WoW is now Barbie

We’re not even doing content for actual gear upgrades anymore we’re going after outfits to dress our dolls in and new cars to put them in. WoW has become playing with dolls but with extra steps


okay and? :rofl::man_facepalming:t3:


Don’t you get actual gear from raids, dungeons, PvP, and open world activities that give your character upgrades?

Or do you mean this event? Consider the crying now, and then consider how much worse it would be if there was actually player power or progression tied to it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What do you mean now? It’s been this since Transmog was added


And it’s fun. I prefer cosmetics over numbers, getting the big shiny sword feels great when you can slap it on your back and feel like you have a prize. I can’t think of a time I day dreamed about 3% damage increase.


i kinda wish there was real progression tied to it, and i would watch them bomb the forums about it laughing cause not everything is about them for once

I mean, there’s plenty of tough content to do. Maybe you should try it :stuck_out_tongue:


Makes the most Barbie looking character, comes here to complain about the game becoming to Barbie like…


been that way for a long while now Tenabris. especially when they started introducing transmog-bits that could be mogged by any armor-type… most notably the shadowlands secondary covenant armor sets, like the necrolord necromancer one, the kyrian robe-y one, etc.

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yea you play a blood elf…


If it wasn’t a limited time thing, if player power was tied to it, or at least, if it gave players itemized gear, it wouldn’t be so bad.

My guess is people are freaking out because it’s limited time and they are bad at something new. Which is totally normal and it’s a shame people don’t realize that.

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I can’t help it the forums leaves my character naked for whatever reason.

I’m fine with it because I look fabulous in LFR :kissing_heart:


If transmogging wasn’t in the game it would already be dead.


I play several characters clearly not my my main since it’s not even max level Also looking good should be a small part of the game not the entire thing

But it literally is a small part of the game

It’s become the main focus

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Main focus? Since when? These things are REWARDS for doing pvp/pve/stuff. You can’t get these things without actually engaging with the game.

Even the trading post requires you to do stuff to get tenders.

All the big new updates are about how to get new cosmetics the Trading Post for example

Looking fabulous won’t help in PVP or PVE though. Plus, who doesn’t want to look fabulous!?

I think you should just look at the duality of the situation. For example, I don’t like raiding but I like the fact there’s a duality of options.

What would you like blizzard to add?

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