WoW is in maintenance mode


If you look at systems in place in the game they are designed mostly for the current playerbase in a creeping fashion. Pathfinder for WoD content sounds fine for someone who has been here that entire time.

Pathfinder for someone who just came back sounds insane given the sheer grind in BoA content to keep current. If you fall behind then you are screwed in several ways.

The race unlocks are the most egregious example of this. If they had put Death Knights starting at lvl 1 or 20 behind some rep lock outs from Burning Crusade while THE ENTIRE playerbase was sitting in Wrath content people would have burned down Blizzard HQ

It is just an accepted thing because the current player base has been culled to believe this is normal. Yeah this is normal for companies who end up putting these race unlocks on a cash shop.

The entire game is being turned into some strange Cash Shop like MMO. Things other devs have done leading up to F2P Blizzard has done but are still subscriptions. Pathfinder, race unlocks titan forging.

You ask Pure
titan forging?!? Yes titan forging because a lot of other F2P mmos have items you can buy off a cash shop that increases the chance and item might PROC and become an epic either through crafting or boss drops.

It is like Blizzard has watched these other devs copied their systems but have no clue why they were put in the game in the first place.

You drive up play time and grind when you want to incentivize people to buy from your cash shop but instead Blizzard has driven up playtime and grind without the freaking cash shop!


I am struggling to think of any point in history WoW did not try to drive up play time and grind.


Reps in Wrath or prior expansions were always for top tier min/max items like enchants and profession recipes. It was never time gated or grindy like it is now.

They might be getting rid of Azerite gear in 8.2 but the Heart of Azeroth is still NOT ACCOUNT WIDE so it remains one of the most alt unfriendly things ever added in WoW’s entire history.

People complained about the leveling in Vanilla making alts useless. Heart of azeroth is just a broken concept from the ground up. It was a lazy way of removing set bonuses and has completely backfired.

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Death Knights should have had an unlock requirement tbh

The entire raid ICC was just majorly timegated instead.

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This. Diablo 3 is in maintenance mode, WoW is certainly not.


You just hear the term maintenance mode and decide you need to use it to describe everything, regardless of if it applies or not?

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The issue here is players viewing the ARs as new races in the conventional sence. And it’s understandable. They are playable characters that are
 well, new races. However, they aren’t new races in the conventional sence. They are a new game feature; a grinding goal like mounts, transmog, RNG gear drops, reputation, pathfinder, etc. Like all those, the game has to be played to acquire them.

Just on your point of hoarding. Bliz mitigates it so that no one will have more than a negligible advantage.

That is simply not the case. Looking around, there is evidence of caring everywhere, assuming people are rational enough to understand/accept the difference between nothing being done = Bliz not caring, and nothing being done = Bliz doesn’t agree.

As for the survey, let’s loosely divide it up into three categories: useful feedback, out of Bliz’s control, and rage.

  • “UR DeAd gAEm SuX!!!” is useless.
  • Connectivity issues outside Bliz’s control. They can’t truly control anything but their own networks.
  • A well thought out description of the issues with ways it could be improved. That can be helpful.

The question is, what proportion do you think all those are in? It a very safe assumption that it’s the same proportion as the forums: all 1 and 2 with negligible 3. Thus what additional purpose does the survey provide? Consolidation by eliminating an avenue that contains little useful information to funnel it into other existing media isn’t proof of not caring.


What about current gameplay says “this is going to console”? Because we have way too many abilities for that to happen. And while I don’t think it will happen either, I find it funny that people talk down about if WoW goes to mobile, yet celebrate that runescape went to mobile. wouldn’t be long before you young bucks have your mobile wow and cash shop,and us older folks would leave wow for good.Tbh,for me i seeing the signs it is time to move on .Don’t get me wrong i do love this game but since there is no way to advance in the game except the grind to the most impossibility or cheating’s done.

I’m 32 man, played Vanilla through early Cata and dipped because I felt it was going
downhill. Came back after a couple friends said Legion was great. Ive actually been enjoying BFA.

Yes I have some things I don’t like, but I don’t feel the game is dead or dying or in maintenance mode. MMOs passed their prime ages ago, where WoW currently stands is where it’ll be for some time to come IMO.

In regards to a “grind”, BFA isn’t a grind at all to me. Grinding FR for AQ was annoying. Grinding an attunement for BT was annoying. I haven’t really had to grind anything to remain competitive in BFA.


So this was a thinly veiled criticism of the game under the misguided understanding of what maintenance mode means? Neet!

As a new player (well, August 2018 so maybe 4 months) I think the game suits me fine. I don’t feel overwhelmed. I’m not confused or wondering what to do.

I agree with your great points about professions. Why should I do them? How will they help me?

The fact mobs level when I level seems strange. Actually, it just doesn’t make any sense. I should be able to curbstomp an entire area after going up 10 levels.

I am sorry to see another player leave and hope you find something you enjoy in your gaming life.

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Wait, what?.. so essentially your saying the company’s stance is, most people are raging trolls with poor internet connections therefore, there is no reason to get feedback at all from the customer base as they are walking out the door?

That’s the problem right there. Even if only 1 out of 5 proved to have useful constructive feedback, doesnt mean asking is any less valuable, in fact that info should be highly sought after. Even in regards to your first two buckets, you should be able to glean some useful info there as well. Customers aren’t raging or mad, just because, for no reason.

Also, if there are things out of Blizzards control causing people to leave, they should understand this metric as well so the can separate things they can influance vs. Cannot.

Not having an exit survey leaves a person feeling, “yeah, not only do we just not care, we cant be bothered to even ask you, bye, bye”. Imagine how that feels to someone who’s played 12+ years, invested thousands of dollars and spent hundreds of hours of /played.


They actually did. You had to have a level 70 and the DK started at 55.

Well what else do you expect Activision Blizzard to do when the subscriber count goes from 10 million in Wrath to 1 million in BFA. A controlled downward spiral is all they can manage at this point.

Nah, 70 is for DH. You only needed to be 55 for DKs. Though that hardly counts, basically everyone who bought WotLK would have had a 55 character. I more meant some kind of story quests you had to do to unlock them, like we have with Allied Races.

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No, no it’s not. Talk to Heroes of the Storm and get back to me.

yep, you’re right, my bad memory showing up again :slight_smile: Although they did have their own starter zone you had to do before you could leave, that basically told a story.