WoW is heading to a heavy RPG direction, not tryhards, numbers and contests

Or you know, I am using sims to find what build that I like does more dps.

If a build I dont like does more dps, I IGNORE THAT SIM just like i IGNORE THE META SLAVES

And I am even doing it rn now, I would probably have around 3-4k dps if I use different gems, trinket and corruption and talents yet I am not doing that because I dont like those builds : )

I know, hard to imagine someone doing that, imagine putting your enjoyment and personal build above meta slave min maxing xD

And i thought i was repetitive with my emoji. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Should i arrange a marriage proposal for how many times you used this phrase? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Actually a lot of people following meta actually make that kind of choice, losing a couple hundred or thousands dps might actually perform better in situations where you can’t really dps like the sim is doing. Which is not moving at all with no mechanics to dodge. You’re actually being super-meta here.

Also to clear it out, Ralph ignores me because he doesn’t like logic. It’s all about his personnal war with min/maxers. If you’re a min/maxer you’re wrong and should feel bad about yourself and quit having fun the way you’re having fun.

Sad thing it means he can’t counter also what I said. So he’s just making a fool of himself more :man_shrugging:

But you gotta give it up for the man, so much determination to make the game worse for others. When he could simply play like he’s playing and let min/maxers play like they want to play.


Well,that I agree,sometime simming and reading other builds are are wrong it is in the long run better to test it yourself.

But hey, where will we find the bride?

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Which is why people use logs, basicly trial and errors to find the best stuff. But sims can make some choices more obvious if the difference is too great. They can this way reduce the amount of trial and errors.

Look dude. You know what my point is. Eventually, you are going to reach a point where the content you can do is restricted by the concessions you make for the sake of fun/appearance. I wonder if the fact that your guild hasn’t successfully cleared the raid on a difficulty above normal has anything to do with the fact that they accept sub-par players :thinking:

But hey dude. At least they aren’t slaves to the meta amirite?

At this point you are dense, or trolling, so I’m out homes.

Yup.That what i do i don’t follow the elitists ,I may look at it but I wouldn’t follow it because they are set on a different standard than a player starting out or leveling their gear at a certain time.

But hey, we already found her. :laughing:

Sidney Buthey. :rofl:

I don’t even Sim and yet i’m getting the impression that he thinks i’m one of those min maxers or elites “meta salves”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, i know the mistake. Don’t care. The meta slaves are all medical salves now. :joy:

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I dont do m20s and blizzard balances the game enough to let everyone do a m15, after that it is epeen mode and it is irrelevant.

I guess you are blind xD

It is ok, you arent the first person to be blinded by the hatred of me :3

Good for an MMORPG making people feel like they’re playing an MMOPRG!

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who knows? it’s not really possible to say yet.

however, consider races in wow.

basically for any give class there is an ideal race (or two maybe) for pvp or pve, for the most part.

why should we assume covenants will be different.

The thing is once it has been tested, you could do your own test or just follow the guide of someone you trust. We do this all the time when we learn at school and read books. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not elitists to say that some knowledge is valid.

The problem, which Ralph has explained before is people not understanding why they do this, why they follow other people and just repeating the words without understanding the proof. But that doesn’t mean you’re an elitist if you do that, elitism is a concept totally different than most of the time what people use it on the forums.

Being an elitist is only believing that an elite exist and that elite is better than non-elite. You’re not an elitist for wanting to check the CV of someone before recruiting him. You’re just a normal human that likes to base his decisions on facts. Someone without the right tool or the right experience is a risk, while some risk can be good. Too much risk is wanting for a problem to happen.


imagine thinking retail is an rpg in any sense of the word (abbrev should i say) theres no “player agency” in retail at all. Classes are hardly unique anymore.


I honestly have to agree for the most part. It’s about on par as something like Fallout 4 where it’s more action based and has less RPG elements and actual choices, and more straightforward and linear.

While i did took his argument and flipped it around to show his general idea he’s trying to push out people because they like something that Ralph disliked is silly, because WoW caters to both audiences, just like how it does for both PvE and PvP
 i do genuinely believe that WoW as an RPG, isn’t all that great now-a-days, and i highly doubt Shadowlands will knock it out of the park.

But if it does, then i’l be pleasantly surprised. :slight_smile:

Now do i want RPG fans to play another RPG that isn’t WoW? No. I don’t have the power to take that away from them. They can do whatever they want along their happy with it. People can like WoW for a multitude of reasons, that being the lore, story, characters, maybe even the weak RPG elements.

So it is a judgement if the said group doesn’t like the risk they would set standards and one of them is builds .If a person has a different build that works well enough for example,a raid and had proven to finish it but is different than the common build ,what then? More like would be rejected to even try ,is this elitism? the person left out would see it so even when it may not be.

You can’t design a game, attempt to legitimately push esports into both pve and pvp aspects of said game, and then completely forego balance for the sake of “muh spirit of the r p g”, they’re completely contradictory design standpoints. World of Warcraft has an esports scene. kekw it all you want but it’s there, and there are people who take it seriously. Shadowlands covenants directly contradict that entire aspect of the game.

You literally cannot design an MMO to cater to both crowds simultaneously, it’s not possible.


To have a proof exist you need more than one paper, you need an accumulation of people agreeing with all of them having figured out the same facts.

If a spoon can work “well enough” to push a nail in, doesn’t mean that I should recruit someone nailing nails with a spoon for a big construction project. No I’m gonna use power tools and make people use power tools, because that construction project is also about time and efficiency.

That there is only if the proof is accurate to begin with no matter how much data you receive if it is false to beginning with it wouldn’t work at all. I have read ,even followed the requirements stats for raiding so many time in wh and icyveins that these standard fail every time especially when the ones doing them were not even of the spec nor the class. It’s more like hit the nail with a bunch of flowers.

Wish everyone would just report this troll without dragging on his threads.

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