Wow is peak P2W

If you think WoW is the peak of P2W, you surely haven’t seen the FF14 cash shop.


Shhhh dont say the F word. They have pitchforks and torches and will go after people who say anything against their perfect game


Yeah definitely looks like you did /s

IT’s clear you don’t play the game and its fine, I’m not in control of your life my dude.

You trollin lol, no weapon enchant, no rating, low ilvl, no clears of any raid this season, what the heck are you harping on “didn’t play” on a char like that? xD

This character links to my old main, yours does not link to anything. Either way, you’re not worth my time. Good bye.

You direct replied to me to complain to me that I played less than you, on a character that has played very little, and less than this character you are reply at. I only wish to understand the thought process and motivation :stuck_out_tongue:

Any numbers on this?


That wasn’t what I was replying to, I was replying to the fact that he literally said "Anything that’s in this game can be acquired without using any real money. "

I do not believe store mounts are pay to win, but I do believe everything should be able to be earned in game and I am fully against stores in subscription MMOs. I would much rather they raise our subscription and have a fully unlocked game than try and nickel and dime us. WoW obviously is not the worst offender by any means but I dislike the store none the less.

Yes I fully understand that you can buy tokens, but it still is involving real life cash on one side in exchange for currency to buy items in the store.

you have no idea what is pay to win

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Yess , I am finally part of the 1% beside the forums that is :sunglasses:

great. pay to win. got it. play or dont. next problem please.

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good news. You can earn gold. Buy token convert it to blizzard currency and buy the mount. And you dont need to fork out a single penny

Supposedly, there is a perfectly equal balance between players who spend gold to buy a token that gives them gametime/Blizzard balance, and players who spend real-world dollars to buy in-game gold.

The latter buys a token with real dollars, list it on the auction house, and another player buys that very token for gold and gets gametime/balance.

There always have to be an identical number of players doing each side of the transaction with a WoW Token; if there’s more demand on one side or the other, the price of the token goes up or down until there’s a balance.

So if it really works this way behind the scenes (and Blizzard claims it does), then contrary to what the OP said people who buy tokens for game time are not in the minority. There is an identical number of players buying gold, and players buying gametime/balance, and this balance is by design.

this statement doens’t make sense. If people aren’t buying the token for game time then no token will be sold in the auction house.

Good news if you read past the first couple of sentences to which you replied I literally addressed that. I know WoW forums members aren’t exactly know for their reading comprehension though.

You can trust the Pandaria Gold, silver, and bronze.

This wages for me.

yea coz some of us aren’t dumb enough to just complain in the forum and play the game to earn things.