WoW is in maintenance mode

Not at all.

The next sentence (that follows where your quote cuts off) is the point I was making: Consolidating by funneling to other existing media.

Sure they can categorize it, but it still is useless infomation coming through a redundant avenue. Everything coming through must be parsed and categorized resulting in waste when the vast majority isn’t anything useful.

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Run! Run away as far as you can!

Its not going to get any better no matter whta Ion says. He says most of the expansion content is going to be out in 8.2 and beyond!!

Way to long to wait for something we paid for Months?a year ago or more.

Hope you find something to play. Ive been trying, just cant find anything to hold my interest.


Really hope 8.2 and 8.3 breath some life back into the game. I miss a lot of my friends and ex guild mates who left because of the current state of BFA. :frowning:

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BoD is a fantastic raid. All of the classes I play are really fun. I’m using tailoring more than I have in multiple expansions.

If this is what maintenance mode looks like I want it to continue.


Ummmm ok.

I just do not see it.

What you making bandages?

Gear. I just replaced my 2 mythic Uldir level tailoring pieces with heroic BoD tailoring pieces (and I got to pick the stats I wanted), and in a week or so I’ll be able to upgrade to the 415 ones.

I don’t remember if there’s ever been a time when the literal best-in-slot has been a crafted piece. In the past they’ve been at heroic level, rather than mythic, and the stats haven’t been customizable.

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@op you should probably follow your guild names advice. Furthermore, if you want new players to come back shouldn’t you give them things to work towards such as unlocking allied races? If someone is going to come back just to play an allied race at launch then they probably weren’t going to play for very long anyways

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it looks like it’s on it’s last miles.
it feels like it too.
running on fumes.

that’s okay decent games are coming in 2019 and then diablo 4 sometime within the next 10 years :wink:

Got ya. What other existing media outlet would you be referring they, or do, funnel you? Facebook, Twitter maybe, the forums even? How is that info captured, bucketed and who’s reporting it back to those who need the info in the company? Having a form in the account management page that pops up after you press, unsubscribe, not only gives Blizz direct control of what’s being asked and the data itself to analyze but also leaves an impression on the customer that the company actually cares about why your leaving. Maybe even provide a direct opportunity to ask the customer, “we value your business and support, is there anything we can do to keep you subscribed”?

Having a link or saying, go post here makes you feel like they are saying, ‘go whine on the forums’ (if that’s even where they send you). Sorry I don’t know personally, can anyone confirm exactly what they say, (or where they send you) if anything/anywhere?

Is it useless to know what things in the world could be causing a player to unsub from your game? In example, ‘I’m going to college cant afford’ vs. ‘I have comcast and it constantly crashes’. Couldnt Blizzard implement a college student rate program or work with comcast if these were two common, often selected issues? When you drive the questions on a form not only can the info can be sorted out and bucketed automatically, but you can also ensure the feedback is mostly useful and valuable. I’m referring to something more than just one question that says “Tell us why you quit”

Not having a form, specifically designed for player feedback (especially when quitting), is a mistake and shows they just don’t take players (their customers) feedback serious or simply don’t care.


I am so confused why things I see in F2P were added without the cash shop features to remove the grind. The game used to be designed around the subscription model but inconvenient grinds have been added in multiple places to artificially increase it.

There used to be a simple reward system for doing content. Lore using his horrible example is what got fixed in Wrath. They might as well come out and say it takes too long to develop so that is why we are not doing it.

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Are we just making up new edgy uses for terms now?

No we are redefining terms and applying it to WoW as the game is no longer designed to grow but only appeal to the current playerbase.

That isn’t what maintenance mode means.

Maintenance mode is when a game doesn’t plan on receiving updates and is only sustaining their current content.

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It’s not a perfect game it’s true, but it’s still better then most MMO’s IMO

Primarily. But the other avenues are monitored as well, especially the official ones.

That’s all under the purview of the community managers. Of the myriad of duties they have, one is to collect feedback and create reports that are passed on to the game designers.

To your point about having something… anything that gives the player a feeling of retention, yeah, that seems like it would be helpful.

That goes back to the consolidation point. Not so much that feedback isn’t being taken, just that it’s being taken in a different, consolidated location.

But like I mentioned above, even a quick message letting players know where to go for feedback, or something similar, would be smarter.

Welcome back, your feedback is nothing out of the ordinary, especially the Ion part, we all know, the Dev’s all know, nothing is going to change since he plays WoW and wants it to be the way he plays.

FYI - He does WQ’s on a Resto Shaman.

They have removed set bonus to creep in more p2w. People buy tokens to purchase boe titanforge and now there are even more slots to do this. They wanted people to hate azerite gear to remove it also and have all slots take boe titanforge. Thust me that Blizzard has learned a ton from their Korean brothers but they also learned to make you ask for it and not just jump right into it.

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If you ask me as someone played other MMO’s then Rift for extensive period of times here is what I see.

Race Rep gating: Buy this for $10 on the store to unlock Void Elves
Titanforging: Buy this $5 token to increase your proc chance
Pathfinder: Buy this $10 token to unlock flying in previous expansions!
Mythic + timer: Buy this token for $5 to extend your Mythic + timer

^ Everything I listed above exist in other MMO’s in some way shape or form behind a pay wall. It almost seems like they are culling the player base into thinking this stuff is normal in preparation to go F2P

The system are there for them to flip a switch but they have not actually indicated they have any intent on doing it.

Buying WoW tokens to raise your Raider IO is already in the game so I am confused why people treat that like some full proof system. It is literally on the LFD queue and advertised in trade chat almost non stop.


WoW is in maintenance mode

Sorry, Mr. Gloomypants, but, no. WoW is not in maintenance mode. I’ve played games in maintenance mode (RIP WildStar) and this ain’t it.

I will agree though, that they aren’t doing much to make the game enticing to new players. Every time I level an alt I think, ‘Good lord, is this what a new player experiences?’ Who would want to play this game as a new player? It’s awful. So many levels with so few abilities. Outdated graphics. Garbage character customization compared to any other game out there. If Blizz wants the game to last they need to put in some effort at the beginning of the game again, not just the end.

What? None of those things are in WoW.

And what’s this about paying to raise your score on an add-on? How does that have to do with WoW?