliding an issue unfairly. The biggest pro I see people mention about FF is that playerbase is way more understanding/tolerant of new/returning players compare to WoW. I never played so can’t compare, but the stories are recurring and since becoming a mentor here on WoW it’s quite obvious to see how toxic it really is. If you don’t know the routes, don’t know mechanics, don’t know the role well you will get kicked with no chance to say anything. Heck, Ive seen people get kicked from heroics because gasp they dared to come in to practice. I saw a newbie tank at the cusp of being kicked for being slow.
This is just ridiculous and we deserve better.

No, you’re just not a fan of the core gameplay.

If the core gameplay was terrible, it wouldn’t exist.

Dunkey was a fan of DQ 11, and that is as basic as JRPG core gameplay gets.

Yeah, I guess that’s why all the Souls games and all of their imitations have been such huge flops.

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Ff14 is extremely casual
Unless you’re doing savage or ultimate it’s almost impossible to fail in that game

Tell me… why has Final Fantasy reinvented it’s core combat in every Final Fantasy after 6?

ATB, reaction commands, real time combat, whatever 13 was doing, etc.

If the wheel wasn’t broken, why have they tried to fix it over and over? Even FF7 Remake isn’t a “proper” turn based JRPG.

While I don’t disagree this seems like an unfair point to push. JRPG’s put me to sleep but I can understand why other people enjoy them. I would even argue the story is a big portion of that.

Nevermind the fact I couldn’t get through Xenoblade 1 & 2, any of the Bravely Defaults, Final Fantasy 8, and plenty more.

It’s just not for me. I’m more of a twitch gameplay kind of player. I also read high fantasy on the regular and those stories just don’t compare for me.

I think you are confusing various combat systems with an entire genre.

Literal JRPG:

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