Ooof. I couldn’t do it lol. You have far more patience than I ever could. BUT FOR NOW! I must get sleep. I will catch up on things where this thread is concerned in the morn.
Still salty I see…
You should take your own advice here mate.
Welp, it’s been fun Drunne. But unfortunately you have now shown your true colors to me, and I am forced to place you on the ignore list for now. When you are able to stop being a five year old, and be the adult you claim to be, we will talk again. Shame really. Have a fantastic day all the same.
I’m honored to make your list. I guess anyone that disagrees with you is put on ignore. This is a very healthy.
I should do the same…
No, just people who are being blatantly toxic for no perceivable reason, and in this circumstance, that happens to be yourself. Again though, do have a wonderful day. And for the record, if I ignored EVERYONE that didn’t agree with me, Storm would be on that list for a different thread lol. The difference was he wasn’t being super toxic. He is reasonable, and not acting like a five year old who got a toy taken away.
This is the last response you will be getting from me.
This is a good thing. You enjoy your day!!! I guess I’m being shunned like an Amish kid that leaves the farm.
I agree, and was pretty vocal about it at the time but you can’t put that toothpaste back into the tube at this point, so it’s best to add avenues for people to avoid that damage instead. You’ll probably start to see a lot less vote-kicking and rushing from the elitists when their queue times skyrocket, and will do more to curb unpleasant behavior than the code of conduct has.
You know this is a really good point that I’ve not seen mentioned enough in these discussions.
I’m sure some of the resistance to solo play isn’t just elitist gatekeeping, or people wanting a larger player pool for their queue times… it’s also people who sell runs scared that their business might dwindle down a bit.
The reason why I like ai dungeons is because sometimes people go to fast, or most times they’re rude because we might have wiped one time and instead of just trying again, they leave. And then everyone else follows suit.
Sometimes it’s easier when learning a healer or a tank class to go at my speed and not have to rush rush rush. Othertimes I don’t have the freaking spoons (energy) to deal with people since most if not all of my spoons is spent on dealing with people at my retail job so when I come home, I really don’t want to deal with people outside of my group of friends or guilds. Sometimes I just want to solo dungeons on my own time while I level.
I played MMOs long before WoW came out when MMOs were literally a grouping only genre. WoW pioneered the solo experience and it’s what, I’d argue, made them so successful.
The only thing in WoW that you need to coordinate a group for is M+, Normal+ Raids, and rated PvP. Everything else in the game is soloable or easily accessible by queuing, which is almost as convenient as soloing.
How is a game that’s designed around group content pioneering solo player experience over solo player games?
The main point of this game is endgame.
The rest of the game is designed to have a 100% completion rate.
This will be a boon for me! I have no problem getting along with most people but I detest random dungeons and random groups to the point I haven’t done any dungeons from the last two or three xpacs. I’m not a part of any guilds and PUGs are hit or miss at best. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really complaining because I love questing and doing professions so not doing dungeons isn’t a big deal. However this will make it easier for people like me to have fun doing another line of content.
I don’t think the MMORPG genre was ever “group only.” Some of the games were, but not all of them. It’s always been a mixed bag.
In UO for example, I use to putz around solo all the time. Still ended up with a cute, little house and quite wealthy from mining. Was a fun past time.
There are a lot of games too where whether or not you could solo around actually depended on your class choice, at that was that games way of creating play style choices.
Either way though, I always thought that when people use the logic, “But this is how X started” or “This is what Y was always meant to be” that it’s a very weak argument.
Just because something started out one way, doesn’t mean it can’t or shouldn’t evolve. Heavens. Imagine if humans were still primordial ooze? Thank God we didn’t stay that way. How boring would that be?
Adapting, revising, evolving… these can be very good things. But there will always be the ol’ sticks in the mud who are irrationally affraid of and thus opposed to change.
As far as I’m concerned, I’ve only experienced two events that were truly ‘MMO’.
The Dragonglight pre-launch event, where there were dozens of people at my screen killing elementals. It was pure fun, I’ve never experienced that in any other game. It was laggy, but it was a unique experience.
And the second is simply LFR. It’s a mess, nobody listens to anyone, but it’s fun when you see that you’re the one who’s dying later and later.
Everything else, especially the dungeons, is an experience that can be had in other games. If I want to do co-op with 4 people, the truth is that L4D might be a better game.
The big problem with the LFR is that the waiting time is far too long. Waiting a good hour (on top of the hour it takes to kill the boss…) is extremely time-consuming.
So, in my opinion, AI for dungeons and delves are wonderful tools. It gives me content with a minimum of challenge without having to sacrifice my evening and/or put up with people who are going really fast. Dragonflight really surprised me in this respect. Within the first week, everyone was rushing through the dungeons.
In my opinion, people who really want to liven up the MMO aspect should instead advocate the creation of events like the pre-launch event, where an entire server is concentrated on doing the same thing in the same place, for a common goal.
As a solo player, I love these events.
The fact you think this game revolves around ‘solo players’ is hilarious
This game currently revolves around people who do nothing but Heroic/Mythic Raid.
I laugh when I see this (or something similar). The fact is WoW is a solo game for the most part, until you queue for a dungeon or raid. Before scaling was added, quests arrived in a color coded array: grey, green, white, blue, yellow, orange and red.
Not many classes could solo a red rated quest let alone an orange rated quest, so groups of 2 or more were created. Now a days, with scaling intact, we have quests same level as character: white. I cannot think of one quest that I needed help with since scaling was introduced, even on a squishy char.
So bottom line: WoW is a solo game until endgame.