GW2 is way more solo friendly than FFXIV but mostly due to how gearing works in that game and all open world content staying relevant forever.
WoW isn’t on this list you posted because its not an esports title on a website called EsportsBets. I just did a quick google search of “most toxic gaming communities” and WoW was in the top 10 of 3 of them.
As with all tier list you can take with a grain of salt but from my experience across several MMORPG’s WoW is by far the worst by a long shot.
I raided in all expansions up to WoD. There have been many years since- where I became aware how awful I felt being in a group setting.
I didn’t like the meanness of others to others while raiding. I also suffer from anxiety.
I have been soloing ever since .
I do whatever it is that I do and am happy just being a part of fantasy world.
I’m definitely looking forward to Follower Dungeons and Delves as something to do and continue to progress my toons in between raid nights. Was never a fan of M+ and only do ones that drop a very specific item I like.
I’ve lost count now how many times I’ve done that Ring of Blood type event in O’plains, or that mob that is up the path on the hill because I’ve been in the area hitting nodes, WQs, or fishing and see someone struggling.
I’ve sat and had conversations with other players over things like how to do something, mogs, mounts, pets, or even favorite stuff outside of WoW. I find open world way more social than just spamming dungeons where no one talks, or worse, only bring toxic behavior to the experience.
I hope that the AI dungeons expand beyond DF dungeons and that eventually you can have more than one person, up to 4, and the AI just drops in what’s needed to round out the party. Would be nice for someone new to a role to go in with someone experienced in that role to help them without slowing down people that want a gogogo run and without toxic players tearing down someone that wants to learn. Maybe Delves will do that, but we haven’t experienced those yet. Only the AI dungeons are on the PTR atm.
I love how GW2 does this. Something I wish WoW would take note of. I hate how when a new expac comes out, the rest of the beautiful world(s) of Azeroth are just forgotten and empty.
Wow. Not sure what they were on. Someone whispers me “Nice mog, where did you get it?” and I am suddenly that drunk girl in the bar restroom who got told “I love your outfit, where did you get it?” I am telling you where it was found, what mob dropped it, and then I am inspecting you to ask about something you’re sporting.
Narrow viewpoint in my opinion. If wow is the only online game you ever play, of course it will be top of the list. People in this community just want something to hate no matter what.
Hell, you ignored/blocked me at the drop of a hat, just for saying something (i’m not sure what) you didn’t like. Perhaps you might want to look inward?
EDIT: Oh yeah, you blocked me for disagreeing with another poster about VTK abuse on a necroed thread, said I was “gaslighting”, more like you two ganged up on me. Toxic behavior in my books. I’m starting to think your interactions in game may be a bit self-inflicted.
Baloney. Members of my family have been playing solo most of the time since WOW was released. Even in the very rare times that we are all on, we are on different quests. We haven’t played together in instances for many years, we no longer even do group content. There is a huge percentage of players who solo. This game would fail if all these people stopped playing. So don’t diminish our participation in the game.
I just write it off as someone being anti-social. Not gonna stop me from being friendly in game to people and help when ever I can.
Right now, I’m getting blowback for giving away Garn Nighthowl mounts. I’m like sitting on thirty of them. Some person posted a whole bunch of them on the AH for like 100g each, plus ones sitting in my bank from farming the hell out of them.
I’ll post on trade, who wants one, if anyone chimes in, I mail it to them, no cost. But for some reason I get some nasty tells from some chucklehead about economy, price fixing and other garbage.
But, I’m still your friendly Orc with time on his hands.
Just to note, some people in this thread make things look like the game is a total toxic cesspool, and it’s irredeemable. I’m gonna push back on that, in what every way I can. Lead by example.
If someone chooses percieved efficiency over friends then maybe they weren’t really friends?? Game design that gives another segment something good isn’t BAD just because it isn’t your preference.
It’s because they have absolutely no self control and if they percieve some game activity has a potential 0.1% throughput increase they will be mentally incapable of not performing that activity as much as is allowed. Even if it is some activity they feel is beneath thier attention, they will “burn themselves out” doing it and then will complain “Daddy Blizz forced us to do xxx”, so it has to be removed/nerfed/changed.
The only thing genuinely harder about instanced content is the difficulty in gathering the other players. A properly designed solo challenge will always be more difficult cause you won’t have an augvoker or bear or healer to bail you out if you make a mistake. The mage tower showed that.