If I tell you it’s pretty easy to play vanilla casually will your head explode?
Remember when the Blizzard developers were all playing Everquest and decided to make WoW as a less hardcore, more casual-friendly alternative to that game?
I do, which is why it cracks me up so much when people go on about how ‘hardcore’ WoW was back in 2004-2005.
Ya I remember in Wrath when some people tried to be edgy calling new players “Wrath Babies”.
I was like LOL @ “WoW Babies”…
Those that joined in Cata are still called Cata babies too. I should know.
Also, OP is hiding behind an alt yet claims to mythic raid. That’s cute.
This was attempted in CATA. It do not go well. In the LFG system there is no place for difficult content.
Definitely no reason or reasons a casual/ lfr can’t have nice things too. Elite jerks need to be put in there place. Giving gear to all just makes me smile.
but you know i really hated having to pick between friends or progression
/yawns. Nothing to see here but someone butt hurt because everyone can enjoy wow and he doesn’t get to feel superior to everyone else.
The best part is that he claims to mythic raid yet is posting on an alt. I wonder if he has any actual cutting edge achievements, all the titles, glory, and mythic mount for both of this expansion’s raids(I know Uldir has no mount from mythic).
At least I’m open about my lack of progression, don’t care, and don’t lie.
Also… If you hate LFG? Don’t use it. Find a guild. It’s that simple.
Very well said.
As someone who played before, during and after the Cata fiasco, Ill add my 2 cents.
When dungeons were a one or two time thing tied to quests while leveling, the slow pace was fine in Vanilla. Planing an entire nights outing to run a dungeon like BRD is not an issue. I also dont have an issue if its part of the leveling process (or open world dungeons like in EQ).
However, once the game changed with the expectation that you would be running dungeons over and over again for badges or trying to get a singular pieces of armor from any dungeon, the slow everything down and think your way through the dungeon doesnt work - especially after that can of worms was opened in Wrath. Once the game gets to spam a dungeon 6 times a night, going back to one or two runs a night just isnt gonna work.
Classic WoW is the definition of easy mode MMO. That is how WoW became so popular.