WOW is very casual/beginner unfriendly compared to FF14 IMO

No no. Wow is awful right now. FF is good right now.

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I’m about the same… I even like Korthia. :slight_smile:

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Honestly, since my FFXIV adventure, I’ve come to appreciate daily stuff like Korthia. It’s a nice change from running roulettes. Not that I dislike doing them necessarily. They can just be awful sometimes.

I won’t sing WoW’s praises right now. I enjoy it a lot but I know it’s not necessarily a game I can brag about.

I can’t brag about FFXIV either. Sure there are things I enjoy about it, but all the same time I’m openly critical about things players may not enjoy. Y’know, like a forced anime inspired MSQ.

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To be fair, I did manage to get that old, vanilla feel on a couple of private servers for a while. But yeah, Classic had none of that. It might not be so much that you can’t recapture the kid you were as that the community is just vastly changed.

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Seems like a big selling point to me. Ya know an MMO with an actual good story. Don’t see that every day.

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A subjectively good story. I for one thought it was nothing special. And there are plenty of folks on your forums who are equally disappointed with how Endwalker went down.

WoW wasn’t really story driven in the beginning and I hardly remember anyone complaining about it. It was just lore and quests.

If anything, people complain about Shadowlands having a story period. Folks here don’t want to do an MSQ.

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Does not lick WoW’s boots… though WoW’s current problems.

If FF14 is so much better then go play it.

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I don’t believe you. You’re not told why you’re kicked and I seriously doubt if someone didn’t want to play with you they’re going to explain to you why you were kicked.

You are when someone states in chat ‘kick X for Y’ and if you actually whisper people the reason, or if you even have someone in the group that remained and could see the message. So, I guess… to your post I will state “I don’t believe you,” since you do not have a VOD of every dungeon you’ve ever ran.

Wonderful that you found a game you enjoy more than WoW! Keep playing! We’ll be over here.

I tried and disliked FF almost immediately while I was searching for a WoW alternative. Art style and combat was… unfulfilling. Perhaps I’m just an addict though =/

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IDK… FF14’s first 50-80 hours felt like an entire introduction to Video Games in general.

I woke up often in the middle of several of cutscenes also. (Literally)

What is sad is I also fell for that… “it gets better in Heavensward!!” and “Stormblood is so good”… It does get better… If you consider getting rehydrated from a cotton swab of water for several days… “better”

Huge fan of FF series before the PS3 generation… Everything SE has released since then has been terrible besides maybe FF7R which is okay.

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if ya cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen. that’s the sentence that goes through my mind when reading this post.

If nothing else I don’t think it’s really possible for WoW to implement something like the MSQ the way FF14 does. That’s the sort of thing that really requires the entire game to be built around it. Since we don’t already have an MSQ, we’d need to start it in what is essentially the middle of the story with no guarantee that the player has played any of the previous expansions.

I think that’s actually related to one of the largest restrictions with FF14. Every expansion adds to the barrier to entry before a player can get to end game. Now one can argue that the story is the entire point of the game but that doesn’t change the fact that every expansion makes it more and more daunting for a new player to get into the game as the commitment they pledge to increases by 10s of hours every expansion. With WoW you can jump right in to the most current chapter of the saga after a solid week of leveling. Let’s not pretend that a major motivating factor for new players picking up an MMO for the first time isn’t playing with their friends who recruited them and it’s a really hard sell to tell them that they can’t do that until they finish a 200 hour campaign first. Regardless of how good the story is or isn’t, that’s an intimidating amount of content for someone just starting today.

Now looking at the points the OP makes in their post…

Agree. Though I think this is more to do with WoW’s crafting system being a bit vestigial than anything else. Blizzard has never really done a good job of making crafting relevant beyond raid consumables, which is why you see so many herbalists and alchemists and not as many leatherworkers. Legendaries have certainly helped but that’s going to be a temporary fix until the expansion is over and even before then, people don’t need new legendaries every week like they do with potions or enchants.

I agree with this too but for a different reason. The main thing I like about FF14s tomestone system is that all forms of endgame content can move you towards the same gearing goal. So you’re able to do the content you want without feeling like you’re missing out on specific rewards from other kinds of content. It’ll all give you the same gear in the end.

I disagree with this one. Performance and optimization are still things in the FF14 meta and if you sign up for a current end-game fight people will expect you to know the meta strategies. The main difference is that when you create a party in the party-finder, you can note whether you intend it to be a farm party or if you’re practicing a specific phase of the fight so that expectation is made clear immediately. And if you enter on to the scene too late then you will indeed find very few practice parties to join just like you would towards the end of a season in WoW. With regards to dungeons, I’m not sure that’s really a fair comparison since FF14 doesn’t really have anything to compare to WoW’s Mythic+ dungeons. Dungeons simply aren’t challenging end-game content in FF14.

Disagree with this too. WoW added mentors into the game at the end of BFA with its own version of the Novice Network. Instead of sprouts we have… murloc babies which I will admit are far less charming. From my experience with both games’ mentor systems the mentors in WoW are about as useful as the mentors in FF14, which is to say basically not useful at all.

I disagree with the last point as well and it mainly comes down to this:

That’s because queued content in FF14 is frankly easy, just like queued content in WoW is. Players just running through the MSQ will not encounter any content with a significant performance bar. That’s by design. The MSQ gates off everything in the game so it needs to be possible for every player to complete it. In pre-made content (Mythic+, Normal+ raids in WoW or Extremes/Savages in FF14) there is absolutely an expectation of performance in both games and you can and will be kicked from groups in both games if you don’t meet it. The major difference I see is that a significantly larger portion of the WoW playerbase by percentage seems to engage in that level of content than the share of players who do the same in FF14. Especially since it’s entirely possible to farm the endgame tomestone currency by only playing queued content. If there is an issue on this front on WoW’s end, then I would posit that it’s in not making clear what the expectations are for certain levels of content or in moderation policies. Now I certainly think that WoW could stand to improve its moderation policies a fair bit to combat the toxicity, but I also don’t think the FF14 is as wonderful as people make it out to be. Both of my worst interactions in an MMO occurred in FF14 so I’d say their playerbase is just as capable of bad behavior as WoW’s.

I think that the ultimate thing that FF14 does better than WoW is that WoW has this bizarre tendency to design its content around the power reward that it gives rather than on its own merits as a game activity. Torghast is a good example since the main role of Torghast in the WoW ecosystem is to supply soul ash - a necessary component for every player who engages in any form of endgame content whatsoever. The majority of players who run Torghast don’t do so because they love Torghast, but because they need the rewards it provides. FF14 has no shortage of similar side content, but that content rarely if ever gives rewards that are necessary for end game players that they can’t get elsewhere. The rewards offered in the Bozjan Southern Front for example are all either cosmetic or power buffs that specifically only work in the Bozjan Southern Front. So the only reason to keep farming that content is because you enjoy that content. Same thing with rep grinds. FF14 actually has those too, except they’re called Beast Tribes. The only rewards they give are cosmetic rewards. You are not forced to grind them if you don’t want to.

Both FF14 and WoW have plenty of pointless daily grind content where you can do the same tedious thing day after day, but in WoW that grind is required before you’re allowed to raid or dungeon or whatever other form of endgame content you want to do. In FF14, it’s a side activity you do because you want to do it. That’s the major lesson I think WoW should take from FF14. Let content be there for content’s sake. Don’t make me do homework every week before I’m allowed to raid with my friends since that’s the real reason I’m here.


You should have mentioned the low amount of FOMO.

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I don’t care if you believe me but I will say my story is a hell of a lot more believable than yours.

Nobody cares what server you’re from or what race you play.

The mentor program in WoW does exist. Although I only remember seeing one person that was ever a part of it.

I do like FFXIV’s gearing system better because it’s multi-faceted. There are drops, but also currency and crafting. And the crafted gear is competitive with current gear.

In this game, gear is treated like the end. Not something you get to do content. So it’s made more difficult to keep people playing. I’ve never understood it, because why even try for gear if all you do is sit around in the city and look pretty? But that’s been the attitude about gear for a while.

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Name one game that is universally loved. One game that has zero complaints about it. Doesn’t exist. However 14 does so many things better than wow. 14 respects your time wow doesn’t.

Sucks if you don’t like the story, means you’re probably stuck with wow.

don’t forget to pre-order new expansion soon

:joy: :rofl: :joy:

good one