i wonder waht you will do in FF14 , when you don’t have content for 1 years + , story is fine but u have no content left
you gonna play wow right
i wonder waht you will do in FF14 , when you don’t have content for 1 years + , story is fine but u have no content left
you gonna play wow right
when does that happen? 14 has a reliable patch cycle schedule.
you’ve never touched 14 have you? i can tell
haha no
can’t wait for 10.0 , new race + class , cross faction , 8 news dungeons , new raids , time walking content reworked , new zones so good i can’t wait !
while you will have 5 news quest in FF every 4 months
Domination Shards (and Korthia) released as completely undercooked product, and the former nearly (or did, depending on who you ask) ruined the raid itself, which is the only redeeming product they actually released this patch. The only patches that typically don’t go stale after a month’s time (or less) are the first patch of an expansion, which absolutely started to dry up within a couple of weeks this go around.
Hahaha, afraid they do. A whole lot, especially MG/Wyrmrest, and especially South America servers. Further, Vulpera, Worgen, and Pandaren are subject to quite a lot of hate. Vulpera especially.
Here you go, 2 instances I could readily find. https://imgur.com/a/989GEzF
This, Ff14 is hot garbage, people can hype it up a lot but at the end of the day it’s not wow it won’t ever be wow and it does not compete with wow it operates differently at a core level.
It’s fine to not like wow, it’s fine to not like Ff14, it’s fine to like and play both or neither.
Not a good argument nor accurate when Endwalker already has as many raids as all of Shadowlands. And Endwalker just came out.
In WoW you get drops of gear instead while playing the game. I think that’s better.
Then when you can amass enough gold and when DMF opens, you can get heirlooms.
WoW does it better.
FF story is very slow, takes a lot of time for dialogue and even more time to understand what’s going on and that’s if you care to.
To me, that makes FF slower to start for new players. But that’s just my perception as the opposite is yours.
Thing is, MMOs take up a lot of time, require time investment and to play more than one is a bit daunting imo.
I can see OP’s points. I have never had a bad experience tanking in dungeons in FF14 with pugs, whereas in WOW, Mythic+ tanking with randoms was one of the most toxic experience of my gaming life.
Pretty much every vulpera I’ve come across has used or is using some variation of uwu speak which pretty much explains why people hate them
Things WoW does better.
Endgame instanced content
You know, what really matters in the end.
I don’t think the issue is that one-sided. WoW also has plenty of things that it does better than FF14. Both games have different strengths. That’s why I’m actively subbed to both. If I thought one game was strictly superior to the other I’d save myself the time and money and only play one.
The most obvious advantage I think WoW has is challenging endgame content. I think that the core combat system in WoW is deeper with more room for complexity and mastery. I see more interaction within a spec’s ability kit than I do in FF14 and more customization with things like talents and legendaries. While the community tends to find optimal answers to these customization questions, they’re still ways to change up a spec’s core gameplay or to make it function better in specific situations. Plenty have specs have a different dungeon set vs. raid set for instance. FF14 the choice is simply never offered. Every player of the same job will play exactly the same. There aren’t even Trinkets to vary up your rotation that way.
I think that they tend to have more engaging fight mechanics while FF14 rarely goes beyond memorizing a specific movement pattern to dodge laser beams. FF14 definitely doesn’t have any end game content similar to WoW’s Mythic+, which is an entirely different kind of challenge from the boss fights offered by raids in both games. In particular, it highlights another advantage WoW has which is class utility. FF14 has very limited options for CC tools and even more limited options to make use of them. In WoW, things like Polymorph or Roots are on full display in dungeons. Even in raids I can’t think of anything in FF14 that has the same kind of unique utility as something like a Warlock’s gateway. Most of the “group utility” spells in FF14 are just another buff to line up during the buff window.
FF14 definitely has difficult content, but I don’t find it to be as deep mechanically as WoW’s. It’s challenging but to me it’s also less interesting. It also doesn’t help that FF14 only gets 4 new raid bosses every season while WoW gets between 9 and 14. Plus I would say that Savage is more like Heroic than it is Mythic. The Ultimate fights which are comparable in difficulty to WoW’s Mythics generally only come out with one fight every couple years. WoW definitely wins on sheer volume of endgame content. There’s a reason why world first is measured in days in WoW and in hours in FF14.
To say nothing of the transmog system. It’s no secret that FF14’s glamor system is somewhat primitive and limited compared to WoW’s and I think it’s really a symptom of a more wide-reaching difference. I think WoW is a better made game on a purely technical level. FF14 has a lot of archaic systems and limitations that seem to come from limitations in the games underlying architecture. I can certainly understand why given what a nightmare 1.0 was and I’m incredibly impressed with what FF14 has managed to accomplish, but I think WoW is a better designed MMO experience (content aside.)
One of the better analogies I’ve heard between the two games is that WoW is an MMOrpg while FF14 is an mmoRPG. I definitely agree with that assessment since WoW’s main strengths over FF14 are the more technical and gameplay-focused areas while FF14 excels at more of the exploration and storytelling aspects that you would typically associate with a single-player RPG. You can see it even in their individual boss fights. Every boss fight in FF14 has its own soundtrack and frequently feature large spectacle interludes showcasing the epic conflict. Everything is about the spectacle from the fights to the player animations. Everything is made to look and feel epic and cool. WoW doesn’t focus on that as much and instead offers a tighter gameplay experience when engaging with challenging content.
If I could combine both games into one with the strengths of both I would. But I’m not sure any design team on earth has the resources and bandwidth to offer consistent quality of both games’ strengths and still output content at a reasonable rate.
what a delusional world you live in.
i don’t know , isnt FF14 time gating boss on savage difficulty ? only 4 boss release and you need to wait 3/4 month for 4 boss too
The first part is true but the second part isn’t. It’s true that FF14 only gets 4 bosses every raid tier but they don’t need to wait for the last boss. It’s available at the same time the Savage difficulty for the other three bosses is.
i don’t know it’s kinda weird for me as a WOW player , Blizzard should do the same and release 3 boss on mythic difficulty every 2 months and call it news patches/content
maybe its working
Now that I’ve figured out to use plugins for FF14, I do think that it is the superior game, but I do think it’s harder to play. There are a lot of buttons lol. There are a few exceptions of course. Apparently summoner is the easiest thing in the world to play.
WoWs endgame is not as friendly.
just so you know, not everyone cares about how “challenging” one game can be. wow’s challenge also breeds toxicity and encourages boosting. i personally hate it.
i’ll definitely give you that. i wish 14 had wows mog system.