No, a properly designed solo challenge can always be made harder simply by adding a second player and requiring you both to do that same challenge at the same time in the same space while playing catch, or you both fail.
Make raids and mythics one difficulty that is raid finder level easy. Less stress, less try hards, and more fun social interaction
No one knows. It was just dropped and the Devs are silent on the matter.
Sometimes Raid Finder is more difficult than running a mythic. You got maybe 25% of the raid die to the first tic of AOE damage from the boss, 30% of the raid is AFK, 20% is trying to kill the boss and do mechanics, and the rest is lock out of the room because they was doing something else.
If Raid Finder Difficulty is so easy, why is it that most of the raid is dead at the first boss… (that was the case a few days ago when I ran the first wing)
I agree completely.
I do do group content but even in a guild most of what I would be doing would be solo especially the leveling after the initial expansion leveling chaos.
I pop into groups for current content rares and world bosses and I level through dungeons when I feel like it. I adore time walking dungeons and chain them anytime it is up.
I enjoy leveling more than I enjoy endgame for all but a few classes and I stopped raiding weekly somewhere in the legion expansions though I did do pretty extensive PVP in bfa, at least for me.
The changes they are proposing would allow me to see the content on my own timeframe or also allow me to not be a burden to a group due to latency issues (which are a thing no matter how funny it is to claim “just get good.”)
I still get group content and enjoy how lively areas feel but after expansions end, that world group content becomes much harder to get groups for so I wish they would bump anything group world content back to a level that can be soloed after an expansion ends so that it can be done while leveling oooorrr since we know they can dynamically add NPCs or PCs then just auto populated the group content group with NPCs when needed.
I haven’t really tried raid finder in a hot minute but I noticed when I was running it with nearly every max level I had in cata that the raid finder group would be stellar on a tuesday through Thursday and terrible all other times.
My days off are now Sunday Monday so occasionally I would get a good group on Sunday but Monday was always a no good.
Forums factions fighting each other while the real problem still exist and is ignored.
Blizzard is not a one ten twenty or even a hundred man team.
They can easily hire and set a specific team to craft content for each and every sub group of players there is.
Final fantasy 14 does it. They got teams that churn out solo/multi/raid/pvp constantly for each of their groups and even subgroups like moggers and housing enthusiast. Why can’t the most successful MMO developer not do this?
Inserts Mr. Crab meme from Spongebob Because I like Money!
On top of that it seems like outside the pve instance team, every other team is heavily understaffed including the pvp dev team that still doesn’t have their new pvp lead dev yet as Holinka left in the early summer and no word on his replacement.
I mean this further proves my point. Blizzard is cutting corners while we rip each other faces off .
The only times we see blizz craft content is when people starts pulling up the pitchforks and torches.
And that is if you even GET a reply. I’ve had compliments and questions ignored more times than I can count…
“Hey, love that mog!” silence
“Can you tell me what mount that is, please?” crickets
Okay, you used a random website here? I just can’t stand the level of bias on these forums at times.
People want to downplay experiences like this, but your experience is the norm for dungeons.
M+ exacerbated this problem like x100. I personally think the classes are too powerful and have too much utility, it has allowed players to pull half of the dungeon and not break a sweat.
We get it, you hate M+
You do know that isn’t the only thing the game offers?
And what it your point? Better than cherry picking a site that just confirms YOUR bias, to score brownie points,
Just leave then…
It’d be fun to see the companions RP as toxic
Sweat lords griefing you on the run.
As implemented, I think they overall did more damage than good. Once blizz made it so everyone in queue was someone you’d never see again, it was a wrap. Had they done aggressive server merges and kept lfd/lfr to one server, I think they would have worked much better for the community.
Sure they could but at the end of the day profits matter more, so how much extra should each new subgroup team cost us? Can we only pay for the content for the subgroups we belong to?
This is a very juvenile reply here. I’m aware that the game offers other activities, but most of them aren’t as lucrative as M+.
What site did I cherry-pick? This is what you did lol. I was sharing my anecdotal experiences that I had in-game. I’ve been playing WoW since beta, yes, I’m old, and the game is a 100 times more toxic now since Blizzard implemented systems like rated pvp, M+ and mythic raiding.
WoW got popular because it was a casual game, not because it catered to hardcore andies. I see WoW going down the same path as Wildstar right now. The only reason it hasn’t just died fully, is because the millions of players like me that are WoW vets are sticking around due to sunk cost fallacy.
I think WoW has hemorrhaged a ton of players since mid SL, and I think the developers are finally starting to see that catering your end game around content like M+ just doesn’t have mass appeal.
You leave, so we can have some adult conversations here. Like, how old are you? Seriously, your rebuttals are extremely juvenile.
Nope, did a google search, and picked the first site without reading it. Used the button " I’m feeling Lucky"
Ironic that you’re some LFR hero. I just looked at your armory profile and you barely do any group content.
Well, and you call me juvenile?
Well, if you are gonna forum shame, you are level 43, how dare you comment on endgame, in retail.
At least I’m posting on a toon that I am playing and not hiding behind a “classic” toon.
I’ve been a solo player since the end of MoP. Had a bad experience with a guild and it just kind of really turned me away from socializing in the game more than I have to. Still, I like to do M+ and as a healer it’s usually easy to get into groups with randoms. My reasoning for liking the idea of features like delves is just so that the game has more life to it, alternate ways to spend our time in game and earn some goodies other than just “queue for blank and repeat”. I simply like to see Blizzard put more RPG alongside the MMO and have never felt held back as a solo player (other than having my prayers to the RNG gods constantly ignored).