Savage Pandaemonium comes out later. But the regular raid is up. Myths of the realm is split, but the raid is said to be pretty big.
WoW took what 9-10 months for it’s second raid and we have no idea when we’ll see this last raid yet? It’s an unusual year but it’s overall on par with WoD. It’s not a great pack to be puffing out our chests about content.
FFXIV is my go to game when I want to come home and relax. The community is very nice and speed running instances is non existent. Players wait for other players and explain fights when asked. FFXIV would be perfect for me if they had more ugly races.
I’ve seen more vote kicks than I can count in WoW and it’s always over something trivial. I always vote ‘no’. It’s a leveling dungeon. No one cares about DPS meters.
I felt the complete opposite. FFXIV is not casual/beginner friendly at all. WoW is by far the most beginner/casual friendly mmo out there and still is.
FFXIV systems are so confusing to new players. When I played it, I had no clue what I was supposed to do. Then all of a sudden I ran out of quests as there were no quests paths and later realized one of my “class” trainers had a quest for me as the normal “class” trainer I went to in the beginning had nothing for me. There was 0 direction of letting me know who the next person I am supposed to train from was. I had like 5 new abilities I had to learn.
FFXIV is by far one of the most beginner unfriendly mmo made.
I would say higher skill floor but lower skill ceiling. A lot of jobs in FF14 definitely suffer from button-bloat and the default UI isn’t the best equipped to help a player sort through it. Plus your performance will suffer A LOT more if you don’t know a fight in FF14 vs. WoW. There’s significantly more one-shot mechanics in FF14 and while death is expensive performance-wise in both games, it will absolutely murder your damage in FF14 thanks to the weakness debuff.
I wasn’t under any impression that it was a priority for everyone nor do I believe I ever implied that every WoW player MUST play WoW in a competitive way. But there are definitely gamers out there who enjoy games for the sake of testing their limits and overcoming a challenge. Any challenging environment can lead to competitiveness, and frustration when things aren’t going well, which can breed toxicity. But that’s a moderation problem. Not a content problem. Challenging content and competition (whether with the AI or your fellow players) on their own don’t cause toxicity. Poor sportsmanship does. While there will always be poor sports in this world, proper moderation is the way to handle them. Not canceling the game.
I get that not everyone plays MMOs for that sort of challenging content but I do and so do many others. That’s why I don’t think WoW should try to become a clone of FF14. Gamers who enjoy the more competitive content that WoW offers should have something to play and if WoW abandons that to focus on FF14’s strengths instead then it will no longer have anything unique to offer and will simply lose out due to FF14 having vastly more experience and planning in that style of design.
I’m glad that FF14 exists to offer players who enjoy that style of MMO the chance to play it. Like I said, I actively play both games because I actively like both styles. Except I play them in different ways. I don’t engage with the FF14 endgame to anywhere near the degree I do in WoW.
this is a lie. in the upper left corner of the screen there’s a big banner that tells you where the next msq is and if you have a job quest there’s a sub banner below that.
I just stumbled upon a combo plugin which makes the PVE 3 button rotations work like they do in PVP. It makes the game a lot more enjoyable. For better or worse, WoW is hitting one more hotkey much more often than everything else. It’s hard to transition into something where there’s a different button press on every action.
The other thing is that melee is a lot more enjoyable in FF14, or at least imo. I can’t stand melee in WoW unless I’m tanking.
I’ve played FF14 for 1-2 months with every expansion release since HW. You finish the story, check out the class changes, dip your toes into savage, and it all comes to a crashing halt of meaningful things to do very quickly.
Finished with everything Endwalker had to offer 2 weeks ago. The story was good for a MMORPG, but that’s like saying X brand of canned soup is good soup. It isn’t a high bar to clear.
meaningful being infinite challenge and nothing else? meaningful being working for your highest gear then having void the very next patch? sounds super meaningful.
I’ll confess it would be a lot easier to take your arguments about toxicity in WoW seriously if you weren’t so rude to other posters in this thread.
I get what you’re saying with this. And I agree I think WoW makes all of its content in service to the endgame and I think they should stop doing that. That’s what I meant when I said that content seems to be designed more around its place in the rewards ecosystem rather than just fun content for content’s sake. Believe me the raiders would also love to not have to run Torghast or farm rep before they started doing their dungeons and raids.
I think it would be good to make raids less reliant on content like Korthia and Torghast and vice versa. I think it would be a good lesson for WoW to take from FF14. But I also think that there’s more for casual players to do in the game if they aren’t that sort of competitive player. Striations in how seriously players take their game performance is the core reason difficulty options in games exist and WoW still has those. I don’t raid at a Mythic level because even as a competitive player, that’s beyond the level of effort I want to put into the game. WoW still has lower level difficulties for both dungeons and raids for players who want to engage with those systems but don’t want to do so at the pinnacle of performance. I don’t think it’s a clear divide between casuals who never see the inside of a raid and leets who chain run +20s and Mythics all day.
Putting that aside though, I don’t think every game needs to aim for broad appeal. Sometimes a game just isn’t for everyone and that’s totally fine. Especially when there are other options like FF14. If WoW wants to offer a different experience it should be free to do that. It doesn’t make it a worse game.
I would talk about the adventures with Yasale and the edgelord Estinenien but I do want to be disrespectful and spoil anything for anyone. But in my opinion it is not good.
And Stormblood was worse than Heavensward so no, I didn’t finish that one. I did not buy Shadowbringers or Endwalker because I decided after close to 200 hours in this game it isn’t going to get good to me.
Sorry we differ in opinions. Game is boring.
have you played this. Feels like a roller coaster of childhood memories and how i imagined FF7 scenes to be as a teenager. Yeah the gameplay sucks but what can you expect from SE nowadays? The cutscenes are awesome at least and don’t make you doze off. LOL
Or because the FF14 story just sucks. I’ll have flawed tragic Sylvanas (and her ilk) over snotty unsufferable Alphinaud (and his ilk) any time of the time.