WOW is very casual/beginner unfriendly compared to FF14 IMO



I routinely say FF14 is an MMO only at end-game. So in that sense, you’re right.


I’ve been kicked for being from Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, Argent Dawn, for playing Worgen, for playing Vulpera, for ‘hacking to do that dmg’, for not out dmging a level 10 twink brewmaster tank who was basically aoeing things down in seconds, because they wanted only their friends in the group (I guess wanted to 4 man?), for actually trying to start conversation in the group and being labeled ‘too talkative’, for not knowing a dungeon at the start of an expac as a tank and saying “First run here so be patient if I mess something up”, I guess I’m more inclined to believe such things given I’ve seen abuse of the system along with the system in BGs ‘report afk’ for ages. It’s all becoming more common as people realize the power they can have over other players.

Such a weird comment when FF14 literally forces you into group content while leveling and you can level 1-60 in WoW without ever talking to another soul.


It also forces you to play a single player story for a good amount of the game. Sure, you can buy it, but that’s a discussion in itself.

The multiplayer content is roughly 1% of your single player MSQ experience. Not even worth mentioning.

In WoW you can do dungeons the entire way. That’s 100% multiplayer content.

Sheesh, you can even level with someone 30 levels higher than you in the same area. I mean come on.

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If you do dungeons as a new player you are screwed. In case you are wondering, WoW forces you to go through the story too.

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You can have the story point with the exception it’s only Shadowlands. WoW lets you MMO it up from the very first level.

FF lets you distract yourself with other classes/crafting/gathering if you so please. But it’s primary focus is forcing you through that story. You can’t do dungeons/raids/trials at level 50/60/70/80/90 if you haven’t finished the respective MSQ.

In todays market, play what you enjoy and when you enjoy it

I will be rotating between wow, ff14, lost ark, eso between content drops.

I think a lot of people right now that are upset with wow is because everything in retail is a huge barrier to enter and the other games don’t do that.

Wow is still stuck in the “only invest in my game” mindset and I’m interested if that mindset continues forward post 9.2.

So how can FF14 only be an MMO at endgame when it forces you to interact with others while WoW, by your own admission, lets you go through the entirely of leveling into endgame without ever interacting with another human being?

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I think you pulling at thin air here for the sake of argument. You’re free to think of FF14 as an MMO from day zero all you like. I won’t.

WoW gives you the option to level solo if you’d like. Most MMOs do.

FF14 forces you to level solo, or gives you the option to pay $25 (Might be more now) to skip the MSQ. Which will consequently have you shamed by the FF playerbase.


I’m glad you enjoy FFX, I gave it several honest tries and it’s just not for me.
Different strokes for different folks.
No game is perfect but for me, WOW is as close as it gets nowdays.

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How am I pulling at thin air? You’re the one that made the comment that made literally zero sense considering the game forces you to interact with others while WoW doesn’t lol.

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Sorry but there is absolutely a common denominator here.

Moon Guard.

I kick them too.

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This is an interesting perspective that might make FFXIV be an easier pill to shallow. Because when you look at it through the lens of an MMO, its leveling experience is a complete failure. However, if you look at it like a JRPG, and most JRPGs are trash-tier when it comes to gameplay, then it actually holds up fairly well to most other single-player JRPGs. Most JRPGs are also long, winding, pretty boring for the first 50+ hours. It’s actually amazing when I think about it how much nonsense the JRPG genre gets away with, simply because it is a genre where the story is better than average.


Tfw both Endwalker and Shadowlands both suck.
XIV 17 and WoW 2 when?


People that enjoy griefing and wasting other peoples time? Yeah, they’re in every game, and at least with FF they action people if they falsely vote kick people from groups without good reason.

I’ve had multiple friends get kicked at the start of SL for not knowing a dungeon as a tank, and we’ve seen plenty enough of people’s posts to know that it’s occurring more frequently as time passes.

Sensing possible sarcasm, use a /s if so :wink: I know what you were trying to imply but I ain’t going for it.

I didn’t expect you to figure it out.